krates 0.12.6

Create graphs of crates gathered from cargo metadata
pub(crate) mod features;

use crate::{DepKind, Edge, Error, Kid, Krates};
use cargo_metadata as cm;
use features::{Feature, ParsedFeature};
use std::{
    path::{Path, PathBuf},

/// An alternative to [`cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand`] which allows correct
/// feature usage, as well as ensuring that the command can run successfully
/// regardless of where it is executed and on what.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Cmd {
    cargo_path: Option<PathBuf>,
    manifest_path: Option<PathBuf>,
    current_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
    features: Vec<String>,
    other_options: Vec<String>,
    all_features: bool,
    no_default_features: bool,
    frozen: bool,
    locked: bool,
    offline: bool,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LockOptions {
    /// Requires that the Cargo.lock file is up-to-date. If the lock file is
    /// missing, or it needs to be updated, Cargo will exit with an error.
    /// Prevents Cargo from attempting to access the network to determine if it
    /// is out-of-date.
    pub frozen: bool,
    /// Requires that the Cargo.lock file is up-to-date. If the lock file is
    /// missing, or it needs to be updated, Cargo will exit with an error.
    pub locked: bool,
    /// Prevents Cargo from accessing the network for any reason. Without this
    /// flag, Cargo will stop with an error if it needs to access the network
    /// and the network is not available. With this flag, Cargo will attempt to
    /// proceed without the network if possible.
    /// Beware that this may result in different dependency resolution than
    /// online mode. Cargo will restrict itself to crates that are downloaded
    /// locally, even if there might be a newer version as indicated in the
    /// local copy of the index. See the [cargo fetch](
    /// command to download dependencies before going offline.
    pub offline: bool,

impl Cmd {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Path to `cargo` executable.  If not set, this will use the the `$CARGO`
    /// environment variable, and if that is not set, will simply be `cargo`.
    pub fn cargo_path(&mut self, path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> &mut Self {
        self.cargo_path = Some(path.into());

    /// Path to a `Cargo.toml` manifest
    pub fn manifest_path(&mut self, path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> &mut Self {
        self.manifest_path = Some(path.into());

    /// Current directory of the `cargo metadata` process.
    pub fn current_dir(&mut self, path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> &mut Self {
        self.current_dir = Some(path.into());

    /// Disables default features.
    /// **NOTE**: This has **no effect** if used on a workspace. You must
    /// specify a working directory or manifest path to a specific crate if used
    /// on a crate inside a workspace.
    pub fn no_default_features(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
        self.no_default_features = true;

    /// Enables all features for all workspace crates. Usable on both individual
    /// crates and on an entire workspace.
    pub fn all_features(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
        self.all_features = true;

    /// Enables specific features. See the **NOTE** for `no_default_features`
    pub fn features(&mut self, feats: impl IntoIterator<Item = String>) -> &mut Self {

    /// Sets the various [lock options](
    /// for determining if cargo can access the network and if the lockfile must
    /// be present and can be modified
    pub fn lock_opts(&mut self, lopts: LockOptions) -> &mut Self {
        self.frozen = lopts.frozen;
        self.locked = lopts.locked;
        self.offline = lopts.offline;

    /// Arbitrary command line flags to pass to `cargo`.  These will be added to
    /// the end of the command line invocation.
    pub fn other_options(&mut self, options: impl IntoIterator<Item = String>) -> &mut Self {

impl From<Cmd> for cm::MetadataCommand {
    fn from(mut cmd: Cmd) -> cm::MetadataCommand {
        let mut mdc = cm::MetadataCommand::new();

        if let Some(cp) = cmd.cargo_path {

        // If the manifest path is set, we force set the current working
        // directory to its parent and use the relative path, this is to fix an
        // edge case where you can run cargo metadata from a directory outside
        // of a workspace which could fail if eg. there is a reference to a
        // registry that is defined in the workspace's .cargo/config
        if let Some(mp) = cmd.manifest_path {
            cmd.current_dir = Some(mp.parent().unwrap().to_owned());

        if let Some(cd) = cmd.current_dir {

        // Everything else we specify as additional options, as MetadataCommand
        // does not handle features correctly, eg. you cannot disable default
        // and set specific ones at the same time

        let mut opts = Vec::with_capacity(
                + cmd.other_options.len()
                + usize::from(cmd.no_default_features)
                + usize::from(cmd.all_features),

        if cmd.no_default_features {

        if cmd.all_features {

        if !cmd.features.is_empty() {
            opts.push(cmd.features.join(" "));

        if cmd.frozen {

        if cmd.locked {

        if cmd.offline {

        opts.append(&mut cmd.other_options);


pub enum Target {
    Builtin(&'static cfg_expr::targets::TargetInfo),
    #[cfg(feature = "targets")]

impl<T> From<T> for Target
    T: AsRef<str>,
    fn from(triple: T) -> Self {
        let triple = triple.as_ref();
        match cfg_expr::targets::get_builtin_target_by_triple(triple) {
            Some(bi) => Self::Builtin(bi),
            None => {
                #[cfg(feature = "targets")]
                    match triple.parse() {
                        Ok(triple) => Self::Triple(triple),
                        Err(_) => Self::Unknown(triple.to_owned()),

