latex 0.1.0

An ergonomic library for programatically generating LaTeX documents and reports.


An ergonomic library for programatically generating LaTeX documents and reports.

This originally came from a desire to create an alternate renderer for [mdbook] which saves to PDF. I quickly found that I needed a library for programatically generating LaTeX documents from an AST and because there wasn't anything out there which suited my use case, I made my own.

Getting Started

Here's a skeleton document which has a title page, table of contents, and two sections. You can then render() it to any Writer (e.g. a File) and pass it along to whatever you're using to compile LaTeX to PDF.

extern crate latex;

use latex::{DocumentClass, Element, Document, Section, Renderable};

let mut doc = Document::new(DocumentClass::Article);

// Set some metadata for the document
doc.preamble.title("My Fancy Document");"Michael-F-Bryan");


let mut section_1 = Section::new("Section 1");
    .push("Here is some text which will be put in paragraph 1.")
    .push("And here is some more text for paragraph 2.");

let mut section_2 = Section::new("Section 2");
section_2.push("More text...");

let mut buffer = vec![];
doc.render(&mut buffer)?;

let rendered = String::from_utf8(buffer)?;

println!("{}", rendered);


This crate is still very young so pull requests and issues are welcome! If you there's something you want then create an issue and I'll try to implement it.