legion 0.4.0

High performance entity component system (ECS) library
//! Contains types related to the definition of systems.

use std::{any::TypeId, borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, marker::PhantomData};

use bit_set::BitSet;

use super::{
    resources::{Resource, ResourceSet, ResourceTypeId, UnsafeResources},
use crate::internals::{
    cons::{ConsAppend, ConsFlatten},
        view::{read::Read, write::Write, IntoView, View},
        component::{Component, ComponentTypeId},
    subworld::{ArchetypeAccess, ComponentAccess, SubWorld},
    world::{World, WorldId},

/// Provides an abstraction across tuples of queries for system closures.
pub trait QuerySet: Send + Sync {
    /// Evaluates the queries and records which archetypes they require access to into a bitset.
    fn filter_archetypes(&mut self, world: &World, archetypes: &mut BitSet);

macro_rules! queryset_tuple {
    ($head_ty:ident) => {
    ($head_ty:ident, $( $tail_ty:ident ),*) => (
        impl_queryset_tuple!($head_ty, $( $tail_ty ),*);
        queryset_tuple!($( $tail_ty ),*);

macro_rules! impl_queryset_tuple {
    ($($ty: ident),*) => {
            #[allow(unused_parens, non_snake_case)]
            impl<$( $ty, )*> QuerySet for ($( $ty, )*)
                $( $ty: QuerySet, )*
                fn filter_archetypes(&mut self, world: &World, bitset: &mut BitSet) {
                    let ($($ty,)*) = self;

                    $( $ty.filter_archetypes(world, bitset); )*

#[cfg(feature = "extended-tuple-impls")]
queryset_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z);

#[cfg(not(feature = "extended-tuple-impls"))]
queryset_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);

impl QuerySet for () {
    fn filter_archetypes(&mut self, _: &World, _: &mut BitSet) {}

impl<AV, AF> QuerySet for Query<AV, AF>
    AV: IntoView + Send + Sync,
    AF: EntityFilter,
    fn filter_archetypes(&mut self, world: &World, bitset: &mut BitSet) {
        for &ArchetypeIndex(arch) in self.find_archetypes(world) {
            bitset.insert(arch as usize);

/// Structure describing the resource and component access conditions of the system.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SystemAccess {
    resources: Permissions<ResourceTypeId>,
    components: Permissions<ComponentTypeId>,

/// A diagnostic identifier for a system.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct SystemId {
    name: Cow<'static, str>,
    type_id: TypeId,

struct Unspecified;

impl std::fmt::Display for SystemId {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.name)

impl<T: Into<Cow<'static, str>>> From<T> for SystemId {
    fn from(name: T) -> SystemId {
        SystemId {
            name: name.into(),
            type_id: TypeId::of::<Unspecified>(),

struct ResourceMarker<T>(PhantomData<*const T>);
unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for ResourceMarker<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for ResourceMarker<T> {}

/// The concrete type which contains the system closure provided by the user.  This struct should
/// not be constructed directly, and instead should be created using `SystemBuilder`.
/// Implements `Schedulable` which is consumable by the `StageExecutor`, executing the closure.
/// Also handles caching of archetype information, as well as maintaining the provided
/// information about what queries this system will run and, as a result, its data access.
pub struct System<R, Q, F> {
    name: Option<SystemId>,
    _resources: ResourceMarker<R>,
    queries: Q,
    run_fn: F,
    archetypes: ArchetypeAccess,
    access: SystemAccess,
    command_buffer: HashMap<WorldId, CommandBuffer>,

impl<R, Q, F> Runnable for System<R, Q, F>
    R: for<'a> ResourceSet<'a>,
    Q: QuerySet,
    F: SystemFn<R, Q>,
    fn name(&self) -> Option<&SystemId> {

    fn reads(&self) -> (&[ResourceTypeId], &[ComponentTypeId]) {

    fn writes(&self) -> (&[ResourceTypeId], &[ComponentTypeId]) {

    fn prepare(&mut self, world: &World) {
        if let ArchetypeAccess::Some(bitset) = &mut self.archetypes {
            self.queries.filter_archetypes(world, bitset);

