legion-core 0.2.4

High performance entity component system (ECS) library
use crate::borrow::RefIter;
use crate::borrow::RefIterMut;
use crate::borrow::RefMap;
use crate::borrow::RefMapMut;
use crate::borrow::RefMapMutSet;
use crate::borrow::RefMapSet;
use crate::borrow::TryRefIter;
use crate::borrow::TryRefIterMut;
use crate::entity::Entity;
use crate::filter::And;
use crate::filter::ArchetypeFilterData;
use crate::filter::ChunkFilterData;
use crate::filter::ChunksetFilterData;
use crate::filter::ComponentFilter;
use crate::filter::EntityFilter;
use crate::filter::EntityFilterTuple;
use crate::filter::Filter;
use crate::filter::FilterResult;
use crate::filter::Passthrough;
use crate::filter::TagFilter;
use crate::index::ChunkIndex;
use crate::index::{ArchetypeIndex, SetIndex};
#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
use crate::iterator::{FissileEnumerate, FissileIterator};
use crate::storage::ArchetypeData;
use crate::storage::Component;
use crate::storage::ComponentStorage;
use crate::storage::ComponentTypeId;
use crate::storage::Tag;
use crate::storage::TagTypeId;
use crate::subworld::{ComponentAccess, StorageAccessor};
use crate::{permission::Permissions, world::EntityStore};
use derivative::Derivative;
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::iter::Enumerate;
use std::iter::Repeat;
use std::iter::Take;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::slice::Iter;
use std::slice::IterMut;

#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
use rayon::{
    iter::plumbing::{bridge_unindexed, Folder, UnindexedConsumer, UnindexedProducer},

/// A type which can fetch a strongly-typed view of the data contained
/// within a chunk.
pub trait View<'a>: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
    /// The iterator over the chunk data.
    type Iter: Iterator + 'a;

    /// Pulls data out of a chunk.
    fn fetch(
        archetype: &'a ArchetypeData,
        chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
        chunk_index: ChunkIndex,
        set_index: SetIndex,
    ) -> Self::Iter;

    /// Validates that the view does not break any component borrowing rules.
    fn validate() -> bool;

    /// Determines if the given component access includes all permissions required by the view.
    fn validate_access(access: &ComponentAccess) -> bool;

    /// Determines if the view reads the specified data type.
    fn reads<T: Component>() -> bool;

    /// Determines if the view writes to the specified data type.
    fn writes<T: Component>() -> bool;

    /// Returns the set of permissions required by the view.
    fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId>;

/// A type which can construct a default entity filter.
pub trait DefaultFilter {
    /// The type of entity filter constructed.
    type Filter: EntityFilter;

    /// constructs an entity filter.
    fn filter() -> Self::Filter;

pub trait ReadOnly {}

pub trait ViewElement {
    type Component;

/// Converts a `View` into a `Query`.
pub trait IntoQuery: DefaultFilter + for<'a> View<'a> {
    /// Converts the `View` type into a `Query`.
    fn query() -> Query<Self, <Self as DefaultFilter>::Filter>;

impl<T: DefaultFilter + for<'a> View<'a>> IntoQuery for T {
    fn query() -> Query<Self, <Self as DefaultFilter>::Filter> {
        if !Self::validate() {
            panic!("invalid view, please ensure the view contains no duplicate component types");

        Query {
            view: PhantomData,
            filter: Self::filter(),

/// Reads a single entity data component type from a chunk.
#[derive(Derivative, Debug)]
#[derivative(Default(bound = ""))]
pub struct Read<T: Component>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Component> ReadOnly for Read<T> {}
impl<T: Component> Copy for Read<T> {}
impl<T: Component> Clone for Read<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }

impl<'a, T: Component> DefaultFilter for Read<T> {
    type Filter = EntityFilterTuple<ComponentFilter<T>, Passthrough, Passthrough>;

    fn filter() -> Self::Filter { super::filter::filter_fns::component() }

impl<'a, T: Component> View<'a> for Read<T> {
    type Iter = RefIter<'a, T, Iter<'a, T>>;

    fn fetch(
        _: &'a ArchetypeData,
        chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
        _: ChunkIndex,
        _: SetIndex,
    ) -> Self::Iter {
        let (slice_borrow, slice) = unsafe {
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        "Component of type {:?} not found in chunk when fetching Read view",
        RefIter::new(slice_borrow, slice.iter())

    fn validate() -> bool { true }

    fn reads<D: Component>() -> bool { TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<D>() }

    fn writes<D: Component>() -> bool { false }

    fn validate_access(access: &ComponentAccess) -> bool {

    fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId> {
        let mut permissions = Permissions::new();

impl<T: Component> ViewElement for Read<T> {
    type Component = T;

