koto_runtime 0.11.0

The runtime used by the Koto programming language
mod runtime_test_utils;

mod vm {
    use {
            num2, num4, number, number_list, number_tuple, string, test_script,
            test_script_with_vm, value_tuple,
            runtime_error, DataMap, IntRange,
            Value::{self, *},
            ValueList, ValueMap, ValueTuple, Vm,

    mod literals {
        use super::*;

        fn null() {
            test_script("null", Null);
            test_script("()", Null);

        fn bool_true() {
            test_script("true", true.into());

        fn bool_false() {
            test_script("false", false.into());

        fn number() {
            test_script("24.0", 24.into());

        fn string() {
            test_script("\"Hello\"", "Hello".into());

    mod arithmetic {
        use super::*;

        fn add_multiply() {
            test_script("1 + 2 * 3 + 4", 11.into());

        fn add_multiply_compressed_whitespace() {
            test_script("1+ 2 *3+4", 11.into());

        fn subtract_divide_remainder() {
            test_script("(20 - 2) / 3 % 4", 2.into());

        fn negation() {
            let script = "
a = 99
            test_script(script, number(-99));

        fn remainder_negative() {
            test_script("assert_near 10 % -1.2, 0.4", Null);

        fn remainder_with_a_divisor_of_zero() {
            test_script("(1 % 0).is_nan()", true.into());

    mod logic {
        use super::*;

        fn comparison() {
                "false or 1 < 2 <= 2 <= 3 and 3 >= 2 >= 2 > 1 or false",

        fn equality() {
            test_script("1 + 1 == 2 and 2 + 2 != 5", true.into());

        fn not_bool() {
            test_script("not false", true.into());

        fn not_expression() {
            test_script("not 1 + 1 == 2", false.into());

        fn not_coerced_null() {
            test_script("not null", true.into());

        fn not_coerced_value() {
            test_script("not 42", false.into());

        fn or_with_coerced_null() {
            let script = "
x = null
x or 42";
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn or_with_coerced_value() {
            let script = "
x = 99
x or 42";
            test_script(script, 99.into());

    mod assignment {
        use super::*;

        fn assignment() {
            let script = "
a = 1 * 3
a + 1";
            test_script(script, 4.into());

        fn repeated_assignment() {
            let script = "
x = x = 1
y = y = 2
            test_script(script, 2.into());

    mod ranges {
        use super::*;

        fn range() {
            test_script("0..10", Range(IntRange { start: 0, end: 10 }));
            test_script("0..-10", Range(IntRange { start: 0, end: -10 }));
            test_script("1 + 1..2 + 2", Range(IntRange { start: 2, end: 4 }));

        fn range_inclusive() {
            test_script("10..=20", Range(IntRange { start: 10, end: 21 }));
            test_script("4..=0", Range(IntRange { start: 4, end: -1 }));
            test_script("2 * 2..=3 * 3", Range(IntRange { start: 4, end: 10 }));

    mod tuples {
        use super::*;

        fn empty() {
            test_script("(,)", Tuple(ValueTuple::default()));

        fn one_entry() {
            test_script("1,", number_tuple(&[1]));

        fn one_entry_in_parens() {
            test_script("(2,)", number_tuple(&[2]));

        fn two_entries() {
            test_script("1, 2", number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn two_entries_in_parens() {
            test_script("(1, 2)", number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn tuple_of_tuples() {
                "(1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8, 9), (0,)",
                    number_tuple(&[1, 2]),
                    number_tuple(&[3, 4, 5]),
                    number_tuple(&[6, 7, 8, 9]),

    mod lists {
        use super::*;

        fn empty() {
            test_script("[]", List(ValueList::default()));

        fn literals() {
            test_script("[1, 2, 3, 4]", number_list(&[1, 2, 3, 4]));

        fn from_ids() {
            let script = "
a = 1
[a, a, a]";
            test_script(script, number_list(&[1, 1, 1]));

        fn access_element() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3]
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn access_range() {
            let script = "
a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
            test_script(script, number_list(&[20, 30]));

        fn access_range_inclusive() {
            let script = "
a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
            test_script(script, number_list(&[20, 30, 40]));

        fn access_range_to() {
            let script = "
a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
            test_script(script, number_list(&[10, 20]));

        fn access_range_to_inclusive() {
            let script = "
a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
            test_script(script, number_list(&[10, 20, 30]));

        fn access_range_from() {
            let script = "
a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
            test_script(script, number_list(&[30, 40, 50]));

        fn access_range_full() {
            let script = "
a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
            test_script(script, number_list(&[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]));

        fn assign_element() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3]
x = 2
a[x] = -1
            test_script(script, number_list(&[1, 2, -1]));

        fn assign_range() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a[1..=3] = 0
            test_script(script, number_list(&[1, 0, 0, 0, 5]));

        fn assign_range_to() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a[..3] = 0
            test_script(script, number_list(&[0, 0, 0, 4, 5]));

        fn assign_range_to_inclusive() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a[..=3] = 8
            test_script(script, number_list(&[8, 8, 8, 8, 5]));

