lair_keystore 0.2.3

secret lair private keystore
// grrr clippy... you cannot specify extra bounds with the async fn syntax...
// default implementations don't always make sense...

//! Secret lair private keystore
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//! [![License: MIT](](
//! [![License: Apache-2.0](](
//! This crate mostly provides the `lair-keystore` executable allowing
//! initialization, configuration, and running of a Lair keystore.
//! If you want to run an in-process keystore, this crate also provides the
//! canonical sqlite store.
//! For making use of a Lair keystore in a client application, see the
//! [lair_keystore_api]( crate.
//! # Rust conventions for dashes and underscores:
//! - Install with an underscore: `cargo install lair_keystore`
//! - Use binary with a dash: `$ lair-keystore help`
//! - Cargo.toml with an underscore:
//! ```text
//! [dependencies]
//! lair_keystore = "0.1.1"
//! ```
//! - Library usage with underscores:
//! ```
//! use lair_keystore::create_sql_pool_factory;
//! let _sqlite_store_factory = create_sql_pool_factory(".");
//! ```
//! # `lair-keystore` commandline executable usage:
#![doc = include_str!("./docs/")]
#![doc = include_str!("./docs/")]
#![doc = include_str!("./docs/")]
#![doc = include_str!("./docs/")]
#![doc = include_str!("./docs/")]

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

/// Re-exported dependencies.
pub mod dependencies {
    pub use hc_seed_bundle::dependencies::*;
    pub use lair_keystore_api;
    pub use lair_keystore_api::dependencies::*;
    pub use rpassword;
    pub use rusqlite;
    pub use structopt;
    pub use sysinfo;
    pub use tracing_subscriber;

use dependencies::*;
use lair_keystore_api::prelude::*;

pub(crate) mod sql;

pub mod pid_check;
pub mod server;
pub mod store_sqlite;

pub use store_sqlite::create_sql_pool_factory;

mod server_test;