typed_am_group!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

The macro used to create an new instance of a TypedAmGroup which is an Active Message Group that can only include AMs of a specific type (but this type can return data). Data is returned in the same order as the AMs were added (You can think of this as similar to Vec<T>) This macro which expects two parameters, the first being the type (name) of the AM and the second being a reference to a lamellar team.

use lamellar::active_messaging::prelude::*;
use lamellar::darc::prelude::*;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
struct ExampleAm {
   cnt: Darc<AtomicUsize>,
impl LamellarAm for ExampleAm{
    async fn exec(self) -> usize{
        self.cnt.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);

fn main(){
    let world = lamellar::LamellarWorldBuilder::new().build();
    let my_pe = world.my_pe();
    let num_pes = world.num_pes();

    if my_pe == 0 { // we only want to run this on PE0 for sake of illustration
        let am_group = typed_am_group!{ExampleAm,&world};
        let am = ExampleAm{cnt: 0};
        // add the AMs to the group
        // we can specify individual PEs to execute on or all PEs

        //execute and await the completion of all AMs in the group
        let results = world.block_on(am_group.exec()); // we want to process the returned data
        //we can index into the results
        if let AmGroupResult::Pe((pe,val)) = results.at(2){
            assert_eq!(pe, 1); //the third add_am_* call in the group was to execute on PE1
            assert_eq!(val, 1); // this was the second am to execute on PE1 so the fetched value is 1
        //or we can iterate over the results
        for res in results{
            match res{
                AmGroupResult::Pe((pe,val)) => { println!("{} from PE{}",val,pe)},
                AmGroupResult::All(val) => { println!("{} on all PEs",val)},

Expected output on each PE1:

0 from PE0
[1,0] on all PEs
1 from PE1
[2,2] on all PEs

§Static Members

In the above code, the ExampleAm stuct contains a member that is a crate::darc::Darc (Distributed Arc). In order to properly calculate distributed reference counts Darcs implements specialized Serialize and Deserialize operations. While, the cost to any single serialization/deserialization operation is small, doing this for every active message containing a Darc can become expensive.

In certain cases Typed Am Groups can avoid the repeated serialization/deserialization of Darc members if the user guarantees that every Active Message in the group is using a reference to the same Darc. In this case, we simply would only need to serialize the Darc once for each PE it gets sent to.

This can be accomplished by using the [AmData] attribute macro with the static keyword passed in as an argument as illustrated below:

use lamellar::active_messaging::prelude::*;
use lamellar::darc::prelude::*;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
struct ExampleAm {
   cnt: Darc<AtomicUsize>,

Other than the addition of #[AmData(static)] the rest of the code as the previous example would be the same.