/// Reads a single entity data component type from a chunk, if it's present.
#[derive(Derivative, Debug)]
#[derivative(Default(bound = ""))]
pub struct TryRead<T: Component>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Component> ReadOnly for TryRead<T> {}

impl<T: Component> Copy for TryRead<T> {}
impl<T: Component> Clone for TryRead<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }

impl<'a, T: Component> DefaultFilter for TryRead<T> {
    type Filter = EntityFilterTuple<Passthrough, Passthrough, Passthrough>;

    fn filter() -> Self::Filter { super::filter::filter_fns::passthrough() }

impl<'a, T: Component> View<'a> for TryRead<T> {
    type Iter = TryRefIter<'a, T, Iter<'a, T>>;

    fn fetch(
        _: &'a ArchetypeData,
        chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
        _: ChunkIndex,
        _: SetIndex,
    ) -> Self::Iter {
        unsafe {
                .map(|x| {
                    let (borrow, slice) = x.data_slice::<T>().deconstruct();
                    TryRefIter::found(borrow, slice.iter())
                .unwrap_or_else(|| TryRefIter::missing(chunk.len()))

    fn validate() -> bool { true }

    fn reads<D: Component>() -> bool { TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<D>() }

    fn writes<D: Component>() -> bool { false }

    fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId> {
        let mut permissions = Permissions::new();

    fn validate_access(access: &ComponentAccess) -> bool {

impl<T: Component> ViewElement for TryRead<T> {
    type Component = T;

/// Writes to a single entity data component type from a chunk.
#[derive(Derivative, Debug)]
#[derivative(Default(bound = ""))]
pub struct Write<T: Component>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Component> Copy for Write<T> {}
impl<T: Component> Clone for Write<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }

impl<'a, T: Component> DefaultFilter for Write<T> {
    type Filter = EntityFilterTuple<ComponentFilter<T>, Passthrough, Passthrough>;

    fn filter() -> Self::Filter { super::filter::filter_fns::component() }

impl<'a, T: Component> View<'a> for Write<T> {
    type Iter = RefIterMut<'a, T, IterMut<'a, T>>;

    fn fetch(
        _: &'a ArchetypeData,
        chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
        _: ChunkIndex,
        _: SetIndex,
    ) -> Self::Iter {
        let (slice_borrow, slice) = unsafe {
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        "Component of type {:?} not found in chunk when fetching Write view",
        RefIterMut::new(slice_borrow, slice.iter_mut())

    fn validate() -> bool { true }

    fn reads<D: Component>() -> bool { TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<D>() }

    fn writes<D: Component>() -> bool { TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<D>() }

    fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId> {
        let mut permissions = Permissions::new();

    fn validate_access(access: &ComponentAccess) -> bool {

impl<T: Component> ViewElement for Write<T> {
    type Component = T;

/// Writes a single entity data component type from a chunk, if it's present.
#[derive(Derivative, Debug)]
#[derivative(Default(bound = ""))]
pub struct TryWrite<T: Component>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Component> Copy for TryWrite<T> {}
impl<T: Component> Clone for TryWrite<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }

impl<'a, T: Component> DefaultFilter for TryWrite<T> {
    type Filter = EntityFilterTuple<Passthrough, Passthrough, Passthrough>;

    fn filter() -> Self::Filter { super::filter::filter_fns::passthrough() }

impl<'a, T: Component> View<'a> for TryWrite<T> {
    type Iter = TryRefIterMut<'a, T, IterMut<'a, T>>;

    fn fetch(
        _: &'a ArchetypeData,
        chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
        _: ChunkIndex,
        _: SetIndex,
    ) -> Self::Iter {
        unsafe {
                .map(|x| {
                    let (borrow, slice) = x.data_slice_mut::<T>().deconstruct();
                    TryRefIterMut::found(borrow, slice.iter_mut())
                .unwrap_or_else(|| TryRefIterMut::missing(chunk.len()))

    fn validate() -> bool { true }

    fn reads<D: Component>() -> bool { TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<D>() }

    fn writes<D: Component>() -> bool { TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<D>() }

    fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId> {
        let mut permissions = Permissions::new();

    fn validate_access(access: &ComponentAccess) -> bool {

impl<T: Component> ViewElement for TryWrite<T> {
    type Component = T;