                #[cfg(not(feature = "targets"))]

use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Display for Target {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::Builtin(bi) => f.write_str(bi.triple.as_str()),
            #[cfg(feature = "targets")]
            Self::Triple(trip) => write!(f, "{}", trip),
            Self::Unknown(unknown) => f.write_str(unknown),

struct TargetFilter {
    inner: Target,
    features: Vec<String>,

impl TargetFilter {
    fn eval(&self, predicate: &cfg_expr::Predicate<'_>) -> bool {
        match predicate {
            cfg_expr::expr::Predicate::Target(tp) => match &self.inner {
                Target::Builtin(bi) => tp.matches(*bi),
                #[cfg(feature = "targets")]
                Target::Triple(trip) => tp.matches(trip),
                Target::Unknown(_) => false,
            cfg_expr::expr::Predicate::TargetFeature(feat) => {
                // TODO: target_features are extremely rare in cargo.toml
                // files, it might be a good idea to inform the user of this
                // somehow, if they are unsure why a particular dependency
                // is being filtered
                self.features.iter().any(|f| f == feat)
            // We *could* warn here about an invalid expression, but
            // presumably cargo will be responsible for that, so don't bother
            _ => false,

    fn matches_triple(&self, triple: &str) -> bool {
        match &self.inner {
            Target::Builtin(bi) => bi.triple.as_str() == triple,
            #[cfg(feature = "targets")]
            Target::Triple(trip) => {
                let as_triple = format!("{}", trip);
                as_triple == triple
            Target::Unknown(unknown) => unknown == triple,

/// The scope for which a dependency kind will be ignored
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Scope {
    /// Will match a dependency from a crate in the workspace
    /// Will match a dependency from any crate not in the workspace
    /// Will ignore a dependency from any crate

/// Trait used to report back any crates that are completely ignored in the
/// final crate graph that is built. This occurs when the crate has no
/// dependents any longer due to the applied filters.
pub trait OnFilter {
    fn filtered(&mut self, krate: cm::Package);

/// For when you just want to satisfy [`OnFilter`] without doing anything
pub struct NoneFilter;
impl OnFilter for NoneFilter {
    fn filtered(&mut self, _: cm::Package) {}

impl<F> OnFilter for F
    F: FnMut(cm::Package),
    fn filtered(&mut self, krate: cm::Package) {

/// A builder used to create a Krates graph, either by running a cargo metadata
/// command, or using an already deserialized [`cargo_metadata::Metadata`]
pub struct Builder {
    target_filters: Vec<TargetFilter>,
    workspace_filters: Vec<PathBuf>,
    exclude: Vec<crate::PkgSpec>,
    workspace: bool,
    ignore_kinds: u32,

impl Builder {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Ignores a specific dependency kind in the given scope.
    /// ```
    /// # use krates::{Builder, DepKind, Scope};
    /// Builder::new().ignore_kind(DepKind::Build, Scope::NonWorkspace);
    /// ```
    /// In the above example, let's say we depended on `zstd`. zstd depends on
    /// the `cc` crate (`zstd -> zstd-safe -> zstd-sys -> cc`) for building
    /// C code. By ignoring the `build` kind for non-workspace crates, the link
    /// from `zstd-sys` -> `cc` will be filtered out. If the same `cc` is not
    /// depended on by a crate in the workspace, `cc` will not end up in the
    /// final `Krates` graph.
    /// Note that ignoring [`DepKind::Dev`] for [`Scope::NonWorkspace`] is
    /// meaningless as dev dependencies are not resolved by cargo for transitive
    /// dependencies.
    pub fn ignore_kind(&mut self, kind: DepKind, scope: Scope) -> &mut Self {
        let kind_flag = match kind {
            DepKind::Normal => 0x1,
            DepKind::Dev => 0x8,
            DepKind::Build => 0x40,

        self.ignore_kinds |= kind_flag;

        self.ignore_kinds |= match scope {
            Scope::Workspace => kind_flag << 1,
            Scope::NonWorkspace => kind_flag << 2,
            Scope::All => kind_flag << 1 | kind_flag << 2,


    /// By default, the response from `cargo metadata` determines what the
    /// root(s) of the crate graph will be. If the Cargo.toml path used is a
    /// virtual manifest, then each workspace member will be used as a root. If
    /// the manifest path is for a single crate, or a non-virtual manifest
    /// inside a workspace, then only that single crate will be used as the
    /// root, and in the workspace case, only other workspace members that are
    /// dependencies of that root crate, directly or indirectly, will be
    /// included in the final graph.
    /// Setting workspace = true will change that default behavior, and instead
    /// include all workspace crates (unless they are filtered via other
    /// methods) even if the manifest path is not a virtual manifest inside
    /// a workspace
    /// ```
    /// # use krates::Builder;
    /// Builder::new().workspace(true);
    /// ```
    pub fn workspace(&mut self, workspace: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.workspace = workspace;