        fn assign_range_from() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a[2..] = 9
            test_script(script, number_list(&[1, 2, 9, 9, 9]));

        fn assign_range_full() {
            let script = "
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a[..] = 9
            test_script(script, number_list(&[9, 9, 9, 9, 9]));

        fn shared_data_by_default() {
            let script = "
l = [1, 2, 3]
l2 = l
l[1] = -1
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn copy() {
            let script = "
l = [1, 2, 3]
l2 = l.copy()
l[1] = -1
            test_script(script, 2.into());

    mod multi_assignment {
        use super::*;

        fn assign_two_values() {
            let script = "
a, b = 10, 20
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[10, 20]));

        fn assign_tuple() {
            let script = "
a = 1, 2
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn list_elements_2_to_2() {
            let script = "
x = [0, 0]
x[0], x[1] = -1, 42
            test_script(script, number_list(&[-1, 42]));

        fn unpack_list() {
            let script = "
a, b, c = [7, 8]
a, b, c";
            test_script(script, value_tuple(&[7.into(), 8.into(), Null]));

        fn multiple_lists() {
            let script = "
a, b, c = [1, 2], [3, 4]
a, b, c";
                value_tuple(&[number_list(&[1, 2]), number_list(&[3, 4]), Null]),

        fn swap_values() {
            let script = "
a, b = 0, 1
a, b = b, a
            test_script(script, 0.into());

        fn swap_values_with_expressions() {
            let script = "
a, b = 10, 7
a, b = a+b, a%b
            test_script(script, 3.into());

    mod if_expressions {
        use super::*;

        fn if_else_if_result_from_if() {
            let script = "
x = if 5 > 4
else if 1 < 2
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn if_else_if_result_from_else_if() {
            let script = "
x = if 5 < 4
else if 1 < 2
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn if_else_if_result_from_else() {
            let script = "
x = if 5 < 4
else if 2 < 1
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn if_no_else_no_match() {
            let script = "
if 5 < 4
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn if_else_if_no_else_no_match() {
            let script = "
if 5 < 4
else if 2 == 3
else if false
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn if_else_if_no_else_result_from_else_if() {
            let script = "
if false
else if true
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn multiple_else_ifs() {
            let script = "
if false
else if false
else if false
else if true
            test_script(script, 100.into());

        fn inline_if_with_multiple_expressions_in_body() {
            let script = "
foo = true
x = if foo then 1, 2, 3 else 4, 5, 6
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2, 3]));

    mod match_expressions {
        use super::*;

        fn match_assignment() {
            let script = "
x = match 0 == 1
  true then 42
  false then 99
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn match_multiple() {
            let script = r#"
x = 11
match x % 3, x % 5
  0, 0 then "Fizz Buzz"
  0, _ then "Fizz"
  _, 0 then "Buzz"
  _ then x # alternative to else
            test_script(script, 11.into());

        fn match_with_condition() {
            let script = r#"
x = "hello"
match x
  "goodbye" then 1
  () then 99
  y if y == "O_o" then -1
  y if y == "hello" then
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn match_with_condition_after_lookup() {
            let script = r#"
foo = {bar: 0, baz: 1}
x = 42
match 0
  foo.bar if x == -1 then 0
  foo.bar if x == 42 then 42
  else -1
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn match_on_alternative() {
            let script = "
match 42
  1 or 2 then 11
  3 or 4 or 5 then 22
  21 or 42 then 33
  else 44
            test_script(script, 33.into());

        fn match_tuple() {
            let script = "
match (1, (2, 3), 4)
  (1, (x, y), (p, (q, r))) then -1
  (_, (a, b), _) then a + b
  else 123
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn match_list() {
            let script = "
match [1, [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
  (1, (2, 3), (4, 5, 6)) then -1 # Tuples don't match against lists
  [1, [x, -1], [_, y, _]] then x + y
  [1, [x, 3], [_, 5, y]] then x + y
  else 123
            test_script(script, 8.into());

        fn match_list_single_entry() {
            let script = "
x = [0]
match x
  [0] or [1] then 123
  [x, y] or [x, y, z] then 99
  else -1
            test_script(script, 123.into());

        fn match_list_subslice() {
            let script = "
x = (1..=5).to_list()
match x
  [0, ...] then 0
  [..., 1] then -1
  [1, ...] then 1
  else 123
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn match_list_subslice_with_id() {
            let script = "
x = (1..=5).to_list()
match x
  [0, rest...] then rest
  [rest..., 3, 2, 1] then rest
  [1, 2, rest...] then rest
  else 123
            test_script(script, number_list(&[3, 4, 5]));

        fn match_list_subslice_at_start_with_id() {
            let script = "
x = (1..=5).to_list()
match x
  [0, rest...] then rest
  [rest..., 3, 4, 5] then rest
  [1, 2, rest...] then rest
  else 123
            test_script(script, number_list(&[1, 2]));

