lang-c 0.2.0

Lightweight C parser


Build Status Documentation

Ligtweight parser of C language for Rust users. Almost full support for C11 revision of the language. Several GNU extensions are supported as an option (and enabled by default).

This crate's raison d'ĂȘtre is to be used in tools supporting C development. Thus it does not aim to provide a complete C environment (which would include things like standard header files and libraries), instead focusing on integaration with the existing compilers.

extern crate lang_c;
use lang_c::driver::{Config, parse}; 

fn main() {
    let config = Config::default();
    println!("{:?}", parse(&config, "example.c"));


Just open an issue, bug reports and patches are most welcome.


Dual-licenced under Apache 2.0 or MIT licenses (see LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for legal terms).


A number of external tools are used during development:

  • GNU make
  • rustfmt-nightly
  • rust-peg 0.5.4

Parser (src/ is built from a PEG grammar in grammar.rustpeg. It is updated manually and then committed, not generated on every build, thus no rust-peg in the list of dependencies.

For debugging purposes, it is handy to have a version rust-peg built with tracing enabled.

A makefile is used to script the development process:

  • make update parser, build the library and run the tests;
  • make trace rebuilds parser using rust-peg-trace, which is expected to be a version of rust-peg command with trace feature enabled
  • make check can be used as pre-commit git hook to make sure parser is up to date