    /// Package specification(s) to exclude from the final graph. Unlike with
    /// cargo, each exclusion spec can apply to more than 1 instance of a
    /// package, eg if multiple crates are sourced from the same url, or
    /// multiple versions of the same crate
    /// ```
    /// # use krates::Builder;
    /// Builder::new().exclude(["a-crate:0.1.0"].iter().map(|spec| spec.parse().unwrap()));
    /// ```
    pub fn exclude<I>(&mut self, exclude: I) -> &mut Self
        I: IntoIterator<Item = crate::PkgSpec>,

    /// By default, every workspace crate is treated as a root node and
    /// implicitly added to the graph if the graph is built from a workspace
    /// context and not a specific crate in the workspace.
    /// By using this method, only the workspace crates whose Cargo.toml path
    /// matches one of the specified crates will be added as root nodes, meaning
    /// that any workspace crate not in the list that doesn't have any
    /// dependendents on a workspace crate that does, will no longer appear in
    /// the graph.
    /// If you specify only a single path, and that path is actually to a
    /// a workspace's virtual manifest, the graph will be the same as if
    /// [`Builder::include_workspace_crates`] was not specified.
    /// ```
    /// # use krates::{Builder, DepKind, Scope};
    /// Builder::new().include_workspace_crates(&["path/to/some/crate"]);
    /// ```
    pub fn include_workspace_crates<P, I>(&mut self, crates: I) -> &mut Self
        P: AsRef<Path>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
        self.workspace_filters.extend(crates.into_iter().map(|p| {
            // It's the users's responsibility to give proper paths here, as
            // we can't rely on eg canonicalization since we might not be on
            // the same filesystem any more. We do fixup the ensure they point
            // at a Cargo.toml however
            let p = p.as_ref();

            // Attempt to canonicalize the path, which might not work if the
            // user is attempting to add a path to filter from another
            // filesystem or similar
            let p = p.canonicalize().unwrap_or_else(|_| p.to_owned());

            if !p.ends_with("Cargo.toml") {
            } else {


    /// By default, cargo resolves all target specific dependencies. Optionally,
    /// you can use the `--filter-platform` option on `cargo metadata` to
    /// resolve only dependencies that match the specified target, but it can
    /// only do this for one platlform.
    /// By using this method, you can specify one or more targets by their
    /// triple, as well as any [`target_features`](
    /// that you [promise](
    /// are enabled for that target to filter dependencies by. If any of the
    /// specified targets matches a target specific dependency, it will be
    /// included in the graph.
    /// When specifying a target triple, only builtin targets of rustc can be
    /// used to evaluate `cfg()` expressions. If the triple is not recognized,
    /// it will only be evaluated against `[target.<triple-or-json>.<|build-|dev->dependencies]`.
    /// ```
    /// # use krates::{Builder, DepKind, Scope};
    /// let targets = [
    ///     // the big 3
    ///     "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
    ///     "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
    ///     "x86_64-apple-darwin",
    ///     // and musl!
    ///     "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl",
    ///     // and wasm (with the fancy atomics feature!)
    ///     "wasm32-unknown-unknown",
    /// ];
    /// Builder::new().include_targets(targets.iter().map(|triple| {
    ///     if triple.starts_with("wasm32") {
    ///         (*triple, vec!["atomics".to_owned()])
    ///     } else {
    ///         (*triple, vec![])
    ///     }
    /// }));
    /// ```
    pub fn include_targets<S: Into<Target>>(
        &mut self,
        targets: impl IntoIterator<Item = (S, Vec<String>)>,
    ) -> &mut Self {
            .extend(targets.into_iter().map(|(triple, features)| TargetFilter {
                inner: triple.into(),

    /// Builds a [`Krates`] graph using metadata that be retrieved via the
    /// specified metadata command. If `on_filter` is specified, it will be
    /// called with each package that was filtered from the graph, if any.
    /// This method will fail if the metadata command fails for some reason, or
    /// if the command specifies `--no-deps` which means there will be no
    /// resolution graph to build our graph from.
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use krates::cm::Package;
    /// let mut mdc = krates::Cmd::new();
    /// mdc.manifest_path("path/to/Cargo.toml");
    /// if /*no_default_features*/ true {
    ///     mdc.no_default_features();
    /// }
    /// if /*cfg.all_features*/ false {
    ///     mdc.all_features();
    /// }
    /// mdc.features(
    ///     ["cool-feature", "cooler-feature", "coolest-feature"]
    ///         .iter()
    ///         .map(|s| s.to_string()),
    /// );
    /// let mut builder = krates::Builder::new();
    /// if /*cfg.ignore_build_dependencies*/ false {
    ///     builder.ignore_kind(krates::DepKind::Build, krates::Scope::All);
    /// }
    /// if /*cfg.ignore_dev_dependencies*/ true {
    ///     builder.ignore_kind(krates::DepKind::Dev, krates::Scope::All);
    /// }
    /// let graph: krates::Krates =
    ///     mdc,
    ///     |filtered: Package| match filtered.source {
    ///         Some(src) => {
    ///             if src.is_crates_io() {
    ///                 println!("filtered {} {}",, filtered.version);
    ///             } else {
    ///                 println!("filtered {} {} {}",, filtered.version, src);
    ///             }
    ///         }
    ///         None => println!("filtered crate {} {}",, filtered.version),
    ///     },
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn build<N, E, F>(
        cmd: impl Into<cm::MetadataCommand>,
        on_filter: F,
    ) -> Result<Krates<N, E>, Error>
        N: From<cargo_metadata::Package>,
        E: From<Edge>,
        F: OnFilter,
        let metadata = cmd.into().exec()?;
        self.build_with_metadata(metadata, on_filter)