/// Reads a single shared data component type in a chunk.
pub struct Tagged<T: Tag>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Tag> ReadOnly for Tagged<T> {}

impl<T: Tag> Copy for Tagged<T> {}
impl<T: Tag> Clone for Tagged<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }

impl<'a, T: Tag> DefaultFilter for Tagged<T> {
    type Filter = EntityFilterTuple<TagFilter<T>, Passthrough, Passthrough>;

    fn filter() -> Self::Filter { super::filter::filter_fns::tag() }

impl<'a, T: Tag> View<'a> for Tagged<T> {
    type Iter = Take<Repeat<&'a T>>;

    fn fetch(
        archetype: &'a ArchetypeData,
        chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
        _: ChunkIndex,
        SetIndex(set_index): SetIndex,
    ) -> Self::Iter {
        let data = unsafe {
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        "Component of type {:?} not found in archetype when fetching Tagged view",

    fn validate() -> bool { true }

    fn reads<D: Component>() -> bool { false }

    fn writes<D: Component>() -> bool { false }

    fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId> { Permissions::new() }

    fn validate_access(_: &ComponentAccess) -> bool { true }

impl<T: Tag> ViewElement for Tagged<T> {
    type Component = Tagged<T>;

macro_rules! impl_view_tuple {
    ( $( $ty: ident ),* ) => {
        impl<$( $ty: ViewElement + DefaultFilter ),*> DefaultFilter for ($( $ty, )*) {
            type Filter = EntityFilterTuple<
                And<($( <$ty::Filter as EntityFilter>::ArchetypeFilter, )*)>,
                And<($( <$ty::Filter as EntityFilter>::ChunksetFilter, )*)>,
                And<($( <$ty::Filter as EntityFilter>::ChunkFilter, )*)>,

            fn filter() -> Self::Filter {
                $( let $ty = $ty::filter().into_filters(); )*
                    And { filters: ($( $ty.0, )*) },
                    And { filters: ($( $ty.1, )*) },
                    And { filters: ($( $ty.2, )*) },

        impl<$( $ty: ReadOnly ),* > ReadOnly for ($( $ty, )*) {}

        impl<$( $ty: ViewElement ),*> ViewElement for ($( $ty, )*) {
            type Component = ($( $ty::Component, )*);

        impl<'a, $( $ty: ViewElement + View<'a> ),* > View<'a> for ($( $ty, )*) {
            type Iter = crate::zip::Zip<($( $ty::Iter, )*)>;

            fn fetch(
                archetype: &'a ArchetypeData,
                chunk: &'a ComponentStorage,
                chunk_index: ChunkIndex,
                set_index: SetIndex,
            ) -> Self::Iter {
                crate::zip::multizip(($( $ty::fetch(archetype.clone(), chunk.clone(), chunk_index, set_index), )*))

            fn validate() -> bool {
                let types = &[$( TypeId::of::<$ty::Component>() ),*];
                for i in 0..types.len() {
                    for j in (i + 1)..types.len() {
                        if unsafe { types.get_unchecked(i) == types.get_unchecked(j) } {
                            return false;


            fn validate_access(access: &ComponentAccess) -> bool {
                $( $ty::validate_access(access) )&&*

            fn reads<Data: Component>() -> bool {
                $( $ty::reads::<Data>() )||*

            fn writes<Data: Component>() -> bool {
                $( $ty::writes::<Data>() )||*

            fn requires_permissions() -> Permissions<ComponentTypeId> {
                let mut permissions = Permissions::new();
                $( permissions.add($ty::requires_permissions()); )*

impl_view_tuple!(A, B);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K);
impl_view_tuple!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L);

/// A type-safe view of a chunk of entities all of the same data layout.
pub struct Chunk<'a, V: for<'b> View<'b>> {
    archetype: &'a ArchetypeData,
    components: &'a ComponentStorage,
    chunk_index: ChunkIndex,
    set_index: SetIndex,
    view: PhantomData<V>,

impl<'a, V: for<'b> View<'b>> Chunk<'a, V> {
    pub fn new(archetype: &'a ArchetypeData, set_index: SetIndex, chunk_index: ChunkIndex) -> Self {
        Self {
            components: unsafe {
            view: PhantomData,

    /// Get a slice of all entities contained within the chunk.
    pub fn entities(&self) -> &'a [Entity] { self.components.entities() }

    /// Get an iterator of all data contained within the chunk.
    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> <V as View<'a>>::Iter {

