lapce-xi-rope 0.3.1

A generic rope data structure built on top of B-Trees.
// Copyright 2016 The xi-editor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! A rope data structure with a line count metric and (soon) other useful
//! info.


use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::{max, min, Ordering};
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::Add;
use std::str::{self, FromStr};
use std::string::ParseError;

use crate::delta::{Delta, DeltaElement};
use crate::interval::{Interval, IntervalBounds};
use crate::tree::{Cursor, DefaultMetric, Leaf, Metric, Node, NodeInfo, TreeBuilder};

use memchr::{memchr, memrchr};
use unicode_segmentation::{GraphemeCursor, GraphemeIncomplete};

const MIN_LEAF: usize = 511;
const MAX_LEAF: usize = 1024;

/// A rope data structure.
/// A [rope]( is a data structure
/// for strings, specialized for incremental editing operations. Most operations
/// (such as insert, delete, substring) are O(log n). This module provides an immutable
/// (also known as [persistent](
/// version of Ropes, and if there are many copies of similar strings, the common parts
/// are shared.
/// Internally, the implementation uses thread safe reference counting.
/// Mutations are generally copy-on-write, though in-place edits are
/// supported as an optimization when only one reference exists, making the
/// implementation as efficient as a mutable version.
/// Also note: in addition to the `From` traits described below, this module
/// implements `From<Rope> for String` and `From<&Rope> for String`, for easy
/// conversions in both directions.
/// # Examples
/// Create a `Rope` from a `String`:
/// ```rust
/// # use xi_rope::Rope;
/// let a = Rope::from("hello ");
/// let b = Rope::from("world");
/// assert_eq!("hello world", String::from(a.clone() + b.clone()));
/// assert!("hello world" == String::from(a + b));
/// ```
/// Get a slice of a `Rope`:
/// ```rust
/// # use xi_rope::Rope;
/// let a = Rope::from("hello world");
/// let b = a.slice(1..9);
/// assert_eq!("ello wor", String::from(&b));
/// let c = b.slice(1..7);
/// assert_eq!("llo wo", String::from(c));
/// ```
/// Replace part of a `Rope`:
/// ```rust
/// # use xi_rope::Rope;
/// let mut a = Rope::from("hello world");
/// a.edit(1..9, "era");
/// assert_eq!("herald", String::from(a));
/// ```
pub type Rope = Node<RopeInfo>;

/// Represents a transform from one rope to another.
pub type RopeDelta = Delta<RopeInfo>;

/// An element in a `RopeDelta`.
pub type RopeDeltaElement = DeltaElement<RopeInfo>;

impl Leaf for String {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn is_ok_child(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() >= MIN_LEAF

    fn push_maybe_split(&mut self, other: &String, iv: Interval) -> Option<String> {
        //println!("push_maybe_split [{}] [{}] {:?}", self, other, iv);
        let (start, end) = iv.start_end();
        if self.len() <= MAX_LEAF {
        } else {
            let splitpoint = find_leaf_split_for_merge(self);
            let right_str = self[splitpoint..].to_owned();

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct RopeInfo {
    lines: usize,
    utf16_size: usize,

impl NodeInfo for RopeInfo {
    type L = String;

    fn accumulate(&mut self, other: &Self) {
        self.lines += other.lines;
        self.utf16_size += other.utf16_size;

    fn compute_info(s: &String) -> Self {
        RopeInfo { lines: count_newlines(s), utf16_size: count_utf16_code_units(s) }

    fn identity() -> Self {
        RopeInfo { lines: 0, utf16_size: 0 }

impl DefaultMetric for RopeInfo {
    type DefaultMetric = BaseMetric;