    /// Builds a [`Krates`] graph using the specified metadata. If `on_filter` is
    /// specified, it will be called with each package that was filtered from
    /// the graph, if any.
    /// The metadata **must** have resolved dependencies for the graph to be
    /// built, so not having it is the only way this method will fail.
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use krates::{Krates, Builder, DepKind, Scope, cm::Package};
    /// let contents = std::fs::read_to_string("metadata.json")
    ///     .map_err(|e| format!("failed to load metadata file: {}", e)).unwrap();
    /// let md: krates::cm::Metadata = serde_json::from_str(&contents)
    ///     .map_err(|e| format!("failed to deserialize metadata: {}", e)).unwrap();
    /// let krates: Krates = Builder::new().build_with_metadata(
    ///     md,
    ///     |pkg: Package| println!("filtered {}",
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// println!("found {} unique crates", krates.len());
    /// ```
    pub fn build_with_metadata<N, E, F>(
        md: cargo_metadata::Metadata,
        mut on_filter: F,
    ) -> Result<Krates<N, E>, Error>
        N: From<cargo_metadata::Package>,
        E: From<Edge>,
        F: OnFilter,
        let resolved = md.resolve.ok_or(Error::NoResolveGraph)?;

        let mut packages = md.packages;
        packages.sort_by(|a, b|;

        let mut workspace_members = md.workspace_members;

        let mut pid_stack = Vec::with_capacity(workspace_members.len());

        // Only include workspaces members the user wants if they have specified
        // any, this is to take into account scenarios where you have a large
        // workspace, but only want to get the crates used by a subset of the
        // workspace
        if self.workspace_filters.is_empty() {
            // If the resolve graph specifies a root, it means the user
            // specified a particular crate in a workspace, so we'll only use
            // that single root for the entire graph rather than a root for each
            // workspace member crate
            if !self.workspace {
                if let Some(root) = &resolved.root {

            if pid_stack.is_empty() {
        } else {
            // If the filters only contain 1 path, and it is the path to a
            // workspace toml, then we disregard the filters
            if self.workspace_filters.len() == 1
                && Some(md.workspace_root.as_ref()) == self.workspace_filters[0].parent()
            } else {
                for wm in &workspace_members {
                    if let Ok(i) = packages.binary_search_by(|pkg| {
                        if self
                            .any(|wf| wf == &packages[i].manifest_path)

        let exclude = self.exclude;

        let include_all_targets = self.target_filters.is_empty();
        let ignore_kinds = self.ignore_kinds;
        let targets = self.target_filters;

        // For features, we need to know what the root crates are in the graph,
        // as the features enabled on those crates are the real source of truth,
        // as all features of non-root crates can be made inaccurate due to
        // graph pruning
        let roots: std::collections::BTreeSet<_> = pid_stack.iter().cloned().collect();

        let is_root_crate = |pid: &cm::PackageId| -> bool { roots.contains(&pid) };

        struct DepKindInfo {
            kind: DepKind,
            cfg: Option<String>,

        // We use our resolution nodes because cargo_metadata uses
        // non-exhaustive everywhere :p
        struct NodeDep {
            /// The name of the dependency, which could be a different name than the crate itself
            name: String,
            pkg: Kid,
            dep_kinds: Vec<DepKindInfo>,

        struct Node {
            id: Kid,
            deps: Vec<NodeDep>,
            features: Vec<String>,

        let mut nodes: Vec<_> = resolved
            .map(|rn| {
                if let Err(i) = packages.binary_search_by(|k| {
                    // In the case of git dependencies, the package ids may not line up exactly, due to the
                    // user facing id containing the revision specifier (eg ?branch=master), whereas the id used to
                    // reference it as a dependency in other parts of the graph only use the fully resolved
                    // id with the #<rev>
                    let probable = &packages[i];

                    let prepr = DecomposedRepr::build(&;
                    let drepr = DecomposedRepr::build(&;

                    if prepr != drepr {
                        panic!("Unable to find dependency {} in list of packages",;

                let deps = rn
                    .map(|dn| {
                        // This requires 1.41+
                        let dep_kinds = dn
                            .map(|dk| DepKindInfo {
                                kind: dk.kind.into(),
                                cfg:|t| t.to_string()),

