lens-rs_derive 0.1.11

macro to derive lens for data type
# Overview

deriving lens for custom data types.

## Example

#[derive(Review, Prism, Debug)]

enum AnEnum<T> {
    A(T, i32),
    #[optic] B(T),

#[derive(Lens, Debug)]

struct Foo {
    #[optic] a: i32,
    #[optic] b: i32,

fn test() -> Option<()> {
    let x = optics!(Some.B).review(Foo {
        a: 3,
        b: 2,
    assert_eq!(optics!(Some.B.b).pm(x)?, 2);

## Limitation

* can't derive `Lens` for enum.
* can't derive `Prism` and `Review` for the variant has more than one argument or has named field.