krill 0.12.1

Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) daemon
use std::{
    convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
    sync::{Arc, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard},

use backoff::ExponentialBackoff;

use bytes::Bytes;
use cryptoki::{
    error::Error as Pkcs11Error,
    object::{Attribute, AttributeType, ObjectClass, ObjectHandle},
    slot::{Slot, SlotInfo, TokenInfo},

use rpki::{
        KeyIdentifier, PublicKey, PublicKeyFormat, RpkiSignature, RpkiSignatureAlgorithm, Signature,
        SignatureAlgorithm, SigningError,

use crate::commons::crypto::{
            context::{Pkcs11Context, ThreadSafePkcs11Context},
        probe::{ProbeError, ProbeStatus, StatefulProbe},
    SignerError, SignerHandle,

//------------ Types and constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

use serde::{de::Visitor, Deserialize};

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct Pkcs11SignerConfig {
    pub lib_path: String,

    pub user_pin: Option<String>,

    #[serde(deserialize_with = "slot_id_or_label")]
    pub slot: SlotIdOrLabel,

    #[serde(default = "Pkcs11SignerConfig::default_login")]
    pub login: bool,

    #[serde(default = "Pkcs11SignerConfig::default_retry_seconds")]
    pub retry_seconds: u64,

    #[serde(default = "Pkcs11SignerConfig::default_backoff_multiplier")]
    pub backoff_multiplier: f64,

    #[serde(default = "Pkcs11SignerConfig::default_max_retry_seconds")]
    pub max_retry_seconds: u64,

impl Pkcs11SignerConfig {
    pub fn default_login() -> bool {

    pub fn default_retry_seconds() -> u64 {

    pub fn default_backoff_multiplier() -> f64 {

    pub fn default_max_retry_seconds() -> u64 {

impl Eq for Pkcs11SignerConfig {}

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum LoginMode {
    // The token can do cryptographic operations such as signing without requiring C_Login to be called first, and so a
    // user pin is also not required.

    // The token requires that C_Login be called prior to performing any cryptographic operations such as signing. A
    // correct user pin may be needed for the login to succeed.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SlotIdOrLabel {


// Placeholder struct
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct ConnectionSettings {
    lib_path: String,

    // For some PKCS#11 libraries it is easy, or only possible, to connect by slot ID (rather than slot label). With
    // others using labeled slots is easier (e.g. with SoftHSMv2 slot 0 has a seemingly random actual slot ID generated
    // when the slot is initialized) or is dynamic (apparently the OpenDNSSec project has encountered this behaviour).
    // When a slot label is supplied all available slots will be queried via `C_GetSlotList` and the slot id of the
    // first slot with a matching label will be used to connect to the HSM.
    slot: SlotIdOrLabel,

    // The user pin is optional, it may be possible to login without it. Quoting the PKCS#11 v2.20 specificiation for
    // the C_Login operation:
    //   "If the token has a “protected authentication path”, as indicated by the CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH
    //    flag in its CK_TOKEN_INFO being set, then that means that there is some way for a user to be authenticated to
    //    the token without having the application send a PIN through the Cryptoki library. One such possibility is that
    //    the user enters a PIN on a PINpad on the token itself, or on the slot device. Or the user might not even use a
    //    PIN—authentication could be achieved by some fingerprint-reading device, for example. To log into a token with
    //    a protected authentication path, the pPin parameter to C_Login should be NULL_PTR."
    user_pin: Option<String>,

    login_mode: LoginMode,

    retry_interval: Duration,

    backoff_multiplier: f64,

    retry_timeout: Duration,

impl TryFrom<&Pkcs11SignerConfig> for ConnectionSettings {
    type Error = SignerError;

    fn try_from(conf: &Pkcs11SignerConfig) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let lib_path = conf.lib_path.clone();
        let slot = conf.slot.clone();
        let user_pin = conf.user_pin.clone();
        let login_mode = match conf.login {
            true => LoginMode::LoginRequired,
            false => LoginMode::LoginNotRequired,
        let retry_interval = Duration::from_secs(conf.retry_seconds);
        let backoff_multiplier = conf.backoff_multiplier;
        let retry_timeout = Duration::from_secs(conf.max_retry_seconds);

