kx 1.3.0

Interactively switch between kubernetes contexts without any external dependencies
# kx

`kx` is a utility to switch interactively between kubernetes contexts without any external dependencies and bash witchcraft. Written in Rust :crab:


## Installation

### From binary

You can directly [download the kx executable](https://github.com/onatm/kx/releases).

### Install from crates.io

cargo install kx

### Build Manually

Clone the repo and run:

cargo install --path .

Alternatively, run:

cargo build --release

then put the resulting `target/release/kx` executable on your PATH.

## Usage

kx               : list the contexts
kx <NAME>        : switch to context <NAME>
kx -c, --current : show the current context name
kx -u, --unset   : unset the current context

## Todo

- [ ] Add tests
- [ ] `bash`/`zsh`/`fish` completions
- [ ] Use [crossterm]https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm based solution instead of [skim]https://github.com/lotabout/skim
- [ ] Windows support