    /// Get an iterator of all data and entity IDs contained within the chunk.
    pub fn iter_entities_mut(&mut self) -> ZipEntities<'a, V> {
        ZipEntities {
            entities: self.entities(),
            data: V::fetch(
            index: 0,
            view: PhantomData,

    /// Get a tag value.
    pub fn tag<T: Tag>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
            .map(|tags| unsafe { tags.data_slice::<T>() })
            .map(|slice| unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(*self.set_index) })

    /// Get a slice of component data.
    /// # Panics
    /// This method performs runtime borrow checking. It will panic if
    /// any other code is concurrently writing to the data slice.
    pub fn components<T: Component>(&self) -> Option<RefMap<'a, &[T]>> {
        if !V::reads::<T>() {
            panic!("data type not readable via this query");
            .map(|c| unsafe { c.data_slice::<T>() })

    /// Get a mutable slice of component data.
    /// # Panics
    /// This method performs runtime borrow checking. It will panic if
    /// any other code is concurrently accessing the data slice.
    pub fn components_mut<T: Component>(&self) -> Option<RefMapMut<'a, &mut [T]>> {
        if !V::writes::<T>() {
            panic!("data type not writable via this query");
            .map(|c| unsafe { c.data_slice_mut::<T>() })

/// An iterator which yields view data tuples and entity IDs from a `Chunk`.
pub struct ZipEntities<'data, V: View<'data>> {
    entities: &'data [Entity],
    data: <V as View<'data>>::Iter,
    index: usize,
    view: PhantomData<V>,

impl<'data, V: View<'data>> Iterator for ZipEntities<'data, V> {
    type Item = (Entity, <V::Iter as Iterator>::Item);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(data) = self.data.next() {
            let i = self.index;
            self.index += 1;
            unsafe { Some((*self.entities.get_unchecked(i), data)) }
        } else {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let len = self.entities.len() - self.index;
        (len, Some(len))

/// An iterator over all chunks that match a given query.
pub struct ChunkViewIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    _view: PhantomData<V>,
    storage: StorageAccessor<'data>,
    arch_filter: &'filter FArch,
    chunkset_filter: &'filter FChunkset,
    chunk_filter: &'filter FChunk,
    archetypes: Enumerate<FArch::Iter>,
    set_frontier: Option<(&'data ArchetypeData, Take<Enumerate<FChunkset::Iter>>)>,
    chunk_frontier: Option<(
        &'data ArchetypeData,

impl<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    ChunkViewIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    fn next_set(&mut self) -> Option<(&'data ArchetypeData, SetIndex)> {
        loop {
            // if we are looping through an archetype, find the next set
            if let Some((ref arch, ref mut chunks)) = self.set_frontier {
                for (set_index, filter_data) in chunks {
                    if self.chunkset_filter.is_match(&filter_data).is_pass() {
                        return Some((arch, SetIndex(set_index)));

            // we have completed the current set, find the next one
            loop {
                match self.archetypes.next() {
                    Some((arch_index, arch_data)) => {
                        if self.arch_filter.is_match(&arch_data).is_pass() {
                            // validate that we are allowed to access this archetype
                            if !self
                                    "query attempted to access archetype unavailable via sub world"
                            // we have found another set
                            self.set_frontier = {
                                let chunks = unsafe {
                                let data = ChunksetFilterData {
                                    archetype_data: chunks,

                    // there are no more sets
                    None => return None,

impl<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk> Iterator
    for ChunkViewIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    type Item = Chunk<'data, V>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            // if we are looping through a set, then yield the next chunk
            if let Some((ref arch, set_index, ref mut set)) = self.chunk_frontier {
                for (chunk_index, filter_data) in set {
                    if self.chunk_filter.is_match(&filter_data).is_pass() {
                        return Some(Chunk::new(arch, set_index, ChunkIndex(chunk_index)));

            // we have completed the set, find the next
            if let Some((ref arch, set_index)) = self.next_set() {
                let chunks = unsafe { arch.chunkset_unchecked(set_index) }.occupied();
                self.chunk_frontier = Some((
                        .collect(ChunkFilterData { chunks })
            } else {
                return None;

// An iterator which iterates through all entity data in all chunks.
pub struct ChunkDataIter<'data, V, I>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Chunk<'data, V>>,
    iter: I,
    frontier: Option<<V as View<'data>>::Iter>,
    _view: PhantomData<V>,

impl<'data, V, I> Iterator for ChunkDataIter<'data, V, I>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Chunk<'data, V>>,
    type Item = <<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            if let Some(ref mut inner) = self.frontier {
                if let elt @ Some(_) = inner.next() {
                    return elt;
            match self.iter.next() {
                Some(mut inner) => self.frontier = Some(inner.iter_mut()),
                None => return None,