        Ok(ConnectionSettings {

pub struct Pkcs11Signer {
    name: String,

    handle: RwLock<Option<SignerHandle>>,

    mapper: Arc<SignerMapper>,

    /// A probe dependent interface to the PKCS#11 server.
    server: Arc<StatefulProbe<ConnectionSettings, SignerError, UsableServerState>>,

impl Pkcs11Signer {
    /// Creates a new instance of Pkcs11Signer.
    /// Warning: invoking this function twice within the same process when testing with SoftHSM can lead to error
    /// CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN. To avoid this tests should be run with `cargo test ... -- --test-threads=1`.
    pub fn build(
        name: &str,
        conf: &Pkcs11SignerConfig,
        probe_interval: Duration,
        mapper: Arc<SignerMapper>,
    ) -> Result<Self, SignerError> {
        // Signer initialization should not block Krill startup. As such we verify that we are able to load the PKCS#11
        // library don't we initialize the PKCS#11 interface yet because we don't know what it's code will do. If it
        // were to block while trying to connect to a remote server it would block Krill from starting up completely.
        // If the remote server is down and the library has logic to delay and retry, or lacks appropriate timeouts of
        // connection attempts, we could get stuck for a while. Instead we defer initialization of the library until
        // first use. The downside of this approach is that we won't detect any issues until that point. Another reason
        // not to initialize the PKCS#11 library here is that if there are multiple instances of the Pkcs11Signer only
        // the first of them should call the PKCS#11 C_Initialize() function as the PKCS#11 v2.20 specification states
        // that "Note that exactly one call to C_Initialize should be made for each application (as opposed to one call
        // for every thread, for example)". At least, for the same PKCS#11 library that is. If two instances of
        // Pkcs11Signer each use a different PKCS#11 library, e.g. one uses the SoftHSMv2 library and the other uses the
        // AWS CloudHSM library, presumably they both need initializing within the same instance of the Krill
        // "application".

        let server = Arc::new(StatefulProbe::new(

        let s = Pkcs11Signer {
            name: name.to_string(),
            handle: RwLock::new(None),


    pub fn get_name(&self) -> &str {

    pub fn set_handle(&self, handle: SignerHandle) {
        let mut writable_handle = self.handle.write().unwrap();
        if writable_handle.is_some() {
            panic!("Cannot set signer handle as handle is already set");
        *writable_handle = Some(handle);

    pub fn get_info(&self) -> Option<String> {
        if let Ok(status) = self.server.status(Self::probe_server) {
            if let Ok(state) = status.state() {
                return Some(state.conn_info.clone());

    pub fn create_registration_key(&self) -> Result<(PublicKey, String), SignerError> {
        let (public_key, _, _, internal_key_id) = self.build_key(PublicKeyFormat::Rsa)?;
        Ok((public_key, internal_key_id))

    pub fn sign_registration_challenge<D: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized>(
        key_id: &str,
        challenge: &D,
    ) -> Result<RpkiSignature, SignerError> {
        let priv_handle = self
            .find_key(key_id, ObjectClass::PRIVATE_KEY)
            .map_err(|err| match err {
                KeyError::KeyNotFound => SignerError::KeyNotFound,
                KeyError::Signer(err) => err,
        self.sign_with_key(priv_handle, RpkiSignatureAlgorithm::default(), challenge.as_ref())

//------------ Probe based server access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// The details needed to interact with a usable PKCS#11 server.
struct UsableServerState {
    context: ThreadSafePkcs11Context,

    conn_info: String,

    slot_id: Slot,

    /// When login_mode is NOT LoginMode::LoginRequired this will be None.
    /// Section 11.6 "Session management functions" of the PKCS#11 v2.20 specification says:
    ///   "Call C_Login to log the user into the token. Since all sessions an application has with a token have a
    ///    shared login state, C_Login only needs to be called for one of the sessions."
    /// Therefore we hold a reference to the login session so that all future sessions are considered logged in.
    /// The Drop impl for Pkcs11Session will log the session out if logged in.
    _login_session: Option<Pkcs11Session>,

    retry_interval: Duration,

    backoff_multiplier: f64,

    retry_timeout: Duration,

impl UsableServerState {
    pub fn new(
        context: ThreadSafePkcs11Context,
        conn_info: String,
        slot_id: Slot,
        login_session: Option<Pkcs11Session>,
        retry_interval: Duration,
        backoff_multiplier: f64,
        retry_timeout: Duration,
    ) -> UsableServerState {
        UsableServerState {
            _login_session: login_session,

    pub fn get_connection(&self) -> Result<Pkcs11Session, Pkcs11Error> {
        Pkcs11Session::new(self.context.clone(), self.slot_id)

impl Pkcs11Signer {
    /// Verify if the configured server is contactable and supports the required capabilities.
    fn probe_server(
        name: String,
        status: &ProbeStatus<ConnectionSettings, SignerError, UsableServerState>,
    ) -> Result<UsableServerState, ProbeError<SignerError>> {
        fn slot_label_eq(ctx: &RwLockReadGuard<Pkcs11Context>, slot: Slot, slot_label: &str) -> bool {
            match ctx.get_token_info(slot) {
                Ok(info) => String::from_utf8_lossy(&info.label).trim_end() == slot_label,
                Err(err) => {
                        "Failed to obtain token info for PKCS#11 slot id '{}': {}",

