lapack-sys 0.6.0

The package provides bindings to the Linear Algebra PACKage.
//! Bindings to the [Linear Algebra PACKage][1].
//! [1]:

extern crate libc;

#[cfg(feature = "accelerate")]
extern crate accelerate_provider as raw;

#[cfg(feature = "netlib")]
extern crate netlib_provider as raw;

#[cfg(feature = "openblas")]
extern crate openblas_provider as raw;

/// A complex number with 64-bit parts.
pub type c_double_complex = [libc::c_double; 2];

/// A complex number with 32-bit parts.
pub type c_float_complex = [libc::c_float; 2];

pub mod c;
pub mod fortran;