/// An iterator which iterates through all entity data in all chunks, zipped with entity ID.
pub struct ChunkEntityIter<'data, V, I>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Chunk<'data, V>>,
    iter: I,
    frontier: Option<ZipEntities<'data, V>>,
    _view: PhantomData<V>,

impl<'data, 'query, V, I> Iterator for ChunkEntityIter<'data, V, I>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    I: Iterator<Item = Chunk<'data, V>>,
    type Item = (Entity, <<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            if let Some(ref mut inner) = self.frontier {
                if let elt @ Some(_) = inner.next() {
                    return elt;
            match self.iter.next() {
                Some(mut inner) => self.frontier = Some(inner.iter_entities_mut()),
                None => return None,

/// Queries for entities within a `World`.
/// # Examples
/// Queries can be constructed from any `View` type, including tuples of `View`s.
/// ```rust
/// # use legion_core::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// // A query which matches any entity with a `Position` component
/// let mut query = Read::<Position>::query();
/// // A query which matches any entity with both a `Position` and a `Velocity` component
/// let mut query = <(Read<Position>, Read<Velocity>)>::query();
/// ```
/// The view determines what data is accessed, and whether it is accessed mutably or not.
/// ```rust
/// # use legion_core::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// // A query which writes `Position`, reads `Velocity` and reads `Model`
/// // Tags are read-only, and is distinguished from entity data reads with `Tagged<T>`.
/// let mut query = <(Write<Position>, Read<Velocity>, Tagged<Model>)>::query();
/// ```
/// By default, a query will filter its results to include only entities with the data
/// types accessed by the view. However, additional filters can be specified if needed:
/// ```rust
/// # use legion_core::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Static;
/// // A query which also requires that entities have the `Static` tag
/// let mut query = <(Read<Position>, Tagged<Model>)>::query().filter(tag::<Static>());
/// ```
/// Filters can be combined with bitwise operators:
/// ```rust
/// # use legion_core::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Static;
/// // This query matches entities with positions and a model
/// // But it also requires that the entity is not static, or has moved (even if static)
/// let mut query = <(Read<Position>, Tagged<Model>)>::query()
///     .filter(!tag::<Static>() | changed::<Position>());
/// ```
/// Filters can be iterated through to pull data out of a `World`:
/// ```rust
/// # use legion_core::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// # let universe = Universe::new();
/// # let mut world = universe.create_world();
/// // A query which writes `Position`, reads `Velocity` and reads `Model`
/// // Tags are read-only, and is distinguished from entity data reads with `Tagged<T>`.
/// let mut query = <(Write<Position>, Read<Velocity>, Tagged<Model>)>::query();
/// for (mut pos, vel, model) in query.iter_mut(&mut world) {
///     // `.iter` yields tuples of references to a single entity's data:
///     // pos: &mut Position
///     // vel: &Velocity
///     // model: &Model
/// }
/// ```
/// The lower level `iter_chunks_mut` function allows access to each underlying chunk of entity data.
/// This allows you to run code for each tag value, or to retrieve a contiguous data slice.
/// ```rust
/// # use legion_core::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Position;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Velocity;
/// # #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// # struct Model;
/// # let universe = Universe::new();
/// # let mut world = universe.create_world();
/// let mut query = <(Write<Position>, Read<Velocity>, Tagged<Model>)>::query();
/// for chunk in query.iter_chunks_mut(&mut world) {
///     let model = chunk.tag::<Model>();
///     let positions = chunk.components_mut::<Position>();
///     let velocities = chunk.components::<Velocity>();
/// }
/// ```
/// The `ChunkView` yielded from `iter_chunks_mut` allows access to all shared data in the chunk (queried for or not),
/// but entity data slices can only be accessed if they were requested in the query's view. Attempting to access
/// other data types, or attempting to write to components that were only requested via a `Read` will panic.
#[derivative(Clone(bound = "F: Clone"))]
pub struct Query<V: for<'a> View<'a>, F: EntityFilter> {
    view: PhantomData<V>,
    pub filter: F,

impl<V, F> Query<V, F>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    F: EntityFilter,
    /// Adds an additional filter to the query.
    pub fn filter<T: EntityFilter>(self, filter: T) -> Query<V, <F as std::ops::BitAnd<T>>::Output>
        F: std::ops::BitAnd<T>,
        <F as std::ops::BitAnd<T>>::Output: EntityFilter,
        Query {
            view: self.view,
            filter: self.filter & filter,

