kubert 0.5.0

Kubernetes runtime helpers. Based on kube-rs.
//! Utilities for configuring a [`kube_client::Client`] from the command line

pub use kube_client::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use thiserror::Error;

/// Configures a Kubernetes client
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "client")))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", derive(clap::Parser))]
pub struct ClientArgs {
    /// The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
    pub cluster: Option<String>,

    /// The name of the kubeconfig context to use
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
    pub context: Option<String>,

    /// The name of the kubeconfig user to use
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
    pub user: Option<String>,

    /// The path to the kubeconfig file to use
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
    pub kubeconfig: Option<PathBuf>,

    /// Username to impersonate for Kubernetes operations
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long = "as"))]
    pub impersonate_user: Option<String>,

    /// Group to impersonate for Kubernetes operations
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long = "as-group"))]
    pub impersonate_group: Option<String>,

/// Indicates an error occurred while configuring the Kubernetes client
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "client")))]
pub enum ConfigError {
    /// Indicates that the kubeconfig file could not be read
    Kubeconfig(#[from] config::KubeconfigError),

    /// Indicates that the in-cluster configuration could not be read
    InCluster(#[from] config::InClusterError),

    /// Indicates that the client could not be initialized
    Client(#[from] Error),

impl ClientArgs {
    /// Initializes a Kubernetes client
    /// This will respect the `$KUBECONFIG` environment variable, but otherwise default to
    /// `~/.kube/config`. The _current-context_ is used unless `context` is set.
    /// This is basically equivalent to using `kube_client::Client::try_default`, except that it
    /// supports kubeconfig configuration from the command-line.
    pub async fn try_client(self) -> Result<Client, ConfigError> {
        let client = match self.load_local_config().await {
            Ok(client) => client,
            Err(e) if self.is_customized() => return Err(e),
            Err(_) => Config::from_cluster_env()?,


    /// Indicates whether the command-line arguments attempt to customize the Kubernetes
    /// configuration.
    fn is_customized(&self) -> bool {
            || self.cluster.is_some()
            || self.user.is_some()
            || self.impersonate_user.is_some()
            || self.impersonate_group.is_some()
            || self.kubeconfig.is_some()

    /// Loads a local (i.e. not in-cluster) Kubernetes client configuration
    /// First, the `--kubeconfig` argument is used. If that is not set, the `$KUBECONFIG`
    /// environment variable is used. If that is not set, the `~/.kube/config` file is used.
    async fn load_local_config(&self) -> Result<Config, ConfigError> {
        let options = config::KubeConfigOptions {
            context: self.context.clone(),
            cluster: self.cluster.clone(),
            user: self.user.clone(),

        let mut kubeconfig = match &self.kubeconfig {
            Some(path) => config::Kubeconfig::read_from(path.as_path())?,
            None => config::Kubeconfig::read()?,

        if let Some(user) = &self.impersonate_user {
            for auth in kubeconfig.auth_infos.iter_mut() {
                auth.auth_info.impersonate = Some(user.clone());

        if let Some(group) = &self.impersonate_group {
            for mut auth in kubeconfig.auth_infos.iter_mut() {
                auth.auth_info.impersonate_groups = Some(vec![group.clone()]);

        Config::from_custom_kubeconfig(kubeconfig, &options)