krill 0.12.1

Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) daemon
//! Authorization for the API

use std::{any::Any, collections::HashMap, fmt, str::FromStr, sync::Arc};

use rpki::ca::idexchange::{InvalidHandle, MyHandle};

use crate::{
        actor::{Actor, ActorDef},
    constants::{ACTOR_DEF_ANON, NO_RESOURCE},
        auth::{common::permissions::Permission, policy::AuthPolicy, providers::AdminTokenAuthProvider},

#[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
use crate::daemon::auth::providers::{ConfigFileAuthProvider, OpenIDConnectAuthProvider};

//------------ Authorizer ----------------------------------------------------

/// An AuthProvider authenticates and authorizes a given token.
/// An AuthProvider is expected to configure itself using the global Krill
/// [`CONFIG`] object. This avoids propagation of potentially many provider
/// specific configuration values from the calling code to the provider
/// implementation.
/// Each AuthProvider is responsible for answering questions related to:
///  * authentication - who are you and is it really you?
///  * authorization  - do you have the right to do the thing you want to do?
///  * discovery      - as an interactive client where should I send my users to
///                     login and logout?
///  * introspection  - who is the currently "logged in" user?
pub enum AuthProvider {

    #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]

    #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]

impl From<AdminTokenAuthProvider> for AuthProvider {
    fn from(provider: AdminTokenAuthProvider) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
impl From<ConfigFileAuthProvider> for AuthProvider {
    fn from(provider: ConfigFileAuthProvider) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
impl From<OpenIDConnectAuthProvider> for AuthProvider {
    fn from(provider: OpenIDConnectAuthProvider) -> Self {

impl AuthProvider {
    pub async fn authenticate(&self, request: &hyper::Request<hyper::Body>) -> KrillResult<Option<ActorDef>> {
        match &self {
            AuthProvider::Token(provider) => provider.authenticate(request),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::ConfigFile(provider) => provider.authenticate(request),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::OpenIdConnect(provider) => provider.authenticate(request).await,

    pub async fn get_login_url(&self) -> KrillResult<HttpResponse> {
        match &self {
            AuthProvider::Token(provider) => provider.get_login_url(),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::ConfigFile(provider) => provider.get_login_url(),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::OpenIdConnect(provider) => provider.get_login_url().await,

    pub async fn login(&self, request: &hyper::Request<hyper::Body>) -> KrillResult<LoggedInUser> {
        match &self {
            AuthProvider::Token(provider) => provider.login(request),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::ConfigFile(provider) => provider.login(request),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::OpenIdConnect(provider) => provider.login(request).await,

    pub async fn logout(&self, request: &hyper::Request<hyper::Body>) -> KrillResult<HttpResponse> {
        match &self {
            AuthProvider::Token(provider) => provider.logout(request),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::ConfigFile(provider) => provider.logout(request),
            #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
            AuthProvider::OpenIdConnect(provider) => provider.logout(request).await,

/// This type is responsible for checking authorizations when the API is
/// accessed.
pub struct Authorizer {
    primary_provider: AuthProvider,
    legacy_provider: Option<AdminTokenAuthProvider>,
    policy: AuthPolicy,
    private_attributes: Vec<String>,

impl Authorizer {
    /// Creates an instance of the Authorizer.
    /// The given [AuthProvider] will be used to verify API access requests, to
    /// handle direct login attempts (if supported) and to determine the URLs to
    /// pass on to clients (e.g. Lagosta) that want to know where to direct
    /// end-users to login and logout.
    /// # Legacy support for krillc
    /// As krillc only supports [AdminTokenAuthProvider] based authentication, if
    /// `P` an instance of some other provider, an instance of
    /// [AdminTokenAuthProvider] will also be created. This will be used as a
    /// fallback when Lagosta is configured to use some other [AuthProvider].
    pub fn new(config: Arc<Config>, primary_provider: AuthProvider) -> KrillResult<Self> {
        let value_any = &primary_provider as &dyn Any;
        let is_admin_token_provider = value_any.downcast_ref::<AdminTokenAuthProvider>().is_some();

        let legacy_provider = if is_admin_token_provider {
            // the configured provider is the admin token provider so no
            // admin token provider is needed for backward compatibility
        } else {
            // the configured provider is not the admin token provider so we
            // also need an instance of the admin token provider in order to
            // provider backward compatibility for krillc and other API clients
            // that only understand the original, legacy, admin token based
            // authentication.