                        NodeDep {
                            pkg: dn.pkg,

                let mut features = rn.features;

                // Note that cargo metadata _currently_ always outputs these in
                // lexicographic order, but I don't know if that is actually
                // guaranteed at all and might just be due to the implementation
                // (eg stored in a Btree), so we just perform our own sort to
                // guarantee that this is indeed always sorted since we rely on
                // that attribute

                Node {

        nodes.sort_by(|a, b|;

        enum FeatureEdgeName {

        struct FeatureEdge<'nodes> {
            kid: &'nodes Kid,
            name: FeatureEdgeName,

        fn crate_name_from_pid(pid: &cm::PackageId) -> &str {
            let name_end = pid.repr.find(' ').unwrap();

        let mut dep_edge_map = HashMap::new();
        let mut feature_edge_map = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();

        struct DependencyEdge {
            kind: DepKind,
            cfg: Option<String>,
            features: Vec<String>,
            uses_default_features: bool,

        struct KrateDependency<'p> {
            pkg: &'p cm::PackageId,
            edges: Vec<DependencyEdge>,
            features: Vec<String>,

        #[cfg(feature = "crates-index")]
        let index = crates_index::Index::new_cargo_default().ok();

        while let Some(pid) = pid_stack.pop() {
            let is_in_workspace = workspace_members.binary_search(pid).is_ok();

            let krate_index = nodes.binary_search_by(|n|;

            let rnode = &nodes[krate_index];
            let krate = &mut packages[krate_index];

            if exclude.iter().any(|exc| exc.matches(krate)) {

                let rrepr = DecomposedRepr::build(&;
                let krepr = DecomposedRepr::build(&;
                debug_assert_eq!(rrepr, krepr);

            let get_dep_id = |dep_name: &str| -> Option<&Kid> {
                let kid = rnode.deps.iter().find_map(|ndep| {
                    let pkg_name = crate_name_from_pid(&ndep.pkg);

                    if dep_names_match(dep_name, & || dep_name == pkg_name {
                    } else {

                if let Some(kid) = kid {
                } else {
                    //dbg!("failed to find {dep_name} {:#?}", &rnode.deps);

            #[cfg(feature = "prefer-index")]
            if let Some(index) = &index {
                fix_features(index, krate);

            // Cargo puts out a flat list of the enabled features, but we need
            // to use the declared features on the crate itself to figure out
            // the actual chain of features from one crate to another
            // package features:
            // "features": {
            //   "blocking": [
            //     "simple",
            //     "reqwest?/blocking"
            //   ],
            //   "default": [
            //     "simple"
            //   ],
            //   "json": [
            //     "reqwest?/json"
            //   ],
            //   "multipart": [
            //     "reqwest?/multipart"
            //   ],
            //   "reqwest": [
            //     "dep:reqwest"
            //   ],
            //   "rgb": [
            //     "dep:rgb"
            //   ],
            //   "serde": [
            //     "dep:serde",
            //     "rgb?/serde"
            //   ],
            //   "simple": [
            //     "json"
            //   ],
            //   "ssh": [
            //     "git/ssh",
            //     "git/ssh_key_from_memory"
            //   ],
            //   "stream": [
            //     "reqwest/stream"
            //   ],
            //   "zlib": [
            //     "git/zlib-ng-compat",
            //     "reqwest?/deflate"
            //   ]
            // },
            // resolved features:
            // "features": [
            //   "blocking",
            //   "json",
            //   "reqwest",
            //   "simple",
            //   "stream"
            // ]
            let enabled_features: Vec<_> = rnode
                .filter_map(|feat| {
                    // This _should_ never fail in normal cases, however if the
                    // `prefer-index` feature is not enabled, it's possible for
                    // the resolved features to mention features that aren't in
                    // the actual crate manifest
                    let sub_feats: Vec<_> = krate
                        .filter_map(|sub_feat| {
                            let sf = ParsedFeature::from(sub_feat.as_str());

                            match sf.feat() {
                                Feature::Krate(krate_name) => {
                                    let kid = get_dep_id(krate_name)?;
                                    let real_name = crate_name_from_pid(kid);

                                    Some(FeatureEdge {
                                        name: if real_name != krate_name {
                                        } else {
                                Feature::Simple(s) => Some(FeatureEdge {
                                    kid: pid,
                                    name: FeatureEdgeName::Feature(s.to_owned()),
                                Feature::Strong {
                                    krate: krate_name,
                                } => Some(FeatureEdge {
                                    kid: get_dep_id(krate_name)?,
                                    name: FeatureEdgeName::Feature(feature.to_owned()),
                                Feature::Weak {
                                    krate: krate_name,
                                } => {
                                    if rnode.features.iter().any(|kn| kn == krate_name) {
                                        Some(FeatureEdge {
                                            kid: get_dep_id(krate_name)?,
                                            name: FeatureEdgeName::Feature(feature.to_owned()),
                                    } else {

