lets-see-if-this-builds-on-docs-rs 0.0.2

A configurable, high-performance routing runtime for Apollo Federation ๐Ÿš€
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;

use tower::BoxError;
use tower::ServiceExt;

use crate::configuration::Configuration;
use crate::plugin::test::canned;
use crate::plugin::test::MockSubgraph;
use crate::plugin::DynPlugin;
use crate::plugin::Plugin;
use crate::plugin::PluginInit;
use crate::router_factory::SupergraphServiceConfigurator;
use crate::router_factory::YamlSupergraphServiceFactory;
use crate::services::execution;
use crate::services::subgraph;
use crate::services::supergraph;
use crate::services::RouterCreator;
use crate::Schema;

pub(crate) mod http_client;

/// Builder for the part of an Apollo Router that handles GraphQL requests, as a [`tower::Service`].
/// This allows tests, benchmarks, etc
/// to manipulate request and response objects in memory
/// without going over the network on the supergraph side.
/// On the subgraph side, this test harness never makes network requests to subgraphs
/// unless [`with_subgraph_network_requests`][Self::with_subgraph_network_requests] is called.
/// Compared to running a full [`RouterHttpServer`][crate::RouterHttpServer],
/// this test harness is lacking:
/// * Custom endpoints from plugins
/// * CORS (FIXME: should this include CORS?)
/// * HTTP compression
/// Example making a single request:
/// ```
/// use apollo_router::services::supergraph;
/// use apollo_router::TestHarness;
/// use tower::util::ServiceExt;
/// # #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), tower::BoxError> {
/// let config = serde_json::json!({"supergraph": { "introspection": false }});
/// let request = supergraph::Request::fake_builder()
///     // Request building here
///     .build()
///     .unwrap();
/// let response = TestHarness::builder()
///     .configuration_json(config)?
///     .build()
///     .await?
///     .oneshot(request)
///     .await?
///     .next_response()
///     .await
///     .unwrap();
/// # Ok(()) }
/// ```
pub struct TestHarness<'a> {
    schema: Option<&'a str>,
    configuration: Option<Arc<Configuration>>,
    extra_plugins: Vec<(String, Box<dyn DynPlugin>)>,
    subgraph_network_requests: bool,

// Not using buildstructor because `extra_plugin` has non-trivial signature and behavior
impl<'a> TestHarness<'a> {
    /// Creates a new builder.
    pub fn builder() -> Self {
        Self {
            schema: None,
            configuration: None,
            extra_plugins: Vec::new(),
            subgraph_network_requests: false,

    /// Specifies the (static) supergraph schema definition.
    /// Panics if called more than once.
    /// If this isnโ€™t called, a default โ€œcannedโ€ schema is used.
    /// It can be found in the Router repository at `apollo-router/testing_schema.graphql`.
    /// In that case, subgraph responses are overridden with some โ€œcannedโ€ data.
    pub fn schema(mut self, schema: &'a str) -> Self {
        assert!(self.schema.is_none(), "schema was specified twice");
        self.schema = Some(schema);

    /// Specifies the (static) router configuration.
    pub fn configuration(mut self, configuration: Arc<Configuration>) -> Self {
            "configuration was specified twice"
        self.configuration = Some(configuration);

    /// Specifies the (static) router configuration as a JSON value,
    /// such as from the `serde_json::json!` macro.
    pub fn configuration_json(
        configuration: serde_json::Value,
    ) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {

    /// Adds an extra, already instanciated plugin.
    /// May be called multiple times.
    /// These extra plugins are added after plugins specified in configuration.
    pub fn extra_plugin<P: Plugin>(mut self, plugin: P) -> Self {
        let type_id = std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
        let name = match crate::plugin::plugins()
            .find(|(_name, factory)| factory.type_id == type_id)
            Some((name, _factory)) => name.clone(),
            None => format!(

        self.extra_plugins.push((name, Box::new(plugin)));

