Module lambda_runtime::tracing

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Utilities to initialize and use tracing and tracing-subscriber in Lambda Functions. This module provides primitives to work with tracing and tracing-subscriber in Lambda functions.

The tracing and tracing-subscriber crates are re-exported so you don’t have to include them as direct dependencies in your projects.


  • Callsites represent the source locations from which spans or events originate.
  • Dispatches trace events to Subscribers.
  • Events represent single points in time during the execution of a program.
  • Span and Event key-value data.
  • Attach a span to a std::future::Future.
  • Trace verbosity level filtering.
  • Metadata describing trace data.
  • Spans represent periods of time in which a program was executing in a particular context.
  • Utilities for implementing and composing tracing subscribers.


  • Constructs an event at the debug level.
  • Constructs a span at the debug level.
  • Checks whether a span or event is enabled based on the provided metadata.
  • Constructs an event at the error level.
  • Constructs a span at the error level.
  • Constructs a new Event.
  • Tests whether an event with the specified level and target would be enabled.
  • Constructs an event at the info level.
  • Constructs a span at the info level.
  • Statically constructs new span metadata.
  • Constructs a new span.
  • Tests whether a span with the specified level and target would be enabled.
  • Constructs an event at the trace level.
  • Constructs a span at the trace level.
  • Constructs an event at the warn level.
  • Constructs a span at the warn level.


  • Dispatch trace data to a Subscriber.
  • Events represent single points in time where something occurred during the execution of a program.
  • Identifies a span within the context of a subscriber.
  • Describes the level of verbosity of a span or event.
  • Metadata describing a span or event.
  • A handle representing a span, with the capability to enter the span if it exists.



  • Initialize tracing-subscriber with default options. The subscriber uses RUST_LOG as the environment variable to determine the log level for your function. It also uses Lambda’s advance logging controls if they’re configured for your function. By default, the log level to emit events is INFO.

Attribute Macros§

  • Instruments a function to create and enter a tracing span every time the function is called.