//TODO: document metrics, based on
//See ../docs/ for more information.
/// This metric let us walk utf8 text by code point.
/// `BaseMetric` implements the trait [Metric].  Both its _measured unit_ and
/// its _base unit_ are utf8 code unit.
/// Offsets that do not correspond to codepoint boundaries are _invalid_, and
/// calling functions that assume valid offsets with invalid offets will panic
/// in debug mode.
/// Boundary is atomic and determined by codepoint boundary.  Atomicity is
/// implicit, because offsets between two utf8 code units that form a code
/// point is considered invalid. For example, if a string starts with a
/// 0xC2 byte, then `offset=1` is invalid.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct BaseMetric(());

impl Metric<RopeInfo> for BaseMetric {
    fn measure(_: &RopeInfo, len: usize) -> usize {

    fn to_base_units(s: &String, in_measured_units: usize) -> usize {

    fn from_base_units(s: &String, in_base_units: usize) -> usize {

    fn is_boundary(s: &String, offset: usize) -> bool {

    fn prev(s: &String, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        if offset == 0 {
            // I think it's a precondition that this will never be called
            // with offset == 0, but be defensive.
        } else {
            let mut len = 1;
            while !s.is_char_boundary(offset - len) {
                len += 1;
            Some(offset - len)

    fn next(s: &String, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        if offset == s.len() {
            // I think it's a precondition that this will never be called
            // with offset == s.len(), but be defensive.
        } else {
            let b = s.as_bytes()[offset];
            Some(offset + len_utf8_from_first_byte(b))

    fn can_fragment() -> bool {

/// Given the inital byte of a UTF-8 codepoint, returns the number of
/// bytes required to represent the codepoint.
/// RFC reference :
pub fn len_utf8_from_first_byte(b: u8) -> usize {
    match b {
        b if b < 0x80 => 1,
        b if b < 0xe0 => 2,
        b if b < 0xf0 => 3,
        _ => 4,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct LinesMetric(usize); // number of lines

/// Measured unit is newline amount.
/// Base unit is utf8 code unit.
/// Boundary is trailing and determined by a newline char.
impl Metric<RopeInfo> for LinesMetric {
    fn measure(info: &RopeInfo, _: usize) -> usize {

    fn is_boundary(s: &String, offset: usize) -> bool {
        if offset == 0 {
            // shouldn't be called with this, but be defensive
        } else {
            s.as_bytes()[offset - 1] == b'\n'

    fn to_base_units(s: &String, in_measured_units: usize) -> usize {
        let mut offset = 0;
        for _ in 0..in_measured_units {
            match memchr(b'\n', &s.as_bytes()[offset..]) {
                Some(pos) => offset += pos + 1,
                _ => panic!("to_base_units called with arg too large"),

    fn from_base_units(s: &String, in_base_units: usize) -> usize {

    fn prev(s: &String, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        debug_assert!(offset > 0, "caller is responsible for validating input");
        memrchr(b'\n', &s.as_bytes()[..offset - 1]).map(|pos| pos + 1)

    fn next(s: &String, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        memchr(b'\n', &s.as_bytes()[offset..]).map(|pos| offset + pos + 1)

    fn can_fragment() -> bool {

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Utf16CodeUnitsMetric(usize);

impl Metric<RopeInfo> for Utf16CodeUnitsMetric {
    fn measure(info: &RopeInfo, _: usize) -> usize {

    fn is_boundary(s: &String, offset: usize) -> bool {

    fn to_base_units(s: &String, in_measured_units: usize) -> usize {
        let mut cur_len_utf16 = 0;
        let mut cur_len_utf8 = 0;
        for u in s.chars() {
            if cur_len_utf16 >= in_measured_units {
            cur_len_utf16 += u.len_utf16();
            cur_len_utf8 += u.len_utf8();

    fn from_base_units(s: &String, in_base_units: usize) -> usize {

    fn prev(s: &String, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        if offset == 0 {
            // I think it's a precondition that this will never be called
            // with offset == 0, but be defensive.
        } else {
            let mut len = 1;
            while !s.is_char_boundary(offset - len) {
                len += 1;
            Some(offset - len)

    fn next(s: &String, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        if offset == s.len() {
            // I think it's a precondition that this will never be called
            // with offset == s.len(), but be defensive.
        } else {
            let b = s.as_bytes()[offset];
            Some(offset + len_utf8_from_first_byte(b))

    fn can_fragment() -> bool {

// Low level functions

pub fn count_newlines(s: &str) -> usize {
    bytecount::count(s.as_bytes(), b'\n')

fn count_utf16_code_units(s: &str) -> usize {
    let mut utf16_count = 0;
    for &b in s.as_bytes() {
        if (b as i8) >= -0x40 {
            utf16_count += 1;
        if b >= 0xf0 {
            utf16_count += 1;

fn find_leaf_split_for_bulk(s: &str) -> usize {
    find_leaf_split(s, MIN_LEAF)

fn find_leaf_split_for_merge(s: &str) -> usize {
    find_leaf_split(s, max(MIN_LEAF, s.len() - MAX_LEAF))

