leechbar 0.1.0

A library for building your own bar on top of XCB


Warning: This crate is WIP and might have some big changes in the future.

Leechbar is a crate for creating your own bar/panel/dock.

The goal of leechbar is to provide a library that allows creating a completely custom bar. The purpose is not simplicity. So if you don't plan on using more than just simple text, you might want to look at something like lemonbar instead.


This crate can be installed through crates.io and can be used by adding it to your Cargo.toml.

leechbar = "0.1.0"


These snippets just touch the basics of using leechbar, for more complete examples you can take a look at the github repository.

The first thing that needs to be done for using leechbar, is setting up the bar configuration itself. This is done using the BarBuilder struct.

use leechbar::BarBuilder;

// All method calls that take parameters are optional
    .background_color(255, 0, 255, 255)
    .font("Fira Mono Medium 14")

After creating a configuration using BarBuilder, you have to add your components to the bar. This is a little more complicated, because you need to implement the Component trait.

use leechbar::{BarBuilder, Component, Text, Background, ComponentPosition, Alignment};
use std::time::Duration;

struct MyComponent;

// You can define your own custom components like this
impl Component for MyComponent {
    // No background image
    fn background(&mut self) -> Option<Background> {

    // Print "Hello, World!" as text
    fn text(&mut self) -> Option<Text> {
        Some(Text::new(String::from("Hello, World")))

    // First element on the left side
    fn position(&mut self) -> ComponentPosition {
        ComponentPosition::new(Alignment::CENTER, 0)

    // Do this only once
    fn timeout(&mut self) -> Option<Duration> {

    // Ignore all events
    fn event(&mut self) {}

// Create a new bar
let mut bar = BarBuilder::new().spawn().unwrap();
// Add an instance of your component to your bar
// Start the event loop that handles all X events