ldtk2 0.6.0

A thin crate for people who just want to use ldtk files freely
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# ldtk2

A thin crate for people who just want to use ldtk files freely.

## Why did I create this nonsense?

- [LDtk-rs]https://github.com/katharostech/LDtk-rs <strike>uses code generation, it does not get autocomplete support from rust-analyzer.</strike> Also, there are [special license]https://github.com/katharostech/katharos-license restrictions on using that crate.
- [ldtk_rust]https://github.com/estivate/ldtk_rust uses `.except()` inside the crate, you can't handle errors.

## Supported LDtk file versions


## Usage

cargo add ldtk2

use std::{error::Error, path::Path, convert::TryInto};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
  use ldtk2::Ldtk;

  let map = Ldtk::from_path("tests/example.ldtk")?;
  // or
  let map: Ldtk = Path::new("tests/example.ldtk").try_into()?;
  // or
  let map = Ldtk::from_str(include_str!("../tests/example.ldtk"))?;
  // or
  let map: Ldtk = include_str!("../tests/example.ldtk").try_into()?;