// Try to split at newline boundary (leaning left), if not, then split at codepoint
fn find_leaf_split(s: &str, minsplit: usize) -> usize {
    let mut splitpoint = min(MAX_LEAF, s.len() - MIN_LEAF);
    match memrchr(b'\n', &s.as_bytes()[minsplit - 1..splitpoint]) {
        Some(pos) => minsplit + pos,
        None => {
            while !s.is_char_boundary(splitpoint) {
                splitpoint -= 1;

// Additional APIs custom to strings

impl FromStr for Rope {
    type Err = ParseError;
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Rope, Self::Err> {
        let mut b = TreeBuilder::new();

impl Rope {
    /// Edit the string, replacing the byte range [`start`..`end`] with `new`.
    /// Time complexity: O(log n)
    #[deprecated(since = "0.3.0", note = "Use Rope::edit instead")]
    pub fn edit_str<T: IntervalBounds>(&mut self, iv: T, new: &str) {
        self.edit(iv, new)

    /// Returns a new Rope with the contents of the provided range.
    pub fn slice<T: IntervalBounds>(&self, iv: T) -> Rope {

    // encourage callers to use Cursor instead?

    /// Determine whether `offset` lies on a codepoint boundary.
    pub fn is_codepoint_boundary(&self, offset: usize) -> bool {
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(self, offset);

    /// Return the offset of the codepoint before `offset`.
    pub fn prev_codepoint_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(self, offset);

    /// Return the offset of the codepoint after `offset`.
    pub fn next_codepoint_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(self, offset);<BaseMetric>()

    /// Returns `offset` if it lies on a codepoint boundary. Otherwise returns
    /// the codepoint after `offset`.
    pub fn at_or_next_codepoint_boundary(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        if self.is_codepoint_boundary(offset) {
        } else {

    /// Returns `offset` if it lies on a codepoint boundary. Otherwise returns
    /// the codepoint before `offset`.
    pub fn at_or_prev_codepoint_boundary(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        if self.is_codepoint_boundary(offset) {
        } else {

    pub fn prev_grapheme_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(self, offset);

    pub fn next_grapheme_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(self, offset);

    /// Return the line number corresponding to the byte index `offset`.
    /// The line number is 0-based, thus this is equivalent to the count of newlines
    /// in the slice up to `offset`.
    /// Time complexity: O(log n)
    /// # Panics
    /// This function will panic if `offset > self.len()`. Callers are expected to
    /// validate their input.
    pub fn line_of_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> usize {

    /// Return the byte offset corresponding to the line number `line`.
    /// If `line` is equal to one plus the current number of lines,
    /// this returns the offset of the end of the rope. Arguments higher
    /// than this will panic.
    /// The line number is 0-based.
    /// Time complexity: O(log n)
    /// # Panics
    /// This function will panic if `line > self.measure::<LinesMetric>() + 1`.
    /// Callers are expected to validate their input.
    pub fn offset_of_line(&self, line: usize) -> usize {
        let max_line = self.measure::<LinesMetric>() + 1;
        match line.cmp(&max_line) {
            Ordering::Greater => {
                panic!("line number {} beyond last line {}", line, max_line);
            Ordering::Equal => {
                return self.len();
            Ordering::Less => self.count_base_units::<LinesMetric>(line),

    /// Returns an iterator over chunks of the rope.
    /// Each chunk is a `&str` slice borrowed from the rope's storage. The size
    /// of the chunks is indeterminate but for large strings will generally be
    /// in the range of 511-1024 bytes.
    /// The empty string will yield a single empty slice. In all other cases, the
    /// slices will be nonempty.
    /// Time complexity: technically O(n log n), but the constant factor is so
    /// tiny it is effectively O(n). This iterator does not allocate.
    pub fn iter_chunks<T: IntervalBounds>(&self, range: T) -> ChunkIter {
        let Interval { start, end } = range.into_interval(self.len());

