leptos_meta 0.1.3

Tools to set HTML metadata in the Leptos web framework.

//! # Leptos Meta
//! Leptos Meta allows you to modify content in a document’s `<head>` from within components
//! using the [Leptos](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos) web framework.
//! Document metadata is updated automatically when running in the browser. For server-side
//! rendering, after the component tree is rendered to HTML, [MetaContext::dehydrate] can generate
//! HTML that should be injected into the `<head>` of the HTML document being rendered.
//! ```
//! use leptos::*;
//! use leptos_meta::*;
//! #[component]
//! fn MyApp(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
//!   let (name, set_name) = create_signal(cx, "Alice".to_string());
//!   view! { cx,
//!     <Title
//!       // reactively sets document.title when `name` changes
//!       text=name
//!       // applies the `formatter` function to the `text` value
//!       formatter=|text| format!("“{text}” is your name")
//!     />
//!     <main>
//!       <input
//!         prop:value=name
//!         on:input=move |ev| set_name(event_target_value(&ev))
//!       />
//!     </main>
//!   }
//! }
//! ```
//! # Feature Flags
//! - `csr` Client-side rendering: Generate DOM nodes in the browser
//! - `ssr` Server-side rendering: Generate an HTML string (typically on the server)
//! - `hydrate` Hydration: use this to add interactivity to an SSRed Leptos app
//! - `stable` By default, Leptos requires `nightly` Rust, which is what allows the ergonomics
//!   of calling signals as functions. Enable this feature to support `stable` Rust.
//! **Important Note:** You must enable one of `csr`, `hydrate`, or `ssr` to tell Leptos
//! which mode your app is operating in.

use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use std::{
    cell::{Cell, RefCell},

use leptos::{leptos_dom::debug_warn, *};

mod link;
mod meta_tags;
mod script;
mod style;
mod stylesheet;
mod title;
pub use link::*;
pub use meta_tags::*;
pub use script::*;
pub use style::*;
pub use stylesheet::*;
pub use title::*;

/// Contains the current state of meta tags. To access it, you can use [use_head].
/// This should generally by provided somewhere in the root of your application using
/// [provide_meta_context].
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct MetaContext {
    pub(crate) title: TitleContext,
    pub(crate) tags: MetaTagsContext,

/// Manages all of the element created by components.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub(crate) struct MetaTagsContext {
    next_id: Rc<Cell<MetaTagId>>,
    els: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<String, (HtmlElement<AnyElement>, Scope, Option<web_sys::Element>)>>>,

impl std::fmt::Debug for MetaTagsContext {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

impl MetaTagsContext {
    #[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
            .map(|(_, (builder_el, cx, _))| builder_el.clone().into_view(*cx).render_to_string(*cx))

    pub fn register(&self, cx: Scope, id: String, builder_el: HtmlElement<AnyElement>) {
        cfg_if! {
            if #[cfg(any(feature = "csr", feature = "hydrate"))] {
                use leptos::document;

                let element_to_hydrate = document()

                let el = element_to_hydrate.unwrap_or_else({
                    let builder_el = builder_el.clone();
                    move || {
                        let head = document().head().unwrap_throw();


                on_cleanup(cx, {
                    let el = el.clone();
                    let els = self.els.clone();
                    let id = id.clone();
                    move || {
                        let head = document().head().unwrap_throw();
                        _ = head.remove_child(&el);

                    .insert(id, (builder_el.into_any(), cx, Some(el)));

            } else {
                self.els.borrow_mut().insert(id, (builder_el, cx, None));

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct MetaTagId(usize);

impl MetaTagsContext {
    fn get_next_id(&self) -> MetaTagId {
        let current_id = self.next_id.get();
        let next_id = MetaTagId(current_id.0 + 1);

/// Provides a [MetaContext], if there is not already one provided. This ensures that you can provide it
/// at the highest possible level, without overwriting a [MetaContext] that has already been provided
/// (for example, by a server-rendering integration.)
pub fn provide_meta_context(cx: Scope) {
    if use_context::<MetaContext>(cx).is_none() {
        provide_context(cx, MetaContext::new());

/// Returns the current [MetaContext].
/// If there is no [MetaContext] in this [Scope](leptos::Scope) or any parent scope, this will
/// create a new [MetaContext] and provide it to the current scope.
/// Note that this may cause confusing behavior, e.g., if multiple nested routes independently
/// call `use_head()` but a single [MetaContext] has not been provided at the application root.
/// The best practice is always to call [provide_meta_context] early in the application.
pub fn use_head(cx: Scope) -> MetaContext {
    match use_context::<MetaContext>(cx) {
        None => {
                "use_head() is being called without a MetaContext being provided. \
            We'll automatically create and provide one, but if this is being called in a child \
            route it may cause bugs. To be safe, you should provide_meta_context(cx) \
            somewhere in the root of the app."
            let meta = MetaContext::new();
            provide_context(cx, meta.clone());
        Some(ctx) => ctx,

impl MetaContext {
    /// Creates an empty [MetaContext].
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    #[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
    /// Converts the existing metadata tags into HTML that can be injected into the document head.
    /// This should be called *after* the app’s component tree has been rendered into HTML, so that
    /// components can set meta tags.
    /// ```
    /// use leptos::*;
    /// use leptos_meta::*;
    /// # #[cfg(not(any(feature = "csr", feature = "hydrate")))] {
    /// run_scope(create_runtime(), |cx| {
    ///   provide_context(cx, MetaContext::new());
    ///   let app = view! { cx,
    ///     <main>
    ///       <Title text="my title"/>
    ///       <Stylesheet href="/style.css"/>
    ///       <p>"Some text"</p>
    ///     </main>
    ///   };
    ///   // `app` contains only the body content w/ hydration stuff, not the meta tags
    ///   assert_eq!(
    ///      app.into_view(cx).render_to_string(cx),
    ///      "<main id=\"_0-1\"><!--hk=_0-2c|leptos-unit--><!--hk=_0-4c|leptos-unit--><p id=\"_0-5\">Some text</p></main>"
    ///   );
    ///   // `MetaContext::dehydrate()` gives you HTML that should be in the `<head>`
    ///   assert_eq!(use_head(cx).dehydrate(), "<title>my title</title><link id=\"leptos-link-1\" href=\"/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" leptos-hk=\"_0-3\"/>")
    /// });
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn dehydrate(&self) -> String {
        let prev_key = HydrationCtx::peek();
        let mut tags = String::new();

        // Title
        if let Some(title) = self.title.as_string() {


/// Describes a value that is either a static or a reactive string, i.e.,
/// a [String], a [&str], or a reactive `Fn() -> String`.
pub struct TextProp(Rc<dyn Fn() -> String>);

impl TextProp {
    fn get(&self) -> String {

impl Debug for TextProp {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

impl From<String> for TextProp {
    fn from(s: String) -> Self {
        TextProp(Rc::new(move || s.clone()))

impl From<&str> for TextProp {
    fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
        let s = s.to_string();
        TextProp(Rc::new(move || s.clone()))

impl<F> From<F> for TextProp
    F: Fn() -> String + 'static,
    fn from(s: F) -> Self {