    fn accesses_archetypes(&self) -> &ArchetypeAccess {

    fn command_buffer_mut(&mut self, world: WorldId) -> Option<&mut CommandBuffer> {

    unsafe fn run_unsafe(&mut self, world: &World, resources: &UnsafeResources) {
        // safety:
        // It is difficult to correctly communicate the lifetime of the resource fetch through to the system closure.
        // We are hacking this by passing the fetch with a static lifetime to its internal references.
        // This is sound because the fetch structs only provide access to the resource through reborrows on &self.
        // As the fetch struct is created on the stack here, and the resources it is holding onto is a parameter to this function,
        // we know for certain that the lifetime of the fetch struct (which constrains the lifetime of the resource the system sees)
        // must be shorter than the lifetime of the resource.
        let resources_static = &*(resources as *const UnsafeResources);
        let mut resources = R::fetch_unchecked(resources_static);

        let queries = &mut self.queries;
        let component_access = ComponentAccess::Allow(Cow::Borrowed(&self.access.components));
        let mut world_shim =
            SubWorld::new_unchecked(world, component_access, self.archetypes.bitset());
        let cmd = self
            .or_insert_with(|| CommandBuffer::new(world));

        let borrow = &mut self.run_fn;
        borrow.run(cmd, &mut world_shim, &mut resources, queries);

/// A function which can provide the body of a system.
pub trait SystemFn<R: ResourceSet<'static>, Q: QuerySet> {
    /// Runs the system body.
    fn run(
        &mut self,
        commands: &mut CommandBuffer,
        world: &mut SubWorld,
        resources: &mut R::Result,
        queries: &mut Q,

impl<F, R, Q> SystemFn<R, Q> for F
    R: ResourceSet<'static>,
    Q: QuerySet,
    F: FnMut(&mut CommandBuffer, &mut SubWorld, &mut R::Result, &mut Q) + 'static,
    fn run(
        &mut self,
        commands: &mut CommandBuffer,
        world: &mut SubWorld,
        resources: &mut R::Result,
        queries: &mut Q,
    ) {
        (self)(commands, world, resources, queries)

// This builder uses a Cons/Hlist implemented in cons.rs to generated the static query types
// for this system. Access types are instead stored and abstracted in the top level vec here
// so the underlying ResourceSet type functions from the queries don't need to allocate.
// Otherwise, this leads to excessive alloaction for every call to reads/writes

/// A low level builder for constructing systems.
/// ```rust
/// # use legion::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Static;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct TestResource {}
/// let mut system_one = SystemBuilder::new("TestSystem")
///     .read_resource::<TestResource>()
///     .with_query(
///         <(Entity, Read<Position>, Read<Model>)>::query()
///             .filter(!component::<Static>() | maybe_changed::<Position>()),
///     )
///     .build(
///         move |commands, world, resource, queries| {
///             for (entity, pos, model) in queries.iter_mut(world) {}
///         },
///     );
/// ```
pub struct SystemBuilder<Q = (), R = ()> {
    name: Option<SystemId>,
    queries: Q,
    resources: R,
    resource_access: Permissions<ResourceTypeId>,
    component_access: Permissions<ComponentTypeId>,
    access_all_archetypes: bool,

impl SystemBuilder<(), ()> {
    /// Create a new system builder to construct a new system.
    /// Please note, the `name` argument for this method is just for debugging and visualization
    /// purposes and is not logically used anywhere.
    pub fn new<T: Into<SystemId>>(name: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: Some(name.into()),

impl Default for SystemBuilder<(), ()> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            name: None,
            queries: (),
            resources: (),
            resource_access: Permissions::default(),
            component_access: Permissions::default(),
            access_all_archetypes: false,

impl<Q, R> SystemBuilder<Q, R>
    Q: 'static + Send + ConsFlatten,
    R: 'static + ConsFlatten,
    /// Provides a name to the system being built.
    pub fn with_name(self, name: SystemId) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: Some(name),

    /// Defines a query to provide this system for its execution. Multiple queries can be provided,
    /// and queries are cached internally for efficiency for filtering and archetype ID handling.
    /// It is best practice to define your queries here, to allow for the caching to take place.
    /// These queries are then provided to the executing closure as a tuple of queries.
    pub fn with_query<V, F>(
        mut self,
        query: Query<V, F>,
    ) -> SystemBuilder<<Q as ConsAppend<Query<V, F>>>::Output, R>
        V: IntoView,
        F: 'static + EntityFilter,
        Q: ConsAppend<Query<V, F>>,

        SystemBuilder {
            name: self.name,
            queries: ConsAppend::append(self.queries, query),
            resources: self.resources,
            resource_access: self.resource_access,
            component_access: self.component_access,
            access_all_archetypes: self.access_all_archetypes,

