# lettre
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This is an email library written in Rust.

## Features

Lettre provides the following features:

* Multiple transport methods
* Unicode support (for email content and addresses)
* Secure delivery with SMTP using encryption and authentication
* Easy email builders

## Documentation

Released versions:

* [latest]https://docs.rs/lettre/
* [v0.7.0]https://docs.rs/lettre/0.7.0/lettre/
* [v0.6.2]https://docs.rs/lettre/0.6.2/lettre/
* [v0.6.1]https://docs.rs/lettre/0.6.1/lettre/
* [v0.6.0]https://docs.rs/lettre/0.6.0/lettre/
* [v0.5.1]https://docs.rs/lettre/0.5.1/lettre/

## Install

This library requires rust 1.18 or newer.
To use this library, add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

lettre = "0.7"

## Testing

The tests require an open mail server listening locally on port 2525 and the `sendmail` command.

## License

This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for details.