krecik 1.0.4

Asynchronous, parallel external service checker (and reporter), using industry standard libraries: Curl, ngHTTP2 and OpenSSL.
use crate::{actors::results_warden::*, debug, utilities, Notificator, Stories};
use actix::prelude::*;
use chrono::Local;

/// HistoryTeacher actor stores check results to a json file
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct HistoryTeacher;

/// List of result stories
#[derive(Message, Debug, Clone)]
#[rtype(result = "()")]
pub struct Results(pub Stories, pub Addr<ResultsWarden>, pub Addr<Notificator>);

impl Handler<Results> for HistoryTeacher {
    type Result = ();

    fn handle(&mut self, history: Results, _ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result {
        let stories_listof_json = history
            .map(|story| story.to_string())
        let history_json = format!("[{}]", stories_listof_json);
        let timestamp = Local::now().to_rfc3339();
        let stories_output = format!("/tmp/krecik-history-{}.json", timestamp);
        debug!("Storing check result stories to file: {}", stories_output);
        utilities::write_append(&stories_output, &history_json);
        // then send message to ResultsWarden to validate results after stories were saved to a file

impl Actor for HistoryTeacher {
    type Context = SyncContext<Self>;