lava 0.1.0

Wrapper for the Vulkan API

Lava: a Rust wrapper for the Vulkan API

Wrapper to manipulate the Vulkan API more conveniently than with bindings:

  • removes the need to specify the structure type when sending structures to Vulkan
  • takes care of making double Vulkan calls when necessary (e.g when retrieving a list of Vulkan objects)
  • returns objects retrieved by Vulkan in a Result<T, VkResult> instead of returning them via a pointer
  • allows to manipulate references, slices and options instead of pointers
  • exposes the API in an object-oriented way (e.g instance.enumerate_physical_devices() instead of enumerate_physical_devices(&instance))
  • removes the extension suffix from function and data-structure names
  • puts all data-structures with the same extension in a dedicated module
  • bit flags are exposed as structures instead of integers
  • all structures have a default value, allowing to "auto-complete" large structure with optional fields using ..Default::default()
  • manages the calls to vkGetInstanceProcAddr to manipulate functions that are not exposed statically
  • provides a generic create_surface method to create surfaces

It comes with the following restrictions (that should be lifted in the future):

  • no way to provide allocator callbacks
  • no way to set the pNext field of structures (always set to NULL)
  • debug report callbacks only forward the message to the Rust user-provided function (other pieces of information are unavailable)
  • no exposed constants for validation layer names or extension names

Lava works by letting the developer manipulate "wrapped" data structures, which it converts to "raw" data-structures expected by Vulkan (and the other way around when retrieving objects from Vulkan). It means that there is a small overhead in each API call.


This code display the name of each of the physical GPUs of the machine:

let instance = Vk::create_instance(&VkInstanceCreateInfo {
    flags: VkInstanceCreateFlags::none(),
    application_info: Some(&VkApplicationInfo {
        application_name: Some("lava-example"),
        application_version: 1,
        engine_name: None,
        engine_version: 1,
        api_version: VkVersion(1, 0, 0),
    enabled_layer_names: &["VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"],
    enabled_extension_names: &["VK_EXT_debug_report"]
}).expect("Failed to create instance");

let debug_report_callback = instance.create_debug_report_callback(&VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfo {
    flags: VkDebugReportFlags {
        warning: true,
        error: true,
    callback: |msg : String| println!("{}", msg)
}).expect("Faield to create debug callback");

let physical_devices = instance.enumerate_physical_devices().expect("Failed to retrieve physical devices");

for physical_device in &physical_devices {
    let properties = physical_device.get_properties();

    println!("{}", properties.device_name);


This snippet shows how to create a surface from a GLFW window:

// We assume that `window` is a pointer to a GLFWwindow, as described here:

let surface = vk_instance.create_surface(
    |handle, allocator, surface| unsafe { glfwCreateWindowSurface(handle, self._window, allocator, surface) }
).expect("Failed to create window surface");

Manual build

The content of the src/vk/ folder is generated from the vulkan_core.h and vk.xml files of the Vulkan documentation repository. This repository is up to date with the master branch.

If you wish to generate the wrapper for a specific version (requires Node.js):

  • npm install
  • node generate.js --tag <version>

Where <version> is a branch or tag name of the Vulkan-Docs repository (e.g "v1.1.80"). The script will download the appropriate files in the download/ folder and generates the new source files in src/vk/.
