leptos_meta 0.6.15

Tools to set HTML metadata in the Leptos web framework.
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# Leptos Meta Leptos Meta allows you to modify content in a document’s `` from within components using the [`Leptos`](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos) web framework. Document metadata is updated automatically when running in the browser. For server-side rendering, after the component tree is rendered to HTML, [`MetaContext::dehydrate`] can generate HTML that should be injected into the `` of the HTML document being rendered. ``` use leptos::*; use leptos_meta::*; #[component] fn MyApp() -> impl IntoView { // Provides a [`MetaContext`], if there is not already one provided. provide_meta_context(); let (name, set_name) = create_signal("Alice".to_string()); view! { <main> <input prop:value=move || name.get() on:input=move |ev| set_name.set(event_target_value(&ev)) /> </main> } } ``` # Feature Flags - `csr` Client-side rendering: Generate DOM nodes in the browser - `ssr` Server-side rendering: Generate an HTML string (typically on the server) - `hydrate` Hydration: use this to add interactivity to an SSRed Leptos app - `stable` By default, Leptos requires `nightly` Rust, which is what allows the ergonomics of calling signals as functions. Enable this feature to support `stable` Rust. **Important Note:** You must enable one of `csr`, `hydrate`, or `ssr` to tell Leptos which mode your app is operating in. </div> </div> </div></body> </html>