    /// Adds a callback-based hook similar to [`Plugin::supergraph_service`]
    pub fn supergraph_hook(
        callback: impl Fn(supergraph::BoxService) -> supergraph::BoxService + Send + Sync + 'static,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Adds a callback-based hook similar to [`Plugin::execution_service`]
    pub fn execution_hook(
        callback: impl Fn(execution::BoxService) -> execution::BoxService + Send + Sync + 'static,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Adds a callback-based hook similar to [`Plugin::subgraph_service`]
    pub fn subgraph_hook(
        callback: impl Fn(&str, subgraph::BoxService) -> subgraph::BoxService + Send + Sync + 'static,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Enables this test harness to make network requests to subgraphs.
    /// If this is not called, all subgraph requests get an empty response by default
    /// (unless [`schema`][Self::schema] is also not called).
    /// This behavior can be changed by implementing [`Plugin::subgraph_service`]
    /// on a plugin given to [`extra_plugin`][Self::extra_plugin].
    pub fn with_subgraph_network_requests(mut self) -> Self {
        self.subgraph_network_requests = true;

    async fn build_common(self) -> Result<(Arc<Configuration>, RouterCreator), BoxError> {
        let builder = if self.schema.is_none() {
            self.subgraph_hook(|subgraph_name, default| match subgraph_name {
                "products" => canned::products_subgraph().boxed(),
                "accounts" => canned::accounts_subgraph().boxed(),
                "reviews" => canned::reviews_subgraph().boxed(),
                _ => default,
        } else {
        let builder = if builder.subgraph_network_requests {
        } else {
            builder.subgraph_hook(|_name, _default| {
                tower::service_fn(|request: subgraph::Request| {
                    let empty_response = subgraph::Response::builder()
        let config = builder.configuration.unwrap_or_default();
        let canned_schema = include_str!("../testing_schema.graphql");
        let schema = builder.schema.unwrap_or(canned_schema);
        let schema = Arc::new(Schema::parse(schema, &config)?);
        let router_creator = YamlSupergraphServiceFactory
            .create(config.clone(), schema, None, Some(builder.extra_plugins))
        Ok((config, router_creator))

    /// Builds the GraphQL service
    pub async fn build(self) -> Result<supergraph::BoxCloneService, BoxError> {
        let (_config, router_creator) = self.build_common().await?;
        Ok(tower::service_fn(move |request| {
            let service = router_creator.make();
            async move { service.oneshot(request).await }

    pub(crate) async fn build_http_service(self) -> Result<HttpService, BoxError> {
        use crate::axum_http_server_factory::make_axum_router;
        use crate::axum_http_server_factory::ListenAddrAndRouter;
        use crate::router_factory::SupergraphServiceFactory;

        let (config, router_creator) = self.build_common().await?;
        let web_endpoints = router_creator.web_endpoints();
        let routers = make_axum_router(router_creator, &config, web_endpoints)?;
        let ListenAddrAndRouter(_listener, router) = routers.main;

/// An HTTP-level service, as would be given to Hyperโ€™s server
pub(crate) type HttpService = tower::util::BoxService<

struct SupergraphServicePlugin<F>(F);
struct ExecutionServicePlugin<F>(F);
struct SubgraphServicePlugin<F>(F);

impl<F> Plugin for SupergraphServicePlugin<F>
    F: 'static + Send + Sync + Fn(supergraph::BoxService) -> supergraph::BoxService,
    type Config = ();

    async fn new(_: PluginInit<Self::Config>) -> Result<Self, BoxError> {

    fn supergraph_service(&self, service: supergraph::BoxService) -> supergraph::BoxService {

impl<F> Plugin for ExecutionServicePlugin<F>
    F: 'static + Send + Sync + Fn(execution::BoxService) -> execution::BoxService,
    type Config = ();

    async fn new(_: PluginInit<Self::Config>) -> Result<Self, BoxError> {

    fn execution_service(&self, service: execution::BoxService) -> execution::BoxService {

impl<F> Plugin for SubgraphServicePlugin<F>
    F: 'static + Send + Sync + Fn(&str, subgraph::BoxService) -> subgraph::BoxService,
    type Config = ();

    async fn new(_: PluginInit<Self::Config>) -> Result<Self, BoxError> {

    fn subgraph_service(
        subgraph_name: &str,
        service: subgraph::BoxService,
    ) -> subgraph::BoxService {
        (self.0)(subgraph_name, service)

/// a list of subgraphs with pregenerated responses
pub struct MockedSubgraphs(pub(crate) HashMap<&'static str, MockSubgraph>);

impl MockedSubgraphs {
    /// adds a mocked subgraph to the list
    pub fn insert(&mut self, name: &'static str, subgraph: MockSubgraph) {
        self.0.insert(name, subgraph);

impl Plugin for MockedSubgraphs {
    type Config = ();

    async fn new(_: PluginInit<Self::Config>) -> Result<Self, BoxError> {

    fn subgraph_service(
        subgraph_name: &str,
        default: subgraph::BoxService,
    ) -> subgraph::BoxService {
            .map(|service| service.clone().boxed())