lair 0.6.0

Linear algebra in Rust
/// Copies a vector to another vector.
/// # Safety
/// * `x` is the beginning address of an array of at least `n` elements with
///   stride `inc_x`.
/// * `y` is the beginning address of an array of at least `n` elements with
///   stride `inc_y`.
/// * The `n` elements of `x` must have been initialized.
pub(crate) unsafe fn copy<T: Copy>(n: usize, x: *const T, inc_x: isize, y: *mut T, inc_y: isize) {
    let mut x_ptr = x;
    let mut y_ptr = y;
    for _ in 0..n {
        *y_ptr = *x_ptr;
        x_ptr = x_ptr.offset(inc_x);
        y_ptr = y_ptr.offset(inc_y);