leemaze 0.1.0

A generalized Lee Algorithm - Fastest Flood Fill Path type - solver for 2d, 3d, 4d or even 5d binary block mazes (5d Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<Vec<bool>>>>>). # Convert your data into a vector maze of wall trues and open falses. Take the boolean maze, a list of allowed directional moves, and entrance and exit and get Some(Vec<shortest_usized_index_of_direction_choices>).
  • Feature flags
  • Feature flags are not available for this release because it was built before features were collected by docs.rs.


There is very little structured metadata to build this page from currently. You should check the main library docs, readme, or Cargo.toml in case the author documented the features in them.

Feature flags are not available for this release because it was built before features were collected by docs.rs.