largeint 0.1.0

A library that supports large integer arithmetic using LargeInt.


A library that implements the LargeInt type, used for working with arbitrarily large integers in Rust!

Getting Started

First, add largeint to your dependencies:

largeint = "0.1.0"

Next, add this to the root of your crate to bring the contents of largeint into the scope of your project:

extern crate largeint;

use largeint::largeint::*;

You can then easily create many instances of LargeInt:

let largeint1 = new(String::from("999999999999999999999"), Sign::Positive);
let largeint2 = new(String::from("999999999999999999999"), Sign::Negative);
let largeint3 = new(String::from("0"), Sign::Unsigned);

An instance of LargeInt contains two fields, the scalar value of the integer stored as a String and the sign of the integer stored as the enum, Sign, which can be Positive, Negative, or Unsigned (note that 0 is the only integer that should be assigned Unsigned).

Using new() to create an instance of LargeInt is highly recommmended as there are checks in place to ensure that the LargeInt will be created properly.

Refer to the documentation for more details.

An Example

extern crate largeint;

use largeint::largeint::*;

fn main() {

    // Adding two LargeInts.
    let largeint1 = new(String::from("33901489213409093401849249010492000112"), Sign::Positive);
    let largeint2 = new(String::from("8294839402902010934029489031849310009324234230"), Sign::Negative);
    let largeint3 = largeint1.add(&largeint2);
    let largeint4 = new(String::from("8294839369000521720620395630000060998832234118"), Sign::Negative);

    // Subtracting two LargeInts.
    let largeint1 = new(String::from("33901489213409093401849249010492000112"), Sign::Negative);
    let largeint2 = new(String::from("100320394280329423048093284093240234809833999"), Sign::Negative);
    let largeint3 = largeint1.subtract(&largeint2);
    let largeint4 = new(String::from("100320360378840209638999882243991224317833887"), Sign::Positive);
    //The get_int() method returns the scalar value of the LargeInt as a String.
    println!("The value of largeint1 is: {}", largeint1.get_int());
    //The get_sign() method returns the Sign of the LargeInt as a String.
     println!("The Sign of largeint1 is: {}", largeint1.get_sign());


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see for more details.

Future Updates

Integer multiplication and division for LargeInt is currently being developed and should be released sometime in the next few weeks in the "0.2.0" update.