[][src]Crate lab_grader

A criterion runner

For complete examples, see the examples directory on Github.


extern crate lab_grader;

use lab_grader::*;

fn main() {
    // Step 1: Build a Submission
    // Give the submission some data using the data! macro
    // You can also prompt the user for some data, with type enforcement
    let mut sub = Submission::from_data(data! {
        "some_key" => "some value",
        "other_data" => prompt!("Enter a number: ", String)

    // Step 2: Establish Criteria
    let mut criteria = Criteria::from(vec![
            // The criterion's name
            "First criterion",
            // How many points it's worth
            // pass/fail messages
            ("passed", "failed"),
            // The test that determines if the criterion passes or not
            Box::new(|data: &TestData| -> bool {
                data["some_key"] == "some value"

    // Grade the submission against the criteria.
    // This will assign it a grade and fill it's `passed` and `failed` fields
    sub.grade_against(&mut criteria);

    // Print out all the criteria to the student
    println!("{}", criteria);

    // Post the submission somewhere
    // (this crates provides a server that accepts them)
    // (i'm not gonna actually do it because i test against these docs)
    // web::post_json("http://url.somewhere/submit", &sub);



pub use submission::Submission;
pub use submission::TestData;
pub use criterion::Criterion;
pub use criteria::Criteria;
pub use results_file::AsCsv;
pub use helpers::web;
pub use batch::Batch;



A batch of criteria, with some extra metadata


A collection of Criterion


Definitions for creating and running criteria


Functions for common tasks in criteria


A bundle of data that criteria are graded against, and is submitted for review



A macro to easily create a TestData struct, which is really just an alias to HashMap<String, String>


Calls prompt, then tries to parse the input into the provided type. If parsing fails, it will print an error message and then quit the current process.


This is an important macro. It reads data from a file using the include_bytes! macro. When compiling for debug, this will read from the filesystem. When compiling for release, this will embed the data in the executable. Graders built using this crate need to have the data embedded in the executable to make it easier to distribute and to keep the data private.