        ChunkIter { cursor: Cursor::new(self, start), end }

    /// An iterator over the raw lines. The lines, except the last, include the
    /// terminating newline.
    /// The return type is a `Cow<str>`, and in most cases the lines are slices
    /// borrowed from the rope.
    pub fn lines_raw<T: IntervalBounds>(&self, range: T) -> LinesRaw {
        LinesRaw { inner: self.iter_chunks(range), fragment: "" }

    /// An iterator over the lines of a rope.
    /// Lines are ended with either Unix (`\n`) or MS-DOS (`\r\n`) style line endings.
    /// The line ending is stripped from the resulting string. The final line ending
    /// is optional.
    /// The return type is a `Cow<str>`, and in most cases the lines are slices borrowed
    /// from the rope.
    /// The semantics are intended to match `str::lines()`.
    pub fn lines<T: IntervalBounds>(&self, range: T) -> Lines {
        Lines { inner: self.lines_raw(range) }

    // callers should be encouraged to use cursor instead
    pub fn byte_at(&self, offset: usize) -> u8 {
        let cursor = Cursor::new(self, offset);
        let (leaf, pos) = cursor.get_leaf().unwrap();

    pub fn slice_to_cow<T: IntervalBounds>(&self, range: T) -> Cow<str> {
        let mut iter = self.iter_chunks(range);
        let first =;
        let second =;

        match (first, second) {
            (None, None) => Cow::from(""),
            (Some(s), None) => Cow::from(s),
            (Some(one), Some(two)) => {
                let mut result = [one, two].concat();
                for chunk in iter {
            (None, Some(_)) => unreachable!(),

// should make this generic, but most leaf types aren't going to be sliceable
pub struct ChunkIter<'a> {
    cursor: Cursor<'a, RopeInfo>,
    end: usize,

impl<'a> Iterator for ChunkIter<'a> {
    type Item = &'a str;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
        if self.cursor.pos() >= self.end {
            return None;
        let (leaf, start_pos) = self.cursor.get_leaf().unwrap();
        let len = min(self.end - self.cursor.pos(), leaf.len() - start_pos);
        Some(&leaf[start_pos..start_pos + len])

impl TreeBuilder<RopeInfo> {
    /// Push a string on the accumulating tree in the naive way.
    /// Splits the provided string in chunks that fit in a leaf
    /// and pushes the leaves one by one onto the tree by calling
    /// `push_leaf` on the builder.
    pub fn push_str(&mut self, mut s: &str) {
        if s.len() <= MAX_LEAF {
            if !s.is_empty() {
        while !s.is_empty() {
            let splitpoint = if s.len() > MAX_LEAF { find_leaf_split_for_bulk(s) } else { s.len() };
            s = &s[splitpoint..];

impl<T: AsRef<str>> From<T> for Rope {
    fn from(s: T) -> Rope {

impl From<Rope> for String {
    // maybe explore grabbing leaf? would require api in tree
    fn from(r: Rope) -> String {

impl<'a> From<&'a Rope> for String {
    fn from(r: &Rope) -> String {

impl fmt::Display for Rope {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        for s in self.iter_chunks(..) {
            write!(f, "{}", s)?;

impl fmt::Debug for Rope {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        if f.alternate() {
            write!(f, "{}", String::from(self))
        } else {
            write!(f, "Rope({:?})", String::from(self))

impl Add for Rope {
    type Output = Rope;
    fn add(self, rhs: Rope) -> Rope {
        let mut b = TreeBuilder::new();

//additional cursor features

impl<'a> Cursor<'a, RopeInfo> {
    /// Get previous codepoint before cursor position, and advance cursor backwards.
    pub fn prev_codepoint(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
        if let Some((l, offset)) = self.get_leaf() {
        } else {

    /// Get next codepoint after cursor position, and advance cursor.
    pub fn next_codepoint(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
        if let Some((l, offset)) = self.get_leaf() {
        } else {