        fn find_slot_by_label(
            readable_ctx: &RwLockReadGuard<Pkcs11Context>,
            label: &str,
        ) -> Result<Option<Slot>, Pkcs11Error> {
            let possible_slot_id = readable_ctx
                .find(|&id| slot_label_eq(readable_ctx, id, label));

        fn initialize_if_needed(
            conn_settings: &Arc<ConnectionSettings>,
        ) -> Result<ThreadSafePkcs11Context, SignerError> {
            let lib_path = Path::new(&conn_settings.lib_path);
            let ctx = Pkcs11Context::get_or_load(lib_path)?;

        fn interrogate_token(
            conn_settings: &Arc<ConnectionSettings>,
            ctx: ThreadSafePkcs11Context,
            name: &str,
            lib_name: &String,
        ) -> Result<(Info, Slot, SlotInfo, TokenInfo, Option<String>), ProbeError<SignerError>> {
            let readable_ctx =;

            let cryptoki_info = readable_ctx.get_info().map_err(|err| {
                    "[{}] Unable to read PKCS#11 info for library '{}': {}",
                    name, lib_name, err
            trace!("[{}] C_GetInfo(): {:?}", name, cryptoki_info);

            let slot = match &conn_settings.slot {
                SlotIdOrLabel::Id(id) => {
                    match readable_ctx
                        .map_err(|err| {
                                "[{}] Unable to get PKCS#11 slot list for library '{}': {}",
                                name, lib_name, err
                        .find(|&slot| == *id)
                        Some(slot) => slot,
                        None => {
                            let err_msg = format!(
                                "[{}] No PKCS#11 slot found for library '{}' with id {}",
                                name, lib_name, id

                            error!("{}", err_msg);
                            return Err(ProbeError::CallbackFailed(SignerError::TemporarilyUnavailable));
                SlotIdOrLabel::Label(label) => {
                    // No slot id provided, look it up by its label instead
                    match find_slot_by_label(&readable_ctx, label) {
                        Ok(Some(slot)) => slot,
                        Ok(None) => {
                            let err_msg = format!(
                                "[{}] No PKCS#11 slot found for library '{}' with label '{}'",
                                name, lib_name, label

                            error!("{}", err_msg);
                            return Err(ProbeError::CallbackFailed(SignerError::TemporarilyUnavailable));
                        Err(err) => {
                                "[{}] Failed to enumerate PKCS#11 slots for library '{}': {}",
                                name, lib_name, err
                            return Err(ProbeError::CompletedUnusable);

            let slot_info = readable_ctx.get_slot_info(slot).map_err(|err| {
                let err_msg = format!(
                    "[{}] Unable to read PKCS#11 slot info for library '{}' slot {}: {}",
                    name, lib_name, slot, err

                error!("{}", err_msg);

                if is_transient_error(&err) {
                } else {
            trace!("[{}] C_GetSlotInfo(): {:?}", name, slot_info);

            let token_info = readable_ctx.get_token_info(slot).map_err(|err| {
                let err_msg = format!(
                    "[{}] Unable to read PKCS#11 token info for library '{}' slot {}: {}",
                    name, lib_name, slot, err

                error!("{}", err_msg);

                if is_transient_error(&err) {
                } else {
            trace!("[{}] C_GetTokenInfo(): {:?}", name, token_info);

            let user_pin = conn_settings.user_pin.clone();
            Ok((cryptoki_info, slot, slot_info, token_info, user_pin))

        fn login(
            session: Pkcs11Session,
            login_mode: LoginMode,
            user_pin: Option<String>,
            name: &str,
            lib_name: &String,
            slot: Slot,
        ) -> Result<Option<Pkcs11Session>, ProbeError<SignerError>> {
            match login_mode {
                LoginMode::LoginNotRequired => {
                    // Nothing to do
                LoginMode::LoginRequired => {
                    session.login(UserType::User, user_pin.as_deref()).map_err(|err| {
                            "[{}] Unable to login to PKCS#11 session for library '{}' slot {}: {}",
                            name, lib_name, slot, err

                        "[{}] Logged in to PKCS#11 session for library '{}' slot {}",


        let conn_settings = status.config()?;
        let lib_name = &conn_settings.lib_path;

        debug!("[{}] Probing server using library '{}'", name, lib_name);

        let context = initialize_if_needed(&conn_settings).map_err(|err| {
                "[{}] Unable to initialize PKCS#11 info for library '{}': {}",
                name, lib_name, err

        match interrogate_token(&conn_settings, context.clone(), &name, lib_name) {
            Ok((cryptoki_info, slot, _slot_info, token_info, user_pin)) => {
                let session = Pkcs11Session::new(context.clone(), slot).map_err(|err| {
                        "[{}] Unable to open PKCS#11 session for library '{}' slot {}: {}",
                        name, lib_name, slot, err

                // TODO: unlike the `pkcs11` crate, the `cryptoki` crate doesn't require lots of PKCS#11 functions to be
                // implemented by the loaded library. Do we need to verify therefore for ourselves that the required
                // functions exist/work? See:

                // TODO: check for RSA key pair support?

