krnl-core 0.1.0

Core library for krnl.


# krnl

Safe, portable, high performance compute (GPGPU) kernels.

Developed for [autograph](

- Similar functionality to CUDA and OpenCL.
- Supports GPU's and other Vulkan 1.2 capable devices.
- MacOS / iOS supported via [MoltenVK]
- Kernels are written inline, entirely in Rust.
  - Simple iterator patterns can be implemented without unsafe.
  - Supports inline [SPIR-V] assembly.
  - DebugPrintf integration, generates backtraces for panics.
- Buffers on the host can be accessed natively as Vecs and slices.

# krnlc

Kernel compiler for krnl.

- Built on [spirv-builder]
- Supports dependencies defined in Cargo.toml.
- Uses [spirv-tools] to validate and optimize.
- Compiles to "", so the crate will build on stable Rust.

See the docs for installation and usage instructions.

# Installing

For device functionality (kernels), install [Vulkan]( for your platform.

- For development, it's recomended to install the [LunarG Vulkan SDK], which includes additional tools:
  - vulkaninfo
  - Validation layers
    - DebugPrintf
  - spirv-tools
    - This is used by krnlc for spirv validation and optimization.
      - krnlc builds by default without needing spirv-tools to be installed.

## Test

- Check that `vulkaninfo --summary` shows your devices.
  - Instance version should be >= 1.2.
- Alternatively, check that `cargo test --test integration_tests -- --exact none` shows your devices.
  - You can run all the tests with `cargo test --all-features`.

# Getting Started

See the [docs]( or build them locally with `cargo doc --all-features`.

# Example

use krnl::{
    buffer::{Buffer, Slice, SliceMut},

mod kernels {
    #[cfg(not(target_arch = "spirv"))]
    use krnl::krnl_core;
    use krnl_core::macros::kernel;

    pub fn saxpy_impl(alpha: f32, x: f32, y: &mut f32) {
        *y += alpha * x;

    // Item kernels for iterator patterns.
    pub fn saxpy(alpha: f32, #[item] x: f32, #[item] y: &mut f32) {
        saxpy_impl(alpha, x, y);

    // General purpose kernels like CUDA / OpenCL.
    pub fn saxpy_global(alpha: f32, #[global] x: Slice<f32>, #[global] y: UnsafeSlice<f32>) {
        use krnl_core::buffer::UnsafeIndex;

        let global_id = kernel.global_id();
        if global_id < x.len().min(y.len()) {
            saxpy_impl(alpha, x[global_id], unsafe { y.unsafe_index_mut(global_id) });

fn saxpy(alpha: f32, x: Slice<f32>, mut y: SliceMut<f32>) -> Result<()> {
    if let Some((x, y)) = x.as_host_slice().zip(y.as_host_slice_mut()) {
            .for_each(|(x, y)| kernels::saxpy_impl(alpha, x, y));
        return Ok(());
    if true {
            .dispatch(alpha, x, y)
    } else {
        // or
            .with_global_threads(y.len() as u32)
            .dispatch(alpha, x, y)

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let x = vec![1f32];
    let alpha = 2f32;
    let y = vec![0f32];
    let device = Device::builder().build().ok().unwrap_or(Device::host());
    let x = Buffer::from(x).into_device(device.clone())?;
    let mut y = Buffer::from(y).into_device(device.clone())?;
    saxpy(alpha, x.as_slice(), y.as_slice_mut())?;
    let y = y.into_vec()?;

# Performance

_NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design_


## alloc

|                  | `krnl`                     | `cuda`                            | `ocl`                           |
| :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ |
| **`1,000,000`**  | `316.90 ns` (✅ **1.00x**) | `112.84 us` (❌ _356.06x slower_) | `495.45 ns` (❌ _1.56x slower_) |
| **`10,000,000`** | `318.15 ns` (✅ **1.00x**) | `1.10 ms` (❌ _3454.98x slower_)  | `506.82 ns` (❌ _1.59x slower_) |
| **`64,000,000`** | `317.56 ns` (✅ **1.00x**) | `6.31 ms` (❌ _19854.77x slower_) | `506.15 ns` (❌ _1.59x slower_) |

## upload

|                  | `krnl`                     | `cuda`                            | `ocl`                           |
| :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ |
| **`1,000,000`**  | `332.66 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `359.18 us` (✅ **1.08x slower**) | `773.51 us` (❌ _2.33x slower_) |
| **`10,000,000`** | `4.83 ms` (✅ **1.00x**)   | `3.69 ms` (✅ **1.31x faster**)   | `8.76 ms` (❌ _1.81x slower_)   |
| **`64,000,000`** | `25.24 ms` (✅ **1.00x**)  | `24.34 ms` (✅ **1.04x faster**)  | `57.02 ms` (❌ _2.26x slower_)  |

## download

|                  | `krnl`                     | `cuda`                            | `ocl`                           |
| :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ |
| **`1,000,000`**  | `584.39 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `447.38 us` (✅ **1.31x faster**) | `20.17 ms` (❌ _34.52x slower_) |
| **`10,000,000`** | `5.67 ms` (✅ **1.00x**)   | `4.03 ms` (✅ **1.41x faster**)   | `20.15 ms` (❌ _3.55x slower_)  |
| **`64,000,000`** | `28.82 ms` (✅ **1.00x**)  | `25.57 ms` (✅ **1.13x faster**)  | `37.01 ms` (❌ _1.28x slower_)  |

## zero

|                  | `krnl`                     | `cuda`                            | `ocl`                             |
| :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- |
| **`1,000,000`**  | `38.15 us` (✅ **1.00x**)  | `25.28 us` (✅ **1.51x faster**)  | `34.12 us` (✅ **1.12x faster**)  |
| **`10,000,000`** | `250.90 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `242.95 us` (✅ **1.03x faster**) | `251.86 us` (✅ **1.00x slower**) |
| **`64,000,000`** | `1.53 ms` (✅ **1.00x**)   | `1.55 ms` (✅ **1.01x slower**)   | `1.56 ms` (✅ **1.02x slower**)   |

## saxpy

|                  | `krnl`                     | `cuda`                            | `ocl`                             |
| :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- |
| **`1,000,000`**  | `90.76 us` (✅ **1.00x**)  | `81.16 us` (✅ **1.12x faster**)  | `88.94 us` (✅ **1.02x faster**)  |
| **`10,000,000`** | `746.92 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `770.03 us` (✅ **1.03x slower**) | `779.90 us` (✅ **1.04x slower**) |
| **`64,000,000`** | `4.71 ms` (✅ **1.00x**)   | `4.90 ms` (✅ **1.04x slower**)   | `4.91 ms` (✅ **1.04x slower**)   |

# Recent Changes

See [](

# License

Dual-licensed to be compatible with the Rust project.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

# Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.