lesspass 0.1.0

An efficient implementation of the LessPass password generator.


An (unofficial) fully featured Rust client for LessPass.

This client is focused on performances, and uses Ring behind the scenes.
Allocations were avoided wherever possible, and some parts of the password generation algorithms were sligthly changed to avoid needless allocations.


Generates LessPass-like passwords.

    lesspass.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

    -L, --no-lower          Exclude lowercase characters.
    -N, --no-numbers        Exclude numbers.
    -S, --no-symbols        Exclude symbols.
    -U, --no-upper          Exclude uppercase characters.
    -h, --help              Prints help information
    -E, --return-entropy    Return the entropy instead of generating a password.
        --sha256            Use SHA-256 for password generation.
        --sha384            Use SHA-384 for password generation.
        --sha512            Use SHA-512 for password generation.
    -V, --version           Prints version information

    -c, --counter <counter>          Arbitrary number used for password generation. [default: 1]
    -i, --iterations <iterations>    Number of iterations used for entropy generation. [default: 100000]
    -l, --length <length>            Length of the generated password. [default: 16]

    <website>     Target website.
    <login>       Username or email address.
    <password>    Master password used for fingerprint and password generation.

    Generate a password:
      lesspass example.org contact@example.org password

    Generate the fingerprint of a master password:
      lesspass password

    Generate a 32-characters password using SHA-512:
      echo password | lesspass example.org contact@example.org --sha512 -l 32

    Generate the entropy of a password, using 10,000 iterations:
      lesspass example.org contact@example.org password -i 10000 -E > entropy.txt

    Generate an alphanumeric password using the previously saved entropy:
      cat entropy.txt | lesspass -S

    The two previous examples are obviously equivalent to:
      lesspass example.org contact@example.org password -i 10000 -S


Although benchmarking against a Node.JS app is not very fair, the following results were obtained when generating a password.


$ lesspass example.org contact@example.org password -L 32
322 ms


$ lesspass example.org contact@example.org password -l 32
53 ms