leaf 0.0.1

Machine Learning Framework
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Leaf • Join the chat at https://gitter.im/autumnai/leaf Build Status Coverage Status Crates.io License

A modular, fast and open Deep Learning Framework for distributed state of the art Deep Learning on both {C, G}PUs

For more information see the Documentation.

Getting Started

Disclaimer: Leaf is currently in a very early and heavy stage of development. If you are experiencing any bugs that are not due to not yet implemented features, feel free to create a issue.

If you're using Cargo, just add Leaf to your Cargo.toml:

leaf = "0.0.1"

If you're using Cargo Edit, you can call:

$ cargo add leaf


Want to contribute? Awesome! We have instructions to help you get started contributing code or documentation.

Leaf has a mostly real-time collaboration culture and happens here on Github and on the Leaf Gitter Channels. You can also reach out to the Maintainers {@MJ, @hobofan}.


You can find examples at Leaf Examples. Leaf Examples provides a CLI, so you can run popular Deep Learning examples with Leaf right from the command line.


Leaf is released under the MIT License.