                    Some((feat.clone(), sub_feats))

            // Though each unique dependency can only be resolved once, it's possible
            // for the crate to list the same dependency multiple times, with different
            // dependency kinds, or different target configurations, so each one gets its
            // own edge
            let deps: Vec<_> = rnode
                .filter_map(|rdep| {
                    let targets = &targets;
                    let pkg = &rdep.pkg;

                    // We also have to take into account that a package
                    // can rename its own library output, eg.
                    // ```ini
                    // [package]
                    // name = "coreaudio-rs"
                    // [lib]
                    // name = "coreaudio"
                    // ```
                    let maybe_real_name = crate_name_from_pid(pkg);

                    // Dependencies will default to saying "uses_default_features" on edges,
                    // even if the crate in question doesn't actually have a "default" feature,
                    // so check that it actually does
                    let has_default_feature = {
                        let krate_index = nodes.binary_search_by(|n|;
                        let rnode = &nodes[krate_index];

                        // We've already guaranteed this list is sorted
                        rnode.features.binary_search_by(|f| f.as_str().cmp("default")).is_ok()

                    let edges: Vec<_> = rdep.dep_kinds.iter().filter_map(|dk| {
                        let mask = match dk.kind {
                            DepKind::Normal => 0x1,
                            DepKind::Dev => 0x8,
                            DepKind::Build => 0x40,

                        let mask = mask | mask << if is_in_workspace { 1 } else { 2 };
                        if mask & ignore_kinds == mask {
                            return None;

                        let dep = krate
                            .find(|dep| {
                                if dk.kind != dep.kind {
                                    return false;

                                // Crates can rename the dependency package themselves
                                let dep_name = dep.rename.as_deref().unwrap_or(&;
                                dep_names_match(dep_name, & || maybe_real_name == dep_name
                            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("cargo metadata resolved a dependency for a dependency not specified by the crate: {rdep:?}"));

                        // We also need to account for a bug in cargo, where weak
                        // dependencies that aren't explicitly enabled still end
                        // up as resolved in the graph.
                        if dep.optional && !enabled_features
                                .any(|(_feat, sub_feats)| {
                                    sub_feats.iter().any(|sf| {
                                        sf.kid == &rdep.pkg
                                }) {
                            return None;

                        let cfg = if let Some(cfg) = &dk.cfg {
                            if !include_all_targets {
                                let matched = if cfg.starts_with("cfg(") {
                                    match cfg_expr::Expression::parse(cfg) {
                                        Ok(expr) => {
                                            // We only need to focus on target predicates because they are
                                            // the only type of predicate allowed by cargo at the moment

                                            // While it might be nicer to evaluate all the targets for each predicate
                                            // it would lead to weird situations where an expression could evaluate to true
                                            // (or false) with a combination of platform, that would otherwise be impossible,
                                            // eg cfg(all(windows, target_env = "musl")) could evaluate to true
                                                .any(|target| expr.eval(|pred| target.eval(pred)))
                                        Err(_pe) => {
                                            // TODO: maybe log a warning if we somehow fail to parse the cfg?
                                } else {
                                    // If it's not a cfg expression, it's just a fully specified target triple,
                                    // so we just do a string comparison
                                    targets.iter().any(|target| target.matches_triple(cfg))

                                if !matched {
                                    return None;

                        } else {

                        Some(DependencyEdge {
                            kind: dk.kind,
                            features: dep.features.clone(),
                            uses_default_features: dep.uses_default_features && has_default_feature,

                    // If we pruned all of the edges we can just discard the dependency altogether
                    if edges.is_empty() {
                        return None;

                    // Given the top level features enabled for the parent crate,
                    // determine the additional features that may be enabled for
                    // this dependency in addition to the features that may be
                    // enabled explicitly on each edge
                    let mut feature_stack: Vec<_> = rnode.features.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();

                    // Apparently features can have cycles, so we need to ensure we don't enter an
                    // infinite loop
                    let mut simple_features = std::collections::BTreeSet::new();

                    let mut features: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

                    while let Some(feat) = feature_stack.pop() {
                        // This _should_ never fail in normal cases, however if the
                        // `prefer-index` feature is not enabled, it's possible for
                        // the resolved features to mention features that aren't in
                        // the actual crate manifest
                        let fs = if let Some(fs) = krate.features.get(feat) {
                        } else {
                            // TODO: Show the user a warning, or just fail?
                        for sf in fs {
                            let pf = ParsedFeature::from(sf.as_str());

                            let (krate, feature) = match pf.feat() {
                                Feature::Simple(feat) => {
                                    if simple_features.insert(feat) {
                                Feature::Krate(_krate) => { continue; }
                                Feature::Strong { krate, feature } | Feature::Weak { krate, feature } => {
                                    (krate, feature)

                            if !dep_names_match(krate, & && krate != maybe_real_name {

                            if let Err(i) = features.binary_search_by(|feat| feat.as_str().cmp(feature)) {
                                features.insert(i, feature.to_owned());