                // Login if needed
                let login_session = login(session, conn_settings.login_mode, user_pin, &name, lib_name, slot)?;

                // Switch from probing the server to using it.
                // -------------------------------------------

                // Note: When Display'd via '{}' with format!() as is done below, the Rust `cryptoki` crate automatically trims
                // trailing whitespace from Cryptoki padded strings such as the token info label, model and manufacturerID.

                let server_identification = format!(
                    "{} (Cryptoki v{})",

                let token_identification = format!(
                    "{} (model: {}, vendor: {})",

                    "Using PKCS#11 token '{}' in slot {} of server '{}' via library '{}'",
                    token_identification, slot, server_identification, lib_name

                let server_info = format!(
                    "PKCS#11 Signer [token: {}, slot: {}, server: {}, library: {}]",
                    token_identification, slot, server_identification, lib_name

                let state = UsableServerState::new(

            Err(err) => {
                if matches!(err, ProbeError::CallbackFailed(SignerError::TemporarilyUnavailable)) {
                    // This error can occur if the PKCS#11 library has cached
                    // the available token state on startup and doesn't see
                    // the token even though it is now available. For example
                    // we've seen this happen with SoftHSMv2 (when the slot is
                    // not yet initialized) and YubiHSM 2 (when the connector
                    // daemon is not running). Re-initialising the library
                    // helped in these specific cases and might therefore help
                    // with whichever token is being used now. Uninitialize
                    // the library so that it will be re-initialized when
                    // probed again.

//------------ Connection related functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

impl Pkcs11Signer {
    /// Get a connection to the server, if the server is usable.
    fn connect(&self) -> Result<Pkcs11Session, SignerError> {
        let conn = self.server.status(Self::probe_server)?.state()?.get_connection()?;

    /// Perform some operation using a PKCS#11 connection.
    /// Fails if the PKCS#11 server is not [Usable]. If the operation fails due to a transient connection error, retry
    /// with backoff upto a defined retry limit.
    fn with_conn<T, F>(&self, desc: &str, mut do_something_with_conn: F) -> Result<T, SignerError>
        F: FnMut(&Pkcs11Session) -> Result<T, Pkcs11Error>,
        let signer_name = &;

        // Define a notify callback to customize messages written to the logger
        let notify = |err, next: Duration| {
                "[{}] {} failed, retrying in {} seconds: {}",

        // Define an operation to (re)try
        let op = || {
            // First get a (possibly already existing) connection from the pool
            let conn = self.connect().map_err(retry_on_transient_signer_error)?;

            // Next, try to execute the callers operation using the connection. If it fails, examine the cause of
            // failure to determine if it should be a hard-fail (no more retries) or if we should try again.

        // Don't even bother going round the retry loop if we haven't yet successfully connected to the PKCS#11 server
        // and verified its capabilities:
        let status = self.server.status(Self::probe_server)?;
        let state = status.state()?;

        // Define the backoff policy to use
        let backoff_policy = ExponentialBackoff {
            initial_interval: state.retry_interval,
            multiplier: state.backoff_multiplier,
            max_elapsed_time: Some(state.retry_timeout),

        // Try (and retry if needed) the requested operation.
        backoff::retry_notify(backoff_policy, op, notify).map_err(|e| {
            error!("[{}] {} failed, retries exhausted: {}", signer_name, desc, e);

//------------ High level helper functions for use by the public Signer interface implementation ----------------------

impl Pkcs11Signer {
    pub(super) fn remember_key_id(
        key_id: &rpki::crypto::KeyIdentifier,
        internal_key_id: String,
    ) -> Result<(), SignerError> {
        let readable_handle =;
        let signer_handle = readable_handle.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
            SignerError::Other("PKCS#11: Failed to record signer key: Signer handle not set".to_string())
            .add_key(signer_handle, key_id, &internal_key_id)
            .map_err(|err| SignerError::Pkcs11Error(format!("Failed to record signer key: {}", err)))?;


    pub(super) fn lookup_key_id(&self, key_id: &KeyIdentifier) -> Result<String, KeyError<SignerError>> {
        let readable_handle =;
        let signer_handle = readable_handle.as_ref().ok_or(KeyError::KeyNotFound)?;

        let internal_key_id = self
            .get_key(signer_handle, key_id)
            .map_err(|_| KeyError::KeyNotFound)?;


    pub(super) fn build_key(
        algorithm: PublicKeyFormat,
    ) -> Result<(PublicKey, ObjectHandle, ObjectHandle, String), SignerError> {
        // Asymmetric Key Pair Formats
        //   "The RSA key pairs used to compute the signatures MUST have a 2048-bit
        //    modulus and a public exponent (e) of 65,537."