    /// Get the next codepoint after the cursor position, without advancing
    /// the cursor.
    pub fn peek_next_codepoint(&self) -> Option<char> {
        self.get_leaf().and_then(|(l, off)| l[off..].chars().next())

    pub fn next_grapheme(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
        let (mut l, mut offset) = self.get_leaf()?;
        let mut pos = self.pos();
        while offset < l.len() && !l.is_char_boundary(offset) {
            pos -= 1;
            offset -= 1;
        let mut leaf_offset = pos - offset;
        let mut c = GraphemeCursor::new(pos, self.total_len(), true);
        let mut next_boundary = c.next_boundary(&l, leaf_offset);
        while let Err(incomp) = next_boundary {
            if let GraphemeIncomplete::PreContext(_) = incomp {
                let (pl, poffset) = self.prev_leaf()?;
                c.provide_context(&pl, self.pos() - poffset);
            } else if incomp == GraphemeIncomplete::NextChunk {
                let (nl, noffset) = self.next_leaf()?;
                l = nl;
                leaf_offset = self.pos() - noffset;
                pos = leaf_offset + nl.len();
            } else {
                return None;
            next_boundary = c.next_boundary(&l, leaf_offset);

    pub fn prev_grapheme(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
        let (mut l, mut offset) = self.get_leaf()?;
        let mut pos = self.pos();
        while offset < l.len() && !l.is_char_boundary(offset) {
            pos += 1;
            offset += 1;
        let mut leaf_offset = pos - offset;
        let mut c = GraphemeCursor::new(pos, l.len() + leaf_offset, true);
        let mut prev_boundary = c.prev_boundary(&l, leaf_offset);
        while let Err(incomp) = prev_boundary {
            if let GraphemeIncomplete::PreContext(_) = incomp {
                let (pl, poffset) = self.prev_leaf()?;
                c.provide_context(&pl, self.pos() - poffset);
            } else if incomp == GraphemeIncomplete::PrevChunk {
                let (pl, poffset) = self.prev_leaf()?;
                l = pl;
                leaf_offset = self.pos() - poffset;
                pos = leaf_offset + pl.len();
            } else {
                return None;
            prev_boundary = c.prev_boundary(&l, leaf_offset);

// line iterators

pub struct LinesRaw<'a> {
    inner: ChunkIter<'a>,
    fragment: &'a str,

fn cow_append<'a>(a: Cow<'a, str>, b: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
    if a.is_empty() {
    } else {
        Cow::from(a.into_owned() + b)

impl<'a> Iterator for LinesRaw<'a> {
    type Item = Cow<'a, str>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Cow<'a, str>> {
        let mut result = Cow::from("");
        loop {
            if self.fragment.is_empty() {
                match {
                    Some(chunk) => self.fragment = chunk,
                    None => return if result.is_empty() { None } else { Some(result) },
                if self.fragment.is_empty() {
                    // can only happen on empty input
                    return None;
            match memchr(b'\n', self.fragment.as_bytes()) {
                Some(i) => {
                    result = cow_append(result, &self.fragment[..=i]);
                    self.fragment = &self.fragment[i + 1..];
                    return Some(result);
                None => {
                    result = cow_append(result, self.fragment);
                    self.fragment = "";

pub struct Lines<'a> {
    inner: LinesRaw<'a>,

impl<'a> Iterator for Lines<'a> {
    type Item = Cow<'a, str>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Cow<'a, str>> {
        match {
            Some(Cow::Borrowed(mut s)) => {
                if s.ends_with('\n') {
                    s = &s[..s.len() - 1];
                    if s.ends_with('\r') {
                        s = &s[..s.len() - 1];
            Some(Cow::Owned(mut s)) => {
                if s.ends_with('\n') {
                    let _ = s.pop();
                    if s.ends_with('\r') {
                        let _ = s.pop();
            None => None,

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn replace_small() {
        let mut a = Rope::from("hello world");
        a.edit(1..9, "era");
        assert_eq!("herald", String::from(a));

    fn lines_raw_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a\nb\nc");
        assert_eq!(vec!["a\n", "b\n", "c"], a.lines_raw(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(vec!["a\n", "b\n", "c"], a.lines_raw(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("a\nb\n");
        assert_eq!(vec!["a\n", "b\n"], a.lines_raw(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("\n");
        assert_eq!(vec!["\n"], a.lines_raw(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("");
        assert_eq!(0, a.lines_raw(..).count());