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all chunks that match the query.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    pub unsafe fn iter_chunks_unchecked<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data T,
    ) -> ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter> {
        let (arch_filter, chunkset_filter, chunk_filter) = self.filter.filters();
        let storage = world.get_component_storage::<V>().unwrap();
        let archetypes = arch_filter
            .collect(ArchetypeFilterData {
                component_types: storage.inner().component_types(),
                tag_types: storage.inner().tag_types(),
        ChunkViewIter {
            set_frontier: None,
            chunk_frontier: None,
            _view: PhantomData,

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all chunks that match the query.
    pub fn iter_chunks<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data T,
    ) -> ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>
        V: ReadOnly,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.iter_chunks_unchecked(world) }

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all chunks that match the query.
    pub fn iter_chunks_mut<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data mut T,
    ) -> ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter> {
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.iter_chunks_unchecked(world) }

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all entity data that matches the query, and also yields the the `Entity` IDs.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    pub unsafe fn iter_entities_unchecked<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data T,
    ) -> ChunkEntityIter<
        ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>,
    > {
        ChunkEntityIter {
            iter: self.iter_chunks_unchecked(world),
            frontier: None,
            _view: PhantomData,

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all entity data that matches the query, and also yields the the `Entity` IDs.
    pub fn iter_entities<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data T,
    ) -> ChunkEntityIter<
        ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>,
        V: ReadOnly,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.iter_entities_unchecked(world) }

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all entity data that matches the query, and also yields the the `Entity` IDs.
    pub fn iter_entities_mut<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data mut T,
    ) -> ChunkEntityIter<
        ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>,
    > {
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.iter_entities_unchecked(world) }

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    pub unsafe fn iter_unchecked<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data T,
    ) -> ChunkDataIter<
        ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>,
    > {
        ChunkDataIter {
            iter: self.iter_chunks_unchecked(world),
            frontier: None,
            _view: PhantomData,

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    pub fn iter<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data T,
    ) -> ChunkDataIter<
        ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>,
        V: ReadOnly,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.iter_unchecked(world) }

    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    pub fn iter_mut<'a, 'data, T: EntityStore>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data mut T,
    ) -> ChunkDataIter<
        ChunkViewIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>,
    > {
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.iter_unchecked(world) }

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    pub unsafe fn for_each_entities_unchecked<'a, 'data, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'data W, mut f: T)
        T: Fn((Entity, <<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item)),
        W: EntityStore,
        for mut chunk in self.iter_chunks_unchecked(world) {
            chunk.iter_entities_mut().for_each(&mut f)

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    pub fn for_each_entities<'a, 'data, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'data W, f: T)
        T: Fn((Entity, <<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item)),
        V: ReadOnly,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.for_each_entities_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    pub fn for_each_entities_mut<'a, 'data, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'data mut W, f: T)
        T: Fn((Entity, <<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item)),
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.for_each_entities_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    pub unsafe fn for_each_unchecked<'a, 'data, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'data W, mut f: T)
        T: Fn(<<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item),
        W: EntityStore,
        for mut chunk in self.iter_chunks_unchecked(world) {
            chunk.iter_mut().for_each(&mut f)

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    pub fn for_each<'a, 'data, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'data W, f: T)
        T: Fn(<<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item),
        V: ReadOnly,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.for_each_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query.
    pub fn for_each_mut<'a, 'data, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'data mut W, f: T)
        T: Fn(<<V as View<'data>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item),
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.for_each_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Returns a RefMapSet of all components of a given type. This simplifies getting a slice of
    /// references to all components of type T that match the filter. This can be useful for passing
    /// to other libraries or FFI.
    pub fn components<'a, T: Component, W: EntityStore>(
        world: &'a W,
    ) -> RefMapSet<'a, Vec<&'a T>> {
        if !V::reads::<T>() {
            panic!("data type not readable via this query");

        let mut borrows = vec![];
        let mut refs = vec![];
        let storage = world.get_component_storage::<Read<T>>().unwrap().inner();

        unsafe {
                .flat_map(|archetype_index| {
                .map(|x| x.deconstruct())
                .for_each(|(borrow, slice)| {

        RefMapSet::new(borrows, refs)

