lapin-futures-tls-internal 0.5.0

Integration of tls engines with lapin-futures
name          = "lapin-futures-tls-internal"
version       = "0.5.0" # remember to update html_root_url
edition       = "2018"
authors       = ["Marc-Antoine Perennou <>"]
description   = "Integration of tls engines with lapin-futures"
repository    = ""
documentation = ""
keywords      = ["amqp","rabbitmq","futures","tokio","tls"]
categories    = ["api-bindings","network-programming"]
license       = "BSD-2-Clause"

name = "lapin_futures_tls_internal"

default               = []
dns-over-https-rustls = ["trust-dns-resolver/dns-over-https-rustls"]
dns-over-native-tls   = ["trust-dns-resolver/dns-over-native-tls"]
dns-over-openssl      = ["trust-dns-resolver/dns-over-openssl"]
dns-over-rustls       = ["trust-dns-resolver/dns-over-rustls"]

bytes              = "^0.4"
failure            = "^0.1"
futures            = "^0.1"
lapin-futures      = "^0.16"
tokio-executor     = "^0.1"
tokio-io           = "^0.1"
tokio-tcp          = "^0.1"
trust-dns-resolver = "^0.10.3"

env_logger = "^0.6"
native-tls = "^0.2"
tokio      = "^0.1.6"
tokio-tls  = "^0.2"

travis-ci = { repository = "sozu-proxy/lapin-futures-tls" }
appveyor  = { repository = "Keruspe/lapin-futures-tls" }