        if !matches!(algorithm, PublicKeyFormat::Rsa) {
            return Err(SignerError::Pkcs11Error(format!(
                "Algorithm {:?} not supported while creating key",

        let mech = Mechanism::RsaPkcsKeyPairGen;

        let mut cka_id: [u8; 20] = [0; 20];
        openssl::rand::rand_bytes(&mut cka_id)
            .map_err(|_| SignerError::Pkcs11Error("Internal error while generating a random number".to_string()))?;

        let pub_template = vec![
            Attribute::PublicExponent(vec![0x01, 0x00, 0x01]),

        let priv_template = vec![

        let (pub_handle, priv_handle) = self.with_conn("generate key pair", |conn| {
            // The Krill functional test once failed under GitHub Actions with error:
            // failed: PKCS#11: CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT (0xd1)
            // and with the underlying SoftHSM log containing this at the same timestamp:
            //   ObjectFile.cpp(124): The attribute does not exist: 0x00000002
            // and where the `pkcs11` Rust crate `` file defines that attribute as:
            //   pub const CKA_PRIVATE: CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = 0x00000002;
            // How can the CKA_PRIVATE attribute not exist?
            // Is this a real issue or just a transient problem with SoftHSMv2?
            conn.generate_key_pair(&mech, &pub_template, &priv_template)

        let public_key = self.get_public_key_from_handle(pub_handle)?;

        Ok((public_key, pub_handle, priv_handle, hex::encode(cka_id)))

    pub(super) fn get_public_key_from_handle(&self, pub_handle: ObjectHandle) -> Result<PublicKey, SignerError> {
        let res = self.with_conn("get key pair parts", |conn| {
            conn.get_attributes(pub_handle, &[AttributeType::Modulus, AttributeType::PublicExponent])

        if res.len() == 2 {
            if let (Attribute::Modulus(m), Attribute::PublicExponent(e)) = (&res[0], &res[1]) {
                PublicKey::rsa_from_components(m, e).map_err(|e| {
                        "Failed to construct RSA Public for key '{:?}'. Error: {}",
                        pub_handle, e
            } else {
                    "Unable to obtain modulus and public exponent for key {:?}. Got two different attribute types: {} and {}",
        } else {
                "Unable to obtain modulus and public exponent attributes for key {:?}",

    pub(super) fn sign_with_key<Alg: SignatureAlgorithm>(
        private_key_handle: ObjectHandle,
        algorithm: Alg,
        data: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<Signature<Alg>, SignerError> {
        if algorithm.public_key_format() != PublicKeyFormat::Rsa {
            return Err(SignerError::KmipError(format!(
                "Algorithm '{:?}' not supported",

        let mechanism = Mechanism::Sha256RsaPkcs;

        // Note: The AWS CloudHSM Known Issues for the PKCS#11 Library states:
        //   Issue: You could not hash more than 16KB of data
        //   For larger buffers, only the first 16KB will be hashed and returned. The excess data would have been
        //   silently ignored.
        //   Resolution status: Data less than 16KB in size continues to be sent to the HSM for hashing. We have added
        //   capability to hash locally, in software, data between 16KB and 64KB in size. The client and the SDKs will
        //   explicitly fail if the data buffer is larger than 64KB. You must update your client and SDK(s) to version
        //   1.1.1 or higher to benefit from the fix.
        // TODO: if data is larger than 16KB we should hash locally and only use the HSM for signing, not for hashing.
        // Should we enable this behaviour based on detection of an AWS CloudHSM or a config flag or ??? As an example,
        // Oracle enables an AWS CloudHSM specific workaround by detecting a CLOUDHSM_IGNORE_CKA_MODIFIABLE_FALSE
        // environment variable.

        let signature_data = self.with_conn("sign", |conn| conn.sign(&mechanism, private_key_handle, data))?;

        let sig = Signature::new(algorithm, Bytes::from(signature_data));


    pub(super) fn find_key(
        cka_id_hex_str: &str,
        key_class: ObjectClass,
    ) -> Result<ObjectHandle, KeyError<SignerError>> {
        let human_key_class = match key_class {
            ObjectClass::PUBLIC_KEY => "public key",
            ObjectClass::PRIVATE_KEY => "private key",
            _ => "key",

        let cka_id = hex::decode(cka_id_hex_str).map_err(|_| KeyError::Signer(SignerError::DecodeError))?;

        let results = self.with_conn("find key", |conn| {
            // Find at most one result that matches the given key class (public or private) and the given PKCS#11
            // CKA_ID bytes.