    /// Returns a RefMapMutSet of all components of a given type. This simplifies getting a slice of
    /// mutable refs to all components of type T that match the filter.
    pub fn components_mut<'a, T: Component, W: EntityStore>(
        world: &'a mut W,
    ) -> RefMapMutSet<'a, Vec<&'a mut T>> {
        if !V::writes::<T>() {
            panic!("data type not writable via this query");

        let mut borrows = vec![];
        let mut refs = vec![];
        let storage = world.get_component_storage::<Read<T>>().unwrap().inner();

        unsafe {
                .flat_map(|archetype_index| {
                .map(|x| x.deconstruct())
                .for_each(|(borrow, slice)| {

        RefMapMutSet::new(borrows, refs)

    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all chunks that match the query in parallel.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    pub unsafe fn par_iter_chunks_unchecked<'a, 'data, W>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data W,
    ) -> ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        let (arch_filter, chunkset_filter, chunk_filter) = self.filter.filters();
        let storage = world.get_component_storage::<V>().unwrap();
        let archetypes = FissileEnumerate::new(arch_filter.collect(ArchetypeFilterData {
            component_types: storage.inner().component_types(),
            tag_types: storage.inner().tag_types(),
        ChunkViewParIter {
            set_frontier: None,
            chunk_frontier: None,
            _view: PhantomData,

    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all chunks that match the query in parallel.
    pub fn par_iter_chunks<'a, 'data, W>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data W,
    ) -> ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        V: ReadOnly,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.par_iter_chunks_unchecked(world) }

    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    /// Gets an iterator which iterates through all chunks that match the query in parallel.
    pub fn par_iter_chunks_mut<'a, 'data, W>(
        &'a self,
        world: &'data mut W,
    ) -> ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'a, V, F::ArchetypeFilter, F::ChunksetFilter, F::ChunkFilter>
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.par_iter_chunks_unchecked(world) }

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query in parallel.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub unsafe fn par_entities_for_each_unchecked<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a W, f: T)
        T: Fn((Entity, <<V as View<'a>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item)) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        self.par_for_each_chunk_unchecked(world, |mut chunk| {
            for data in chunk.iter_entities_mut() {

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query in parallel.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub fn par_entities_for_each<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a W, f: T)
        T: Fn((Entity, <<V as View<'a>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item)) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        V: ReadOnly,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.par_entities_for_each_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query in parallel.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub fn par_entities_for_each_mut<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a mut W, f: T)
        T: Fn((Entity, <<V as View<'a>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item)) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.par_entities_for_each_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query in parallel.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub unsafe fn par_for_each_unchecked<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a W, f: T)
        T: Fn(<<V as View<'a>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        self.par_for_each_chunk_unchecked(world, |mut chunk| {
            for data in chunk.iter_mut() {

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query in parallel.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub fn par_for_each<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a W, f: T)
        T: Fn(<<V as View<'a>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        V: ReadOnly,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.par_for_each_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all entity data that matches the query in parallel.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub fn par_for_each_mut<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a mut W, f: T)
        T: Fn(<<V as View<'a>>::Iter as Iterator>::Item) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.par_for_each_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all chunks that match the query in parallel.
    /// Does not perform static borrow checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// The normal borrowing restrictions apply for the duration of the iteration:
    /// * Components borrowed with `Read` access must not be borrowed mutably elsewhere.
    /// * Components borrowed with `Write` access must not be borrowed elsewhere at all.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if other code is concurrently accessing the same components.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub unsafe fn par_for_each_chunk_unchecked<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a W, f: T)
        T: Fn(Chunk<'a, V>) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        let par_iter = self.par_iter_chunks_unchecked(world);
        ParallelIterator::for_each(par_iter, |chunk| {

    /// Iterates through all chunks that match the query in parallel.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub fn par_for_each_chunk<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a W, f: T)
        T: Fn(Chunk<'a, V>) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        V: ReadOnly,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the view can only read data immutably
        unsafe { self.par_for_each_chunk_unchecked(world, f) };

    /// Iterates through all chunks that match the query in parallel.
    #[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
    pub fn par_for_each_chunk_mut<'a, T, W>(&'a self, world: &'a mut W, f: T)
        T: Fn(Chunk<'a, V>) + Send + Sync,
        <F::ArchetypeFilter as Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunksetFilter as Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        <F::ChunkFilter as Filter<ChunkFilterData<'a>>>::Iter: FissileIterator,
        W: EntityStore,
        // safe because the &mut World ensures exclusivity
        unsafe { self.par_for_each_chunk_unchecked(world, f) };