    fn lines_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a\nb\nc");
        assert_eq!(vec!["a", "b", "c"], a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&a).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("a\nb\n");
        assert_eq!(vec!["a", "b"], a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&a).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("\n");
        assert_eq!(vec![""], a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&a).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("");
        assert_eq!(0, a.lines(..).count());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&a).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("a\r\nb\r\nc");
        assert_eq!(vec!["a", "b", "c"], a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&a).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        let a = Rope::from("a\rb\rc");
        assert_eq!(vec!["a\rb\rc"], a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&a).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), a.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

    fn lines_med() {
        let mut a = String::new();
        let mut b = String::new();
        let line_len = MAX_LEAF + MIN_LEAF - 1;
        for _ in 0..line_len {
        let r = Rope::from(&a[..MAX_LEAF]);
        let r = r + Rope::from(String::from(&a[MAX_LEAF..]) + &b[..MIN_LEAF]);
        let r = r + Rope::from(&b[MIN_LEAF..]);
        //println!("{:?}", r.iter_chunks().collect::<Vec<_>>());

        assert_eq!(vec![a.as_str(), b.as_str()], r.lines_raw(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(vec![&a[..line_len], &b[..line_len]], r.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());
        assert_eq!(String::from(&r).lines().collect::<Vec<_>>(), r.lines(..).collect::<Vec<_>>());

        // additional tests for line indexing
        assert_eq!(a.len(), r.offset_of_line(1));
        assert_eq!(r.len(), r.offset_of_line(2));
        assert_eq!(0, r.line_of_offset(a.len() - 1));
        assert_eq!(1, r.line_of_offset(a.len()));
        assert_eq!(1, r.line_of_offset(r.len() - 1));
        assert_eq!(2, r.line_of_offset(r.len()));

    fn append_large() {
        let mut a = Rope::from("");
        let mut b = String::new();
        for i in 0..5_000 {
            let c = i.to_string() + "\n";
            a = a + Rope::from(&c);
        assert_eq!(b, String::from(a));

    fn prev_codepoint_offset_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a\u{00A1}\u{4E00}\u{1F4A9}");
        assert_eq!(Some(6), a.prev_codepoint_offset(10));
        assert_eq!(Some(3), a.prev_codepoint_offset(6));
        assert_eq!(Some(1), a.prev_codepoint_offset(3));
        assert_eq!(Some(0), a.prev_codepoint_offset(1));
        assert_eq!(None, a.prev_codepoint_offset(0));
        let b = a.slice(1..10);
        assert_eq!(Some(5), b.prev_codepoint_offset(9));
        assert_eq!(Some(2), b.prev_codepoint_offset(5));
        assert_eq!(Some(0), b.prev_codepoint_offset(2));
        assert_eq!(None, b.prev_codepoint_offset(0));

    fn next_codepoint_offset_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a\u{00A1}\u{4E00}\u{1F4A9}");
        assert_eq!(Some(10), a.next_codepoint_offset(6));
        assert_eq!(Some(6), a.next_codepoint_offset(3));
        assert_eq!(Some(3), a.next_codepoint_offset(1));
        assert_eq!(Some(1), a.next_codepoint_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(None, a.next_codepoint_offset(10));
        let b = a.slice(1..10);
        assert_eq!(Some(9), b.next_codepoint_offset(5));
        assert_eq!(Some(5), b.next_codepoint_offset(2));
        assert_eq!(Some(2), b.next_codepoint_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(None, b.next_codepoint_offset(9));

    fn peek_next_codepoint() {
        let inp = Rope::from("$¢€£💶");
        let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&inp, 0);
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('$'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('$'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), Some('$'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('¢'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.prev_codepoint(), Some('$'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('$'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), Some('$'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), Some('¢'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('€'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), Some('€'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('£'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), Some('£'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), Some('💶'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), Some('💶'));
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), None);
        assert_eq!(cursor.next_codepoint(), None);
        assert_eq!(cursor.peek_next_codepoint(), None);

    fn prev_grapheme_offset() {
        // A with ring, hangul, regional indicator "US"
        let a = Rope::from("A\u{030a}\u{110b}\u{1161}\u{1f1fa}\u{1f1f8}");
        assert_eq!(Some(9), a.prev_grapheme_offset(17));
        assert_eq!(Some(3), a.prev_grapheme_offset(9));
        assert_eq!(Some(0), a.prev_grapheme_offset(3));
        assert_eq!(None, a.prev_grapheme_offset(0));