                    Some(KrateDependency {

            feature_edge_map.insert(pid, enabled_features);

            for pid in deps.iter().map(|dep| dep.pkg) {
                if !dep_edge_map.contains_key(pid) {

            dep_edge_map.insert(pid, deps);

        // Sanity check, it's possible the user could exclude all of the
        // possible workspace root nodes leaving themselves with an empty graph,
        // which isn't much use to anyone
        if dep_edge_map.is_empty() {
            return Err(Error::NoRootKrates);

        let mut graph = petgraph::Graph::<crate::Node<N>, E>::new();

        let mut edge_count = 0;

        // Preserve the ordering of the krates when inserting them into the graph
        // so that we can easily binary search for the crates based on their
        // package id with just the graph and no ancillary tables
        for krate in packages {
            if let Some(edges) = dep_edge_map.get(& {
                let id =;

                // If the crate is a root then the features it has enabled are
                // accurate, however if it is not a root then we need to manually
                // build up the list of enabled features as each edge is added
                let features = if is_root_crate(&id) {
                    let krate_index = nodes.binary_search_by(|n|;
                    let rnode = &nodes[krate_index];

                } else {

                let krate = crate::Node::Krate {
                    krate: N::from(krate),

                edge_count += edges.len();
            } else {

        let krates_end = graph.node_count();

        // Reserve space for each edge from a crate to another crate's feature(s)

        let get = |graph: &petgraph::Graph<crate::Node<N>, E>,
                   kid: &Kid,
                   feature: Option<&str>|
         -> Option<crate::NodeId> {
            if let Some(feat) = feature {
                    .find_map(|(i, n)| {
                        if let crate::Node::Feature { krate_index, name } = &n.weight {
                            if let crate::Node::Krate { id, .. } = &graph[*krate_index] {
                                if id == kid && name == feat {
                                    return Some(crate::NodeId::new(i + krates_end));

            } else {
                    .find_map(|(i, n)| {
                        if let crate::Node::Krate { id, .. } = &n.weight {
                            if id == kid {
                                return Some(crate::NodeId::new(i));


        // Now that we have all of the actual crate nodes, we can link all of the
        // features exposed by each crate
        let (node_count, edge_count) =
                .fold((0usize, 0usize), |(nc, ec), feats| {
                    let nc = nc + feats.len() * 2;
                    let ec = ec + feats.iter().map(|(_, sf)| sf.len()).sum::<usize>();

                    (nc, ec)


        // Keep edges between crates ordered as well, though we don't depend on this
        for srcind in 0..graph.node_count() {
            let srcid = crate::NodeId::new(srcind);
            let pid = if let crate::Node::Krate { id, .. } = &graph[srcid] {
            } else {

            if let Some(deps) = dep_edge_map.remove(pid) {
                use std::borrow::Cow;

                // Attach an edge for each crate dependency, note that there might not
                // actually be a target crate for the edge since crates can be pruned
                // due to target configuration
                for dep in deps {
                    let target_krate = if let Some(tk) = get(&graph, dep.pkg, None) {
                    } else {

                    let attach = |graph: &mut petgraph::Graph<crate::Node<N>, E>,
                                  feat: Cow<'static, str>,
                                  edge: Edge| {
                        let feat_node = if let Some(feat_node) = get(graph, dep.pkg, Some(&feat)) {
                        } else {
                            let feat_node = graph.add_node(crate::Node::Feature {
                                krate_index: target_krate,
                                name: feat.clone().into_owned(),

                            if let crate::Node::Krate { features, .. } = &mut graph[target_krate] {
                                if !features.contains(feat.as_ref()) {


                        graph.add_edge(srcid, feat_node, edge.into());

                    // Add the features that were explicitly enabled by the specific
                    // normal/dev/build dependency
                    for edge in dep.edges {
                        let attach_direct_edge =
                            !edge.uses_default_features && edge.features.is_empty();

                        if edge.uses_default_features {
                                &mut graph,
                                Edge::DepFeature {
                                    kind: edge.kind,
                                    cfg: edge.cfg.clone(),

                        for feat in edge.features {
                            if feat != "default" {
                                    &mut graph,
                                    Edge::DepFeature {
                                        kind: edge.kind,
                                        cfg: edge.cfg.clone(),

                        if attach_direct_edge {
                                Edge::Dep {
                                    kind: edge.kind,
                                    cfg: edge.cfg,

                    // Add the features that were toggled on via a parent crate feature
                    for feat in dep.features {
                        attach(&mut graph, Cow::Owned(feat), Edge::Feature);