    /// Flag this resource type as being read by this system.
    /// This will inform the dispatcher to not allow any writes access to this resource while
    /// this system is running. Parralel reads still occur during execution.
    pub fn read_resource<T>(mut self) -> SystemBuilder<Q, <R as ConsAppend<Read<T>>>::Output>
        T: 'static + Resource,
        R: ConsAppend<Read<T>>,
        <R as ConsAppend<Read<T>>>::Output: ConsFlatten,

        SystemBuilder {
            name: self.name,
            queries: self.queries,
            resources: ConsAppend::append(self.resources, Read::<T>::default()),
            resource_access: self.resource_access,
            component_access: self.component_access,
            access_all_archetypes: self.access_all_archetypes,

    /// Flag this resource type as being written by this system.
    /// This will inform the dispatcher to not allow any parallel access to this resource while
    /// this system is running.
    pub fn write_resource<T>(mut self) -> SystemBuilder<Q, <R as ConsAppend<Write<T>>>::Output>
        T: 'static + Resource,
        R: ConsAppend<Write<T>>,
        <R as ConsAppend<Write<T>>>::Output: ConsFlatten,

        SystemBuilder {
            name: self.name,
            queries: self.queries,
            resources: ConsAppend::append(self.resources, Write::<T>::default()),
            resource_access: self.resource_access,
            component_access: self.component_access,
            access_all_archetypes: self.access_all_archetypes,

    /// This performs a soft resource block on the component for writing. The dispatcher will
    /// generally handle dispatching read and writes on components based on archetype, allowing
    /// for more granular access and more parallelization of systems.
    /// Using this method will mark the entire component as read by this system, blocking writing
    /// systems from accessing any archetypes which contain this component for the duration of its
    /// execution.
    /// This type of access with `SubWorld` is provided for cases where sparse component access
    /// is required and searching entire query spaces for entities is inefficient.
    pub fn read_component<T>(mut self) -> Self
        T: Component,
        self.access_all_archetypes = true;


    /// This performs a exclusive resource block on the component for writing. The dispatcher will
    /// generally handle dispatching read and writes on components based on archetype, allowing
    /// for more granular access and more parallelization of systems.
    /// Using this method will mark the entire component as written by this system, blocking other
    /// systems from accessing any archetypes which contain this component for the duration of its
    /// execution.
    /// This type of access with `SubWorld` is provided for cases where sparse component access
    /// is required and searching entire query spaces for entities is inefficient.
    pub fn write_component<T>(mut self) -> Self
        T: Component,
        self.access_all_archetypes = true;


    /// Builds a system which is not `Schedulable`, as it is not thread safe (!Send and !Sync),
    /// but still implements all the calling infrastructure of the `Runnable` trait. This provides
    /// a way for legion consumers to leverage the `System` construction and type-handling of
    /// this build for thread local systems which cannot leave the main initializing thread.
    pub fn build<F>(
        run_fn: F,
    ) -> System<<R as ConsFlatten>::Output, <Q as ConsFlatten>::Output, F>
        <R as ConsFlatten>::Output: for<'a> ResourceSet<'a>,
        <Q as ConsFlatten>::Output: QuerySet,
        F: FnMut(
            &mut CommandBuffer,
            &mut SubWorld,
            &mut <<R as ConsFlatten>::Output as ResourceSet<'static>>::Result,
            &mut <Q as ConsFlatten>::Output,
        System {
            name: self.name,
            _resources: ResourceMarker(PhantomData),
            queries: self.queries.flatten(),
            archetypes: if self.access_all_archetypes {
            } else {
            access: SystemAccess {
                resources: self.resource_access,
                components: self.component_access,
            command_buffer: HashMap::default(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{
        internals::{query::IntoQuery, systems::system::SystemBuilder},
        Resources, Schedule,

    fn subworld_split_in_system_read() {
        struct Ball;
        struct Paddle;
        struct Transform;

        let mut world = World::default();
        let mut resources = Resources::default();

        world.push((Ball, Transform));
        world.push((Paddle, Transform));
        world.push((Paddle, Transform));

        let system = SystemBuilder::new("PaddleSystem")
            .with_query(<(&mut Ball, &Transform)>::query())
            .with_query(<(&Paddle, &Transform)>::query())
            .build(|_, world, _, (ball_query, paddle_query)| {
                let (mut balls, paddles) = world.split_for_query(ball_query);

                for _ in ball_query.iter_mut(&mut balls) {
                    for _ in paddle_query.iter(&paddles) {}

        let mut schedule = Schedule::builder().add_thread_local(system).build();
        schedule.execute(&mut world, &mut resources);