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A rust crate for making requests to the Kraken Rest API and subscribing to Kraken websockets feeds


An interface for getting data from Kraken websockets API, while another thread manages the updates from the websockets connection.


Add order response

(Substructure within) Result of kraken public “Ticker” API call

Cancel all orders after response

Cancel all orders response

Cancel order response

Get open orders response

WebSockets authenitcation token response, including token and expiry

Credentials needed to use private Kraken APIs.

A connection to the Kraken REST API This only supports blocking http requests for now

A low-level https connection to kraken that can execute public or private methods.

Configuration needed to initialize a Kraken client. The credentials aren’t needed if only public APIs are used

A description of a limit order to place

A description of a market order to place

Substructure within AddOrderResponse

Order-info used in OpenOrders and QueryOrders APIs

Result of kraken public “SystemStatus” API call

Result of kraken public “Time” API call


Type (buy/sell) These are kebab-case strings in json

An error that can be generated from the low-level kraken client

Possible order flags in Kraken. These are options in a comma-separated list

Possible order statuses in Kraken. These are kebab-case strings in json

Possible order types in Kraken. These are kebab-case strings in json

Type Definitions

Type alias for response of AssetPairs API call

Type alias for response of Assets API call

Type alias for response of Balance API call

Alias for Result that contains the error type for this crate

Type alias for response of Ticker API call

TxId are represented as String’s in kraken json api

User-reference id’s are signed 32-bit in kraken json api