        // Now attach edges between all of features and their parent crate
        for (pid, mut features) in feature_edge_map {
            let (kind, mut feature_stack) = if let Some(kind) = get(&graph, pid, None) {
                if let crate::Node::Krate { features, .. } = &graph[kind] {
                    (kind, features.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>())
                } else {
            } else {

            let get_or_insert = |graph: &mut petgraph::Graph<crate::Node<N>, E>,
                                 kid: &Kid,
                                 feature: &str|
             -> crate::NodeId {
                let node_id =
                        .find_map(|(i, n)| {
                            if let crate::Node::Feature { krate_index, name } = &n.weight {
                                if let crate::Node::Krate { id, .. } = &graph[*krate_index] {
                                    if id == kid && name == feature {
                                        return Some(crate::NodeId::new(i + krates_end));


                node_id.unwrap_or_else(|| {
                    let krate_index = get(graph, kid, None).unwrap();

                    graph.add_node(crate::Node::Feature {
                        name: feature.to_owned(),

            // Since we can prune crates either by kind, target, or user specification,
            // the actual set of features might not be the same as those that
            // the crate thinks they were, so we use the top level features that
            // have been enabled by the known edges to recursively add all of
            // the sub features
            while let Some(feat) = feature_stack.pop() {
                let (_parent, sub_features) =
                    if let Some(i) = features.iter().position(|(k, _)| *k == feat) {
                    } else {

                let src_id = get_or_insert(&mut graph, pid, &feat);

                // Also add an edge from each feature to the crate node it belongs to
                graph.add_edge(src_id, kind, E::from(crate::Edge::Feature));

                for sub_feat in sub_features {
                    if sub_feat.kid != pid && get(&graph, sub_feat.kid, None).is_none() {
                        //println!("skipped sub-features {sub_feat:?}, krate not in graph");

                    let feat_name = match {
                        FeatureEdgeName::Feature(feat) => Some(feat),
                        FeatureEdgeName::Rename(kname) => Some(kname),
                        FeatureEdgeName::Krate => None,

                    let target_id =
                        if let Some(target_id) = get(&graph, sub_feat.kid, feat_name.as_deref()) {
                        } else {
                            let feat_name = feat_name
                                .unwrap_or_else(|| crate_name_from_pid(sub_feat.kid).to_owned());

                            let target_id = graph.add_node(crate::Node::Feature {
                                krate_index: kind,
                                name: feat_name.clone(),

                            // Ensure that all of the subfeatures enabled by the parent feature are added to the
                            // flat list of enabled features for the crate
                            if let crate::Node::Krate { features, .. } = &mut graph[kind] {
                                if !features.contains(&feat_name) {


                    graph.add_edge(src_id, target_id, E::from(crate::Edge::Feature));

        Ok(Krates {
            lock_file: md.workspace_root.join("Cargo.lock"),

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct DecomposedRepr<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    version: &'a str,
    rev: Option<&'a str>,

impl<'a> DecomposedRepr<'a> {
    fn build(id: &'a cm::PackageId) -> Self {
        let repr = &id.repr[..];
        let mut riter = repr.split(' ');

        let name =;
        let version =;
        let src =;

        let rev = if src.starts_with("(git+") {
            src.find('#').map(|i| &src[i + 1..])
        } else {

        Self { name, version, rev }

/// When renaming dependencies to something with a `-` in a Cargo.toml file,
/// the actual resolved name in the metadata will replace the `-` with a `_` so
/// we need to take that into account when comparing the names as declared in
/// the crate metadata with the dependencies in the resolved graph
fn dep_names_match(krate_dep_name: &str, resolved_name: &str) -> bool {
    if krate_dep_name.len() != resolved_name.len() {
    } else {
            .all(|(kn, rn)| kn == rn || kn == '-' && rn == '_')

/// Due to <>, we can't actually
/// trust cargo to give us the correct package metadata, so we instead use the
/// (presumably) correct data from the the index
#[cfg(feature = "prefer-index")]
fn fix_features(index: &crates_index::Index, krate: &mut cm::Package) {
    if krate
        .map_or(true, |src| !src.is_crates_io())

    if let Some(entry) = index.crate_(& {
        let features = entry.versions().iter().find_map(|v| {
            if let Ok(iv) = v.version().parse::<semver::Version>() {
                if iv == krate.version {
                } else {
            } else {

        if let Some(features) = features {
            for (ikey, ivalue) in features {
                if !krate.features.contains_key(ikey) {
                    krate.features.insert(ikey.clone(), ivalue.clone());

            // The index entry features might not have the `dep:<crate>`
            // used with weak features if the crate version was
            // published with cargo <1.60.0 version, so we need to
            // manually fix that up since we depend on that format
            let missing_deps: Vec<_> = krate
                .flat_map(|(_, sf)| sf.iter())
                .filter_map(|sf| {
                    let pf = ParsedFeature::from(sf.as_str());

                    if let Feature::Simple(simple) = pf.feat() {
                        if krate.features.contains_key(simple) {
                        } else {
                    } else {

            for missing in missing_deps {
                let dep_feature = format!("dep:{missing}");
                krate.features.insert(missing, vec![dep_feature]);

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn decompose_matches() {
        let lock_repr = cm::PackageId {
            repr: "fuser 0.4.1 (git+".to_owned(),

        let dep_repr = cm::PackageId {
            repr: "fuser 0.4.1 (git+".to_owned(),
