kul 0.1.2

Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired by the little-known Curl programming language. Has no unsafe code and has no external dependencies. This is the full crate that builds on and re-exports the core crate and that uses the std library.

use std::{
    collections::HashMap, hash::Hash,
    iter::{repeat_with, FromIterator},
    rc::Rc, sync::Arc,

use kul::{
    Parser, Datum,
    parser::{HashMapOperatorBindings, DefaultCharClassifier,
             DatumAllocator, SliceDatumAllocator,
             BoxDatumAllocator, RcDatumAllocator, ArcDatumAllocator},
    combiner::{Combiner, OpFn, ApFn},
    text::{TextDatumList, chunk::PosStr, TextVec, chunk::PosStrish},

use kul_shared_tests::suites::test_suite0;

fn parser<DA, CE>(
    allocator: DA,
    bindings: HashMap<Datum<DA::TT, DA::ET, DA::DR>,
                      Combiner<Box<OpFn<DA, CE>>,
                               Box<ApFn<DA, CE>>>>,
    -> Parser<DefaultCharClassifier,
              HashMapOperatorBindings<DA, Box<OpFn<DA, CE>>, Box<ApFn<DA, CE>>, CE>>
where DA: DatumAllocator,
      DA::TT: Hash + Eq,
      DA::ET: Hash + Eq,
      DA::DR: Hash + Eq,
    Parser {
        classifier: DefaultCharClassifier,
        bindings: HashMapOperatorBindings::new(bindings),

fn suite0_core_types() {
    type CombErr = bool;
    type Extra = i32;
    type Array<'a, 's> = [MutRefDatum<'a, TextDatumList<'a, PosStr<'s>, Extra>, Extra>];

    let mut datum_array: Box<Array<'_, '_>> =
        Vec::from_iter(repeat_with(|| Datum::Extra(0)).take(0x200))

    test_suite0(parser::<_, CombErr>(SliceDatumAllocator::new(&mut datum_array[..]),

fn suite0_box_types() {
    test_suite0(parser::<_, ()>(BoxDatumAllocator::<TextVec<PosStrish<Rc<Box<str>>>>, ()>

fn suite0_rc_types() {
    test_suite0(parser::<_, u8>(RcDatumAllocator::<TextVec<PosStrish<Rc<str>>>, u64>

fn suite0_arc_types() {
    test_suite0(parser::<_, i64>(ArcDatumAllocator::<TextVec<PosStrish<Arc<String>>>, i8>