led_bargraph 0.2.0

A Rust library & application for the Adafruit Bi-Color (Red/Green) 24-Bar Bargraph w/I2C Backpack Kit.

LED Bargraph

Version info Documentation Build Status Average time to resolve an issue Percentage of issues still open

A Rust library & application for the Adafruit Bi-Color (Red/Green) 24-Bar Bargraph w/I2C Backpack Kit.

User Guide

LED Bargraph.

    led-bargraph clear
    led-bargraph set <value> <range>
    led-bargraph (-h | --help)

    clear   Clear the display.
    set     Display the value against the range.

    value   The value to display.
    range   The range of the bar graph to display.

    -h --help               Show this screen.
    --i2c-path=<path>       Path to the I2C device [default: /dev/i2c-1].
    --i2c-address=<N>       Address of the I2C device, in decimal [default: 112].
    --bargraph-size=<N>     Size of the bargraph [default: 24].


With cargo (Linux, OSX, Windows)

led-bargraph can be installed via cargo:

cargo install led-bargraph

Make sure that you use Rust 1.24 or higher.

From binaries (Linux, OSX, Windows)

Download the corresponding archive from the Releases page.

  • HT16K33 should initialize itself before being passed to Bargraph, and Bargraph just verifies that it's usable.

Supported Rust Versions

See the top of the Travis configuration file for the oldest, and other, supported Rust versions.

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
    • 32 & 64bit
    • gnu & musl
  • OSX
    • 64bit


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.