        #[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
        let private_attributes = config.auth_private_attributes.clone();
        #[cfg(not(feature = "multi-user"))]
        let private_attributes = vec!["role".to_string()];

        Ok(Authorizer {
            policy: AuthPolicy::new(config)?,

    pub async fn actor_from_request(&self, request: &hyper::Request<hyper::Body>) -> Actor {
        trace!("Determining actor for request {:?}", &request);

        // Try the legacy provider first, if any
        let mut authenticate_res = match &self.legacy_provider {
            Some(provider) => provider.authenticate(request),
            None => Ok(None),

        // Try the real provider if we did not already successfully authenticate
        authenticate_res = match authenticate_res {
            Ok(Some(res)) => Ok(Some(res)),
            _ => self.primary_provider.authenticate(request).await,

        // Create an actor based on the authentication result
        let actor = match authenticate_res {
            // authentication success
            Ok(Some(actor_def)) => self.actor_from_def(actor_def),

            // authentication failure
            Ok(None) => self.actor_from_def(ACTOR_DEF_ANON),

            // error during authentication
            Err(err) => {
                // receives a commons::error::Error, but we need an ApiAuthError

        trace!("Actor determination result: {:?}", &actor);


    pub fn actor_from_def(&self, def: ActorDef) -> Actor {
        Actor::new(def, self.policy.clone())

    /// Return the URL at which an end-user should be directed to login with the
    /// configured provider.
    pub async fn get_login_url(&self) -> KrillResult<HttpResponse> {

    /// Submit credentials directly to the configured provider to establish a
    /// login session, if supported by the configured provider.
    pub async fn login(&self, request: &hyper::Request<hyper::Body>) -> KrillResult<LoggedInUser> {
        let user = self.primary_provider.login(request).await?;

        // The user has passed authentication, but may still not be
        // authorized to login as that requires a check against the policy
        // which cannot be done by the AuthProvider. Check that now.
        let actor_def = ActorDef::user(, user.attributes.clone(), None);
        let actor = self.actor_from_def(actor_def);
        if !actor.is_allowed(Permission::LOGIN, NO_RESOURCE)? {
            let reason = format!("Login denied for user '{}': User is not permitted to 'LOGIN'",;
            warn!("{}", reason);
            return Err(Error::ApiInsufficientRights(reason));

        // Exclude private attributes before passing them to Lagosta to be
        // shown in the web UI.
        let visible_attributes = user
            .filter(|(k, _)| !self.private_attributes.contains(k))
            .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

        let filtered_user = LoggedInUser {
            token: user.token,
            attributes: visible_attributes,

        if log_enabled!(log::Level::Trace) {
            trace!("User logged in: {:?}", &filtered_user);
        } else {
            info!("User logged in: {}", &;


    /// Return the URL at which an end-user should be directed to logout with
    /// the configured provider.
    pub async fn logout(&self, request: &hyper::Request<hyper::Body>) -> KrillResult<HttpResponse> {

#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct LoggedInUser {
    pub token: Token,
    pub id: String,
    pub attributes: HashMap<String, String>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Auth {
    AuthorizationCode {
        code: Token,
        state: String,
        nonce: String,
        csrf_token_hash: String,
    IdAndPasswordHash {
        id: String,
        password_hash: Token,

impl Auth {
    pub fn bearer(token: Token) -> Self {
    pub fn authorization_code(code: Token, state: String, nonce: String, csrf_token_hash: String) -> Self {
        Auth::AuthorizationCode {

    pub fn id_and_password_hash(id: String, password_hash: Token) -> Self {
        Auth::IdAndPasswordHash { id, password_hash }

//------------ Handle --------------------------------------------------------

/// Handle for Authorization purposes.
// This type is a wrapper so the we can implement the PolarClass trait which
// is required when multi-user is enabled. We always need to pass the handle
// into the authorization macro, even if multi-user is not enabled. So we need
// this type even then.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct Handle(MyHandle);

impl fmt::Display for Handle {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl From<&MyHandle> for Handle {
    fn from(h: &MyHandle) -> Self {

impl FromStr for Handle {
    type Err = InvalidHandle;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {

impl AsRef<MyHandle> for Handle {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &MyHandle {

#[cfg(feature = "multi-user")]
impl oso::PolarClass for Handle {
    fn get_polar_class() -> oso::Class {
            .set_constructor(|name: String| Handle::from_str(&name).unwrap())
            .set_equality_check(|left: &Handle, right: &Handle| left == right)
            .add_attribute_getter("name", |instance| instance.to_string())

    fn get_polar_class_builder() -> oso::ClassBuilder<Self> {