    fn next_grapheme_offset() {
        // A with ring, hangul, regional indicator "US"
        let a = Rope::from("A\u{030a}\u{110b}\u{1161}\u{1f1fa}\u{1f1f8}");
        assert_eq!(Some(3), a.next_grapheme_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(Some(9), a.next_grapheme_offset(3));
        assert_eq!(Some(17), a.next_grapheme_offset(9));
        assert_eq!(None, a.next_grapheme_offset(17));

    fn next_grapheme_offset_with_ris_of_leaf_boundaries() {
        let s1 = "\u{1f1fa}\u{1f1f8}".repeat(100);
        let a = Rope::concat(
                Rope::from(String::from(s1.clone()) + "\u{1f1fa}"),
        for i in 1..(s1.len() * 3) {
            assert_eq!(Some((i - 1) / 8 * 8), a.prev_grapheme_offset(i));
            assert_eq!(Some(i / 8 * 8 + 8), a.next_grapheme_offset(i));
        for i in (s1.len() * 3 + 1)..(s1.len() * 3 + 4) {
            assert_eq!(Some(s1.len() * 3), a.prev_grapheme_offset(i));
            assert_eq!(Some(s1.len() * 3 + 4), a.next_grapheme_offset(i));
        assert_eq!(None, a.prev_grapheme_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(Some(8), a.next_grapheme_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(Some(s1.len() * 3), a.prev_grapheme_offset(s1.len() * 3 + 4));
        assert_eq!(None, a.next_grapheme_offset(s1.len() * 3 + 4));

    fn line_of_offset_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a\nb\nc");
        assert_eq!(0, a.line_of_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(0, a.line_of_offset(1));
        assert_eq!(1, a.line_of_offset(2));
        assert_eq!(1, a.line_of_offset(3));
        assert_eq!(2, a.line_of_offset(4));
        assert_eq!(2, a.line_of_offset(5));
        let b = a.slice(2..4);
        assert_eq!(0, b.line_of_offset(0));
        assert_eq!(0, b.line_of_offset(1));
        assert_eq!(1, b.line_of_offset(2));

    fn offset_of_line_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a\nb\nc");
        assert_eq!(0, a.offset_of_line(0));
        assert_eq!(2, a.offset_of_line(1));
        assert_eq!(4, a.offset_of_line(2));
        assert_eq!(5, a.offset_of_line(3));
        let b = a.slice(2..4);
        assert_eq!(0, b.offset_of_line(0));
        assert_eq!(2, b.offset_of_line(1));

    fn eq_small() {
        let a = Rope::from("a");
        let a2 = Rope::from("a");
        let b = Rope::from("b");
        let empty = Rope::from("");
        assert!(a == a2);
        assert!(a != b);
        assert!(a != empty);
        assert!(empty == empty);
        assert!(a.slice(0..0) == empty);

    fn eq_med() {
        let mut a = String::new();
        let mut b = String::new();
        let line_len = MAX_LEAF + MIN_LEAF - 1;
        for _ in 0..line_len {
        let r = Rope::from(&a[..MAX_LEAF]);
        let r = r + Rope::from(String::from(&a[MAX_LEAF..]) + &b[..MIN_LEAF]);
        let r = r + Rope::from(&b[MIN_LEAF..]);

        let a_rope = Rope::from(&a);
        let b_rope = Rope::from(&b);
        assert!(r != a_rope);
        assert!(r.clone().slice(..a.len()) == a_rope);
        assert!(r.clone().slice(a.len()..) == b_rope);
        assert!(r == a_rope.clone() + b_rope.clone());
        assert!(r != b_rope + a_rope);

    fn line_offsets() {
        let rope = Rope::from("hi\ni'm\nfour\nlines");
        assert_eq!(rope.offset_of_line(0), 0);
        assert_eq!(rope.offset_of_line(1), 3);
        assert_eq!(rope.line_of_offset(0), 0);
        assert_eq!(rope.line_of_offset(3), 1);
        // interior of first line should be first line
        assert_eq!(rope.line_of_offset(1), 0);
        // interior of last line should be last line
        assert_eq!(rope.line_of_offset(15), 3);
        assert_eq!(rope.offset_of_line(4), rope.len());

