lcd 0.4.0-alpha.0

Hitachi HD44780-compatible LCD screen support for embedded development
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Library that implements low-level protocol to the Hitachi HD44780-compatible LCD device.

Provides high-level API to the Hitachi HD44780-compatible LCD device. Uses 4-bit mode by default (only uses 4 data pins) plus two control pins (R/S and EN). R/W pin is not used and should be wired for "write" (low-level, 0).

The implementation is completely stateless. Client is free to reuse the same Display object or to create one every time access to LCD is required.

Display also implements core::fmt::Write trait, so it could be used as a target of write! macro.

This library does not depend on std crate and could be used in bare metal embedded development.


use core::fmt::Write; // for write!
use lcd::*;

// implement HAL...
struct HW {
    // any data needed to access low-level peripherals

// implement `Hardware` trait to give access to LCD pins
impl Hardware for HW {
    fn rs(&self, bit: bool) {
        // should set R/S pin on LCD screen
    fn enable(&self, bit: bool) {
        // should set EN pin on LCD screen
    fn data(&self, data: u8) {
        // should set data bits to the LCD screen (only lowest 4 bits are used in 4-bit mode).

    // optionally, override the following function to switch to 8-bit mode
    fn mode(&self) -> lcd::FunctionMode {

// implement `Delay` trait to allow library to sleep for the given amount of time
impl Delay for HW {
    fn delay_us(&self, delay_usec: u32) {
        // should sleep for the given amount of microseconds

// optionally, implement `InputCapableHardware` to enable polling busy flag instead of delay
impl InputCapableHardware for HW {
    fn rw(&self, bit: bool) {
        // configure pins for input _before_ setting R/W to 1
        // configure pins for output _after_ setting R/W to 0
    fn read_data(&self) -> u8 {
        0 // read data from the port

// create HAL and LCD instances
let hw = HW { /* ... */ };
let mut lcd = Display::new(&hw);

// initialization
lcd.init(FunctionLine::Line2, FunctionDots::Dots5x8);
lcd.entry_mode(EntryModeDirection::EntryRight, EntryModeShift::NoShift);

// print something
write!(&mut lcd, "Hello, my number today is {: >4}", 42).unwrap();

See lcd-example-bluepill for the working example for the Blue Pill development board.


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