            // A PKCS#11 session can have at most one active search operation at a time. A search must be initialized,
            // results fetched, and then finalized, only then can the session perform another search.
            conn.find_objects(&[Attribute::Class(key_class), Attribute::Id(cka_id.clone())])

        match results.len() {
            0 => Err(KeyError::KeyNotFound),
            1 => Ok(results[0]),
            _ => Err(KeyError::Signer(SignerError::Pkcs11Error(format!(
                "More than one {} found with id {}",
                &human_key_class, cka_id_hex_str

    pub(super) fn destroy_key_by_handle(&self, key_handle: ObjectHandle) -> Result<(), SignerError> {
        trace!("[{}] Destroying key with PKCS#11 handle {}",, key_handle);
        self.with_conn("destroy", |conn| conn.destroy_object(key_handle))

//------------ Functions required to exist by the `SignerProvider` ----------------------------------------------------

// Implement the functions defined by the `Signer` trait because `SignerProvider` expects to invoke them, but as the
// dispatching is not trait based we don't actually have to implement the `Signer` trait.

impl Pkcs11Signer {
    pub fn create_key(&self, algorithm: PublicKeyFormat) -> Result<KeyIdentifier, SignerError> {
        let (key, _, _, internal_key_id) = self.build_key(algorithm)?;
        let key_id = key.key_identifier();
        self.remember_key_id(&key_id, internal_key_id)?;

    pub fn get_key_info(&self, key_id: &KeyIdentifier) -> Result<PublicKey, KeyError<SignerError>> {
        let internal_key_id = self.lookup_key_id(key_id)?;
        let pub_handle = self.find_key(&internal_key_id, ObjectClass::PUBLIC_KEY)?;

    pub fn destroy_key(&self, key_id: &KeyIdentifier) -> Result<(), KeyError<SignerError>> {
        debug!("[{}] Destroying key pair with ID {}",, key_id);
        let internal_key_id = self.lookup_key_id(key_id)?;
        let mut res: Result<(), KeyError<SignerError>> = Ok(());

        // try deleting the public key
        if let Ok(pub_handle) = self.find_key(&internal_key_id, ObjectClass::PUBLIC_KEY) {
            res = self.destroy_key_by_handle(pub_handle).map_err(|err| match err {
                SignerError::KeyNotFound => KeyError::KeyNotFound,
                _ => KeyError::Signer(err),

            if let Err(err) = &res {
                    "[{}] Failed to destroy public key with ID {}: {}",
          , key_id, err

        // try deleting the private key
        if let Ok(priv_handle) = self.find_key(&internal_key_id, ObjectClass::PRIVATE_KEY) {
            let res2 = self.destroy_key_by_handle(priv_handle).map_err(|err| match err {
                SignerError::KeyNotFound => KeyError::KeyNotFound,
                _ => KeyError::Signer(err),

            if let Err(err) = &res2 {
                    "[{}] Failed to destroy private key with ID {}: {}",
          , key_id, err

            res = res.and(res2);

        // remove the key from the signer mapper as well
        if let Some(signer_handle) = {
            let res3 = self
                .remove_key(signer_handle, key_id)
                .map_err(|err| KeyError::Signer(SignerError::Other(err.to_string())));

            if let Err(err) = &res3 {
                    "[{}] Failed to remove mapping for key with ID {}: {}",
          , key_id, err

            res = res.and(res3);


    pub fn sign<Alg: SignatureAlgorithm, D: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized>(
        key_id: &KeyIdentifier,
        algorithm: Alg,
        data: &D,
    ) -> Result<Signature<Alg>, SigningError<SignerError>> {
        let internal_key_id = self.lookup_key_id(key_id)?;
        let priv_handle = self
            .find_key(&internal_key_id, ObjectClass::PRIVATE_KEY)
            .map_err(|err| match err {
                KeyError::KeyNotFound => SigningError::KeyNotFound,
                KeyError::Signer(err) => SigningError::Signer(err),

        self.sign_with_key(priv_handle, algorithm, data.as_ref())

    pub fn sign_one_off<Alg: SignatureAlgorithm, D: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized>(
        algorithm: Alg,
        data: &D,
    ) -> Result<(Signature<Alg>, PublicKey), SignerError> {
        let (key, pub_handle, priv_handle, _) = self.build_key(PublicKeyFormat::Rsa)?;

        let signature_res = self
            .sign_with_key(priv_handle, algorithm, data.as_ref())
            .map_err(|err| SignerError::Pkcs11Error(format!("One-off signing of data failed: {}", err)));

        let _ = self.destroy_key_by_handle(pub_handle);
        let _ = self.destroy_key_by_handle(priv_handle);

        let signature = signature_res?;

        Ok((signature, key))