    fn default_metric_test() {
        let rope = Rope::from("hi\ni'm\nfour\nlines\n");
            rope.convert_metrics::<BaseMetric, LinesMetric>(rope.len()),
            rope.convert_metrics::<LinesMetric, BaseMetric>(2),

    fn line_of_offset_panic() {
        let rope = Rope::from("hi\ni'm\nfour\nlines");

    fn offset_of_line_panic() {
        let rope = Rope::from("hi\ni'm\nfour\nlines");

    fn utf16_code_units_metric() {
        let rope = Rope::from("hi\ni'm\nfour\nlines");
        let utf16_units = rope.measure::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>();
        assert_eq!(utf16_units, 17);

        // position after 'f' in four
        let utf8_offset = 9;
        let utf16_units = rope.count::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>(utf8_offset);
        assert_eq!(utf16_units, 9);

        let utf8_offset = rope.count_base_units::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>(utf16_units);
        assert_eq!(utf8_offset, 9);

        let rope_with_emoji = Rope::from("hi\ni'm\n😀 four\nlines");
        let utf16_units = rope_with_emoji.measure::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>();

        assert_eq!(utf16_units, 20);

        // position after 'f' in four
        let utf8_offset = 13;
        let utf16_units = rope_with_emoji.count::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>(utf8_offset);
        assert_eq!(utf16_units, 11);

        let utf8_offset = rope_with_emoji.count_base_units::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>(utf16_units);
        assert_eq!(utf8_offset, 13);

        //for next line
        let utf8_offset = 19;
        let utf16_units = rope_with_emoji.count::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>(utf8_offset);
        assert_eq!(utf16_units, 17);

        let utf8_offset = rope_with_emoji.count_base_units::<Utf16CodeUnitsMetric>(utf16_units);
        assert_eq!(utf8_offset, 19);

    fn slice_to_cow_small_string() {
        let short_text = "hi, i'm a small piece of text.";

        let rope = Rope::from(short_text);

        let cow = rope.slice_to_cow(..);

        assert!(short_text.len() <= 1024);
        assert_eq!(cow, Cow::Borrowed(short_text) as Cow<str>);

    fn slice_to_cow_long_string_long_slice() {
        // 32 char long string, repeat it 33 times so it is longer than 1024 bytes
        let long_text =

        let rope = Rope::from(&long_text);

        let cow = rope.slice_to_cow(..);

        assert!(long_text.len() > 1024);
        assert_eq!(cow, Cow::Owned(long_text) as Cow<str>);

    fn slice_to_cow_long_string_short_slice() {
        // 32 char long string, repeat it 33 times so it is longer than 1024 bytes
        let long_text =

        let rope = Rope::from(&long_text);

        let cow = rope.slice_to_cow(..500);

        assert!(long_text.len() > 1024);
        assert_eq!(cow, Cow::Borrowed(&long_text[..500]));

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "serde"))]
mod serde_tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::Rope;
    use serde_test::{assert_tokens, Token};

    fn serialize_and_deserialize() {
        const TEST_LINE: &str = "test line\n";

        // repeat test line enough times to exceed maximum leaf size
        let n_seg = MAX_LEAF / TEST_LINE.len() + 1;
        let test_str = TEST_LINE.repeat(n_seg);

        let rope = Rope::from(test_str.as_str());
        let json = serde_json::to_string(&rope).expect("error serializing");
        let deserialized_rope =
            serde_json::from_str::<Rope>(json.as_str()).expect("error deserializing");
        assert_eq!(rope, deserialized_rope);

    fn test_ser_de() {
        let rope = Rope::from("a\u{00A1}\u{4E00}\u{1F4A9}");
        assert_tokens(&rope, &[Token::Str("a\u{00A1}\u{4E00}\u{1F4A9}")]);
        assert_tokens(&rope, &[Token::String("a\u{00A1}\u{4E00}\u{1F4A9}")]);
        assert_tokens(&rope, &[Token::BorrowedStr("a\u{00A1}\u{4E00}\u{1F4A9}")]);