ld_preload 0.1.1

Easily use LD_PRELOAD in your Rust libraries.


ld_preload is a library meant for easily creating LD_PRELOAD constructors and destructors, like one would use __attribute__((constructor)) and __attribute((destructor)) for in CXX with GCC. This has only been tested to work with GNU/Linux.


In order to use the library, use the macros:

extern crate ld_preload;

ld_preload_init {
    println!("Hello, Ferris!");

ld_preload_deinit {
    println!("Goodbye, Ferris!");

Then you need to set lib.crate-type to ["cdylib"] to compile it.

To use it, you may do something along these lines: LD_PRELOAD=./target/release/libLIBNAME.so echo "I love Ferris!"

It may also be useful to set profile.dev.panic and profile.release.panic to "abort".