kraken_ws_client 0.25.0

A strongly-typed client for the Kraken WebSocket API
# Kraken WebSocket API Client

A strongly-typed Rust SDK for the [Kraken WebSocket API](

This crate is an _unofficial_, community-driven effort.

## Installation

kraken_ws_client = "0.24"

## Usage

use futures::StreamExt;
use kraken_ws_client::api::SubscribeTickerRequest;

async fn main() {
    let mut client = kraken_ws_client::connect_public()
        .expect("cannot connect");

        .expect("cannot send request");

    while let Some(event) = client.ticker_events().next().await {

use kraken_rest_client::Client as RestClient;

let api_key = std::env::var("KRAKEN_API_KEY").expect("api key not defined");
let api_secret = std::env::var("KRAKEN_API_SECRET").expect("api secret not defined");

let rest_client = RestClient::new(api_key, api_secret);
let resp = rest_client.get_web_sockets_token().send().await?;
let token = resp.token;

let mut ws_private_client = kraken_ws_client::connect_private(token)
    .expect("cannot connect");

    .expect("cannot send request");

while let Ok(msg) = ws_private_client.messages().recv().await {

or run the example:

cargo run --example ticker

## Status

The software is under active development and the API is expected to change.

## Contributing

Pull requests, issues and comments are welcome! Make sure to add tests for new features and bug fixes.

## License

This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) or <> for details.

## Copyright

Copyright © 2022 [Georgios Moschovitis](