Struct kuchiki::NodeDataRef [] [src]

pub struct NodeDataRef<T> { /* fields omitted */ }

Holds a strong reference to a node, but dereferences to some component inside of it.


impl<T> NodeDataRef<T>

Create a NodeDataRef for a component in a given node.

Create a NodeDataRef for and a component that may or may not be in a given node.

Access the corresponding node.

impl NodeDataRef<ElementData>

Return the concatenation of all text nodes in this subtree.

Trait Implementations

impl<T> Deref for NodeDataRef<T>

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl<T: Debug> Debug for NodeDataRef<T>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl Element for NodeDataRef<ElementData>

Skips non-element nodes

Skips non-element nodes

Skips non-element nodes

Skips non-element nodes

Returns whether this element matches :empty. Read more

Returns whether this element matches :root, i.e. whether it is the root element of a document. Read more

Empty string for no namespace

The parent of a given pseudo-element, after matching a pseudo-element selector. Read more