/// An iterator over all chunks that match a given query.
#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
pub struct ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    FArch::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunkset::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunk::Iter: FissileIterator,
    _view: PhantomData<V>,
    storage: StorageAccessor<'data>,
    arch_filter: &'filter FArch,
    chunkset_filter: &'filter FChunkset,
    chunk_filter: &'filter FChunk,
    archetypes: FissileEnumerate<FArch::Iter>,
    set_frontier: Option<(
        &'data ArchetypeData,
    chunk_frontier: Option<(
        &'data ArchetypeData,

#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
impl<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    FArch::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunkset::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunk::Iter: FissileIterator,
    fn next_set(&mut self) -> Option<(&'data ArchetypeData, SetIndex)> {
        loop {
            // if we are looping through an archetype, find the next set
            if let Some((ref arch, ref mut chunks, index_bound)) = self.set_frontier {
                for (set_index, filter_data) in chunks {
                    if set_index < index_bound
                        && self.chunkset_filter.is_match(&filter_data).is_pass()
                        return Some((arch, SetIndex(set_index)));

            // we have completed the current set, find the next one
            loop {
                match self.archetypes.next() {
                    Some((arch_index, arch_data)) => {
                        if self.arch_filter.is_match(&arch_data).is_pass() {
                            // validate that we are allowed to access this archetype
                            if !self
                                    "query attempted to access archetype unavailable via sub world"
                            // we have found another set
                            self.set_frontier = {
                                let arch = unsafe {
                                let data = ChunksetFilterData {
                                    archetype_data: arch,

                    // there are no more sets
                    None => return None,

#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
impl<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk> Iterator
    for ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    FArch::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunkset::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunk::Iter: FissileIterator,
    type Item = Chunk<'data, V>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            // if we are looping through a set, then yield the next chunk
            if let Some((ref arch, set_index, ref mut set, index_bound)) = self.chunk_frontier {
                for (chunk_index, filter_data) in set {
                    if chunk_index < index_bound
                        && self.chunk_filter.is_match(&filter_data).is_pass()
                        return Some(Chunk::new(arch, set_index, ChunkIndex(chunk_index)));

            // we have completed the set, find the next
            if let Some((ref arch, set_index)) = self.next_set() {
                let chunks = unsafe { arch.chunkset_unchecked(set_index) }.occupied();
                self.chunk_frontier = Some((
                    FissileEnumerate::new(self.chunk_filter.collect(ChunkFilterData { chunks })),
            } else {
                return None;

#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
impl<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk> ParallelIterator
    for ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    FArch::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunkset::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunk::Iter: FissileIterator,
    type Item = Chunk<'data, V>;

    fn drive_unindexed<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
        C: UnindexedConsumer<Self::Item>,
        bridge_unindexed(self, consumer)

#[cfg(feature = "par-iter")]
impl<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk> UnindexedProducer
    for ChunkViewParIter<'data, 'filter, V, FArch, FChunkset, FChunk>
    V: for<'a> View<'a>,
    FArch: Filter<ArchetypeFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunkset: Filter<ChunksetFilterData<'data>>,
    FChunk: Filter<ChunkFilterData<'data>>,
    FArch::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunkset::Iter: FissileIterator,
    FChunk::Iter: FissileIterator,
    type Item = Chunk<'data, V>;

    fn split(self) -> (Self, Option<Self>) {
        let Self {
        } = self;

        let (left_archetypes, right_archetypes, arch_size) = archetypes.split();

        let (left_set, right_set, set_size) = if let Some((data, iter, bound)) = set_frontier {
            let (left_iter, right_iter, iter_size) = iter.split();
                Some((data, left_iter, bound)),
                Some((data, right_iter, bound)),
        } else {
            (None, None, 0)

        let (left_chunk, right_chunk, chunk_size) =
            if let Some((data, idx, iter, bound)) = chunk_frontier {
                let (left_iter, right_iter, iter_size) = iter.split();
                    Some((data, idx, left_iter, bound)),
                    Some((data, idx, right_iter, bound)),
            } else {
                (None, None, 0)

        let right_split = Self {
            storage: storage.clone(),
            archetypes: right_archetypes,
            set_frontier: right_set,
            chunk_frontier: right_chunk,

        if arch_size + set_size + chunk_size == 0 {
            (right_split, None)
        } else {
                Self {
                    archetypes: left_archetypes,
                    set_frontier: left_set,
                    chunk_frontier: left_chunk,
    fn fold_with<F>(self, folder: F) -> F
        F: Folder<Self::Item>,