lazysort 0.1.1

Lazy sorting for iterators
# Lazysort

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Adds a method to iterators that returns a sorted iterator over the data.  The sorting is achieved lazily using a quicksort algorithm.

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## Usage

extern crate lazysort;

use lazysort::Sorted;

use lazysort::SortedBy;

use lazysort::SortedPartial;

The `Sorted` trait adds a method `sorted` to all `Iterator<T: Ord>` which returns an iterator over the same data in default order.

The `SortedBy` trait adds a method `sorted_by` to all `Iterator<T>` which returns an iterator over the same data ordered according to the provided closure of type `|T, T| -> Ordering`

The `SortedPartial` trait adds a method `sorted_partial` to all `Iterator<T: PartialOrd>` which returns an iterator over the same data in the default order.  The method takes a parameter `first` which decides whether non-comparable values should be first or last in the results.

For example:

let data: Vec<uint> = vec![9, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4];
for x in data.iter().sorted() {
	println!("{}", x);

Will print: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 9

A more complex example.  Sort strings by length, then in default string order:

let before: Vec<&str> = vec!["a", "cat", "sat", "on", "the", "mat"];
before.iter().sorted_by(|a, b| {
    match a.len().cmp(&b.len()) {
        Equal => a.cmp(b),
        x => x

This returns an iterator which yields: `a`, `on`, `cat`, `mat`, `sat`, `the`.

## Implementation details and performance

The algorithm is essentially the same as described in my blog post [using a lazy sort as an example of Clojure's lazy sequences](  But made to fit in with Rust's iterators.

The full sequence from the parent iterator is read, then each call to `next` returns the next value in the sorted sequence.  The sort is done element-by-element so the full order is only realised by iterating all the way through to the end.

Previous versions did not use an in-place sort, in keeping as they were with Clojure's immutable data-structures.  The latest version however does sort in-place.

To summarise, the algorithm is the classic quicksort, but essentially depth-first; upon each call to `next` it does the work necessary to find the next item then pauses the state until the next call to `next`.

Because of the overhead to track state, using this approach to sort a full vector is slower than the `sort` function from the standard library:

test tests::c_lazy_bench     ... bench:   7,118,158 ns/iter (+/- 932,210)
test tests::c_standard_bench ... bench:   3,444,925 ns/iter (+/- 622,050)

These benchmarks are for sorting 50,000 random `uint`s in the range 0 <= x < 1000000.  Run `cargo bench` to run them.

So what's the point of lazy sorting?  As per the linked blog post, they're useful when you do not need or intend to need every value; for example you may only need the first 1,000 ordered values from a larger set.

Comparing the lazy approach `data.iter().sorted().take(x)` vs a standard approach of sorting a vector then taking the first `x` values gives the following.

The first 1,000 out of 50,000:

test tests::a_lazy_bench     ... bench:     870,714 ns/iter (+/- 719,407)
test tests::a_standard_bench ... bench:   3,258,039 ns/iter (+/- 588,378)

The lazy approach is quite a bit faster; this is due to the 50,000 only being sorted enough to identify the first 1,000, the rest remain unsorted.

The first 10,000 out of 50,000:

test tests::b_lazy_bench     ... bench:   2,153,426 ns/iter (+/- 833,863)
test tests::b_standard_bench ... bench:   3,294,165 ns/iter (+/- 501,366)

The lazy approach is still faster, slightly.

## License

Licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.