kwindex 0.1.2

This is a Rust based "keyword index" library crate that maintaining an index of words from texts.


Build Status Rust

Copyright (c) 2020 Ronnie Song

This is a Rust based "keyword index" library crate that maintaining an index of words from texts.

pub struct KWIndex<'a>(Vec<&'a str>);


- Use crate to access functions

extern crate kwindex; use kwindex::*;

- Make a new empty target words index:
let mut index = KWIndex::new();
- Parse text and add each valid word to index:
index = index.extend_from_text("Hello world.");
- Check if the index is empty:
assert_eq!(true, index.is_empty());
- Count the number of words:
assert_eq!(2, index.len());
- Count the number of occurrences of the keyword:
assert_eq!(1, index.count_matches("world"));

Run Example

To run the example program, type the command below:

cargo run --example example
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target\debug\examples\example.exe`
is_empty(): true

[Hey] is add to KWIndex index
[!] is removed from [world!]
[world] is add to KWIndex index

is_empty(): false
len(): 2
count_matches('world'): 1

KWIndex { word: ["Hey", "world"] }

Everything went well! It parse the text and add to the list without issue, and successfully print its is_empty check, length, and the number of matches.


To test the library crate, type the command below:

cargo test
   Compiling kwindex v0.1.0 (C:\Users\ronsong\Desktop\Docs\rust\kwindex)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.96s
     Running target\debug\deps\test-8f8dfddd5ec24cfa.exe

running 6 tests
test kwindex_tests::test_is_empty ... ok
test kwindex_tests::test_count_matches ... ok
test kwindex_tests::test_count_matches2 ... ok
test kwindex_tests::test_is_not_empty ... ok
test kwindex_tests::test_len ... ok
test kwindex_tests::test_len2 ... ok

test result: ok. 6 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

All tests passed with no issues.

The tests are placed in tests/ file that uses std assert_eq!(), and assert_ne!() to test equality of the actual result and expected result of the new(), extend_to_text(), count_matches(), len() and is_empty() functions in that file.

Travis CI is running to do the automated testing. Build Status


This program is licensed under the "MIT License". Please see the file LICENSE in the source distribution of this software for license terms.