lance 0.0.1-alpha0

Rust Implementation of Lance Columnar Format

Lance: A Columnar Data Format for Deep Learning Dataset


Lance is a cloud-native columnar data format designed for unstructured machine learning datasets, featuring:

  • Fast columnar scan for ML dataset analysis, ML training, and evaluation.
  • Encodings that are capable of fast point queries for interactive data exploration.
  • Extensible design for index and predicates pushdown.
  • Self-describable, nested, and strong-typed data with an extensible type system. Support Image, Video, Audio and Sensor Data. Support Annotations and Tensors.
  • Schema evolution and update (TODO).
  • Cloud-native optimizations on low-cost cloud storage, i.e., AWS S3, Google GCS, or Azure Blob Storage.
  • Open access via first-class Apache Arrow integration and multi-language support.


  • A new SQL engine
  • A new ML framework

How to Use Lance

Thanks for its Apache Arrow-first APIs, lance can be used as a native Arrow extension. For example, it enables users to directly use DuckDB to analyze lance dataset via DuckDB's Arrow integration.

# pip install pylance duckdb 
import lance
import duckdb

# Understand Label distribution of Oxford Pet Dataset
ds = lance.dataset("s3://eto-public/datasets/oxford_pet/pet.lance")
duckdb.query('select label, count(1) from ds group by label').to_arrow_table()


Machine Learning development cycle involves the steps:

graph LR
    A[Collection] --> B[Exploration];
    B --> C[Analytics];
    C --> D[Feature Engineer];
    D --> E[Training];
    E --> F[Evaluation];
    F --> C;
    E --> G[Deployment];
    G --> H[Monitoring];
    H --> A;

People use different data representations to varying stages for the performance or limited by the tooling available. The academia mainly uses XML / JSON for annotations and zipped images/sensors data for deep learning, which is difficult to integrated into data infrastructure and slow to train over cloud storage. While the industry uses data lake (Parquet-based techniques, i.e., Delta Lake, Iceberg) or data warehouse (AWS Redshift or Google BigQuery) to collect and analyze data, they have to convert the data into training-friendly formats, such as Rikai/Petastorm or Tfrecord. Multiple single-purpose data transforms, as well as syncing copies between cloud storage to local training instances have become a common practice among ML practices.

While each of the existing data formats excel at its original designed workload, we need a new data format to tailored for multistage ML development cycle to reduce the fraction in tools and data silos.

A comparison of different data formats in each stage of ML development cycle.

Lance Parquet & ORC JSON & XML Tfrecord Database Warehouse
Analytics Fast Fast Slow Slow Decent Fast
Feature Engineering Fast Fast Decent Slow Decent Good
Training Fast Decent Slow Fast N/A N/A
Exploration Fast Slow Fast Slow Fast Decent
Infra Support Rich Rich Decent Limited Rich Rich

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