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retry with backoff related helper impls/fns:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

fn retry_on_transient_pkcs11_error(err: Pkcs11Error) -> backoff::Error<SignerError> {
    if is_transient_error(&err) {
    } else {

fn retry_on_transient_signer_error(err: SignerError) -> backoff::Error<SignerError> {
    match err {
        SignerError::TemporarilyUnavailable => backoff::Error::Transient(err),
        _ => backoff::Error::Permanent(err),

fn is_transient_error(err: &Pkcs11Error) -> bool {
    match err {
        | Pkcs11Error::NullFunctionPointer
        | Pkcs11Error::LibraryLoading(_)
        | Pkcs11Error::TryFromInt(_)
        | Pkcs11Error::TryFromSlice(_)
        | Pkcs11Error::NulError(_)
        | Pkcs11Error::InvalidValue
        | Pkcs11Error::PinNotSet => {
            // The Rust `pkcs11` crate had a serious problem such as the loaded library not exporting a required
            // function or that it was asked to initialize an already initialized library.
        Pkcs11Error::Pkcs11(err) => {
            // Error codes were taken from the `types` module of the Rust `pkcs11` crate.
            // See section 11.1 of the PKCS#11 v2.20 specification for an explanation of each value.
            // Return true only for errors which might succeed very soon after they failed. Errors which are solvable
            // by an operator changing data or configuration in the HSM are not treated as transient errors as they
            // are unlikely to be solved in the immediate future and thus there is no value in retrying.
            // Causes of certain errors that might be worth documenting or suggesting as guidance to the user in the
            // logs:
            //   - CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:   Can happen when the PKCS#11 library doesn't have access to its files, e.g.
            //                            when `softhsm2-util --init-token` was run as root but Krill is run as a
            //                            different user.
            //   - CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:   Can happen when the PKCS#11 library cannot find its configuration files, e.g.
            //                            when the YubiHSM PKCS#11 library cannot find `yubihsm_pkcs11.conf` in the
            //                            current directory and the environment variable `YUBIHSM_PKCS11_CONF` is not
            //                            set and pointing to the correct location of the file or if the file is not
            //                            readable by the Krill user.
            //   - CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT: Can happen when the YubiHSM PKCS#11 configuration file `connector` setting
            //                            reers to a URL at which `yubihsm-connector -d` should be listening but the
            //                            YubiHSM PKCS#11 library fails to connect to (either because the URL is
            //                            incorrect or it is a HTTPS URL but there is a TLS failure such as invalid
            //                            certificate or unknown signing CA etc) or some other issue such as a firewall
            //                            or operating system restriction preventing access.
            match err {
                cryptoki::error::RvError::ActionProhibited => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::ArgumentsBad => false, // resubmitting the same bad arguments will just fail again
                cryptoki::error::RvError::AttributeReadOnly => false, // for attributes that are always read only retrying will not succeed
                cryptoki::error::RvError::AttributeSensitive => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::AttributeTypeInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::AttributeValueInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::BufferTooSmall => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::Cancel => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::CantLock => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::CryptokiAlreadyInitialized => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::CryptokiNotInitialized => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::CurveNotSupported => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::DataInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::DataLenRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::DeviceError => true, // some error but we don't know what so could be transient
                cryptoki::error::RvError::DeviceMemory => true, // maybe the token frees up some memory such that a retry succeeds?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::DeviceRemoved => true, // not present at the time the function was executed but might be later
                cryptoki::error::RvError::DomainParamsInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::EncryptedDataInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::EncryptedDataLenRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::ExceededMaxIterations => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::FipsSelfTestFailed => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::FunctionCanceled => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::FunctionFailed => true, // the spec says the situation is not necessarily totally hopeless
                cryptoki::error::RvError::FunctionNotParallel => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::FunctionNotSupported => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::FunctionRejected => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::GeneralError => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::HostMemory => true,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::InformationSensitive => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyChanged => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyFunctionNotPermitted => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyHandleInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyIndigestible => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyNeeded => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyNotNeeded => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyNotWrappable => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeySizeRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyTypeInconsistent => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::KeyUnextractable => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::LibraryLoadFailed => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::MechanismInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::MechanismParamInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::MutexBad => false, // should never happen so consider it fatal?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::MutexNotLocked => false, // should never happen so consider it fatal?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::NeedToCreateThreads => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::NewPinMode => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::NextOtp => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::NoEvent => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::ObjectHandleInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::OperationActive => true, // the active operation might finish thereby permitting a retry to succeed
                cryptoki::error::RvError::OperationNotInitialized => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PinExpired => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PinIncorrect => true, // maybe the operator misconfigured the token and will fix it
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PinInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PinLenRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PinLocked => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PinTooWeak => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::PublicKeyInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::RandomNoRng => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::RandomSeedNotSupported => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SavedStateInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionClosed => true, // maybe on retry we open a new session and succeed?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionCount => true, // if a session closes it might be possible on retry for a session open to succeed
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionExists => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionHandleInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionParallelNotSupported => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionReadOnly => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionReadOnlyExists => true, // will succeed on retry if the conflicting SO session logs out
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SessionReadWriteSoExists => true, // will succeed on retry if the conflicting SO session logs out
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SignatureInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SignatureLenRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::SlotIdInvalid => true, // maybe we tried accessing the slot just before it is created?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::StateUnsaveable => true, // the spec doesn't seem to rule out this being a temporary condition
                cryptoki::error::RvError::TemplateIncomplete => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::TemplateInconsistent => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::TokenNotPresent => true, // not present at the time the function was executed but might be later
                cryptoki::error::RvError::TokenNotRecognized => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::TokenWriteProtected => true, // maybe the write protection is a transient condition?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UnwrappingKeyHandleInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UnwrappingKeySizeRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UnwrappingKeyTypeInconsistent => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UserAlreadyLoggedIn => true, // maybe another client was is busy logging out so try again?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UserAnotherAlreadyLoggedIn => true,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UserNotLoggedIn => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UserPinNotInitialized => true, // maybe the operator will initialize the PIN
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UserTooManyTypes => true, // maybe some sessions are terminated while retrying permitting us to succeed?
                cryptoki::error::RvError::UserTypeInvalid => true,  // maybe the operator will fix the users type
                cryptoki::error::RvError::VendorDefined => true, // we have no way of knowing what this kind of failure is, maybe it is transient
                cryptoki::error::RvError::WrappedKeyInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::WrappedKeyLenRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::WrappingKeyHandleInvalid => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::WrappingKeySizeRange => false,
                cryptoki::error::RvError::WrappingKeyTypeInconsistent => false,

impl From<Pkcs11Error> for SignerError {
    fn from(err: Pkcs11Error) -> Self {
        if is_transient_error(&err) {
            error!("PKCS#11 signer unavailable: {}", err);
        } else {

impl From<ProbeError<SignerError>> for SignerError {
    fn from(err: ProbeError<SignerError>) -> Self {
        match err {
            ProbeError::WrongState => {
                SignerError::Other("Internal error: probe is not in the expected state".to_string())
            ProbeError::AwaitingNextProbe => SignerError::TemporarilyUnavailable,
            ProbeError::CompletedUnusable => SignerError::PermanentlyUnusable,
            ProbeError::CallbackFailed(err) => err,

impl From<SignerError> for ProbeError<SignerError> {
    fn from(err: SignerError) -> Self {

macro_rules! integer_to_slot_id {
    ($deserialize:ident, $type:ident) => {
        fn $deserialize<E>(self, v: $type) -> Result<SlotIdOrLabel, E>
            E: serde::de::Error,
            Ok(SlotIdOrLabel::Id(u64::try_from(v).map_err(|_| {
                serde::de::Error::custom("not a valid PKCS#11 slot ID")

// Based on
fn slot_id_or_label<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<SlotIdOrLabel, D::Error>
    D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
    struct UintOrString(PhantomData<fn() -> SlotIdOrLabel>);

    impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for UintOrString {
        type Value = SlotIdOrLabel;

        fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
            formatter.write_str("PKCS#11 unsigned integer slot ID or string label")

        fn visit_str<E>(self, value: &str) -> Result<SlotIdOrLabel, E>
            E: serde::de::Error,

        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_u8, u8);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_u16, u16);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_u32, u32);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_u64, u64);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_i8, i8);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_i16, i16);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_i32, i32);
        integer_to_slot_id!(visit_i64, i64);


mod tes {
    use super::*;

    fn configure_using_slot_id() {
        let config_str = r#"
            lib_path = "dummy path"
            slot = 1234
        let config: Pkcs11SignerConfig = toml::from_str(config_str).unwrap();
        assert!(matches!(config.slot, SlotIdOrLabel::Id(1234)));

    fn configure_using_slot_label() {
        let config_str = r#"
            lib_path = "dummy path"
            slot = "well well well"
        let config: Pkcs11SignerConfig = toml::from_str(config_str).unwrap();
        let expected_label = "well well well".to_string();
        assert!(matches!(config.slot, SlotIdOrLabel::Label(label) if label == expected_label));

    fn configure_using_negative_slot_id() {
        let config_str = r#"
            lib_path = "dummy path"
            slot = -1234
        let err = toml::from_str::<Pkcs11SignerConfig>(config_str).unwrap_err();
            "not a valid PKCS#11 slot ID for key `slot` at line 3 column 20"