        fn match_tuple_subslice_at_start_with_id() {
            let script = "
x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
match x
  (0, rest...) then rest
  (rest..., 3, 4, 5) then rest
  (1, 2, rest...) then rest
  else 123
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn match_on_multiple_expressions_with_alternatives_wildcard() {
            let script = "
match 0, 1
  0, 0 or 1, 1 then -1
  _, 0 or _, 99 then -2
  x, 0 or x, 2 then -3
  0, _ or 1, _ then -4 # The first alternative (0, _) should match
  else -5
            test_script(script, number(-4));

        fn match_on_multiple_expressions_with_alternatives_id() {
            let script = "
match 0, 1
  0, 0 or 1, 1 then -1
  _, 0 or _, 99 then -2
  x, 1 or x, 2 then -3 # The first alternative (x, 1) should match
  0, _ or 1, _ then -4
  else -5
            test_script(script, number(-3));

        fn match_with_lookup_as_pattern() {
            let script = "
x = {foo: 42, bar: 99}
match 99
  x.foo then 1
  x.bar then 2
  else -1
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn match_with_lookup_as_pattern_in_function() {
            let script = "
x = {foo: 42, bar: 99}
f = ||
  match 42
    x.foo then 1
    x.bar then 2
    else -1
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn match_map_result() {
            let script = r#"
m = match "hello"
  "foo" then
    value_1: -1
    value_2: 99
  "hello" then
    value_1: 4
    value_2: 20
  _ then # alternative to else
    value_1: 10
    value_2: 7
m.value_1 + m.value_2
            test_script(script, 24.into());

        fn mutliple_expressions_in_inline_arm() {
            let script = r#"
m = match 42
  23 then 1, 2
  42 then 3, 4
  else 5, 6
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[3, 4]));

    mod switch_expressions {
        use super::*;

        fn match_without_expression() {
            let script = r#"
n = 42
  n < 0 then -1
  n == 0 then 0
  n == 42 then 99
  else 1
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn multiple_expressions_in_inline_arm() {
            let script = r#"
x = switch
  false then 1, 2
  true then 3, 4
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[3, 4]));

    mod prelude {
        use super::*;

        fn test_script_with_prelude(script: &str, expected_output: Value) {
            let vm = Vm::default();
            let prelude = vm.prelude();

            prelude.add_value("test_value", 42.into());
            prelude.add_fn("assert", |vm, args| {
                for value in vm.get_args(args).iter() {
                    match value {
                        Bool(b) => {
                            if !b {
                                return runtime_error!("Assertion failed");
                        unexpected => {
                            return runtime_error!(
                                "assert expects booleans as arguments, found '{}'",

            test_script_with_vm(vm, script, expected_output);

        fn load_value() {
            let script = "test_value";
            test_script_with_prelude(script, 42.into());

        fn function() {
            let script = "assert 1 + 1 == 2";
            test_script_with_prelude(script, Null);

        fn function_two_args() {
            let script = "assert 1 + 1 == 2, 2 < 3";
            test_script_with_prelude(script, Null);

    mod functions {
        use super::*;

        fn no_args() {
            let script = "
f = || 42
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn single_arg() {
            let script = "
square = |x| x * x
square 8";
            test_script(script, 64.into());

        fn two_args() {
            let script = "
add = |a, b|
  a + b
add 5, 6";
            test_script(script, 11.into());

        fn two_args_in_parens() {
            let script = "
add = |a, b|
  a + b
add(5, 6)";
            test_script(script, 11.into());

        fn call_with_insufficient_args() {
            let script = "
foo = |a, b| b
foo 42
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn call_with_extra_args() {
            let script = "
foo = |a, b| a + b
foo 10, 20, 30, 40
            test_script(script, 30.into());

        fn nested_call_without_parens() {
            let script = "
add = |a, b|
  a + b
add 2, add 3, 4";
            test_script(script, 9.into());

        fn nested_call_in_parens() {
            let script = "
add = |a, b|
  a + b
add(5, add 6, 7)";
            test_script(script, 18.into());

        fn wildcard_arg_at_start() {
            let script = "
f = |_, b, c| b + c
f 1, 2, 3
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn wildcard_arg_in_middle() {
            let script = "
f = |a, _, c| a + c
f 1, 2, 3
            test_script(script, 4.into());

        fn wildcard_arg_at_end() {
            let script = "
f = |a, b, _| a + b
f 1, 2, 3
            test_script(script, 3.into());

        fn function_arg_unpacking_tuple() {
            let script = "
f = |a, (_, c), d| a + c + d
f 1, (2, 3), 4
            test_script(script, 8.into());

        fn function_arg_unpacking_tuple_nested() {
            let script = "
f = |a, (_, (c, d), _), f| a + c + d + f
f 1, (2, (3, 4), 5), 6
            test_script(script, 14.into());

        fn function_arg_unpacking_list() {
            let script = "
f = |a, [_, c], d| a + c + d
f 1, [2, 3], 4
            test_script(script, 8.into());

        fn function_arg_unpacking_mixed() {
            let script = "
f = |a, (b, [_, d]), e| a + b + d + e
f 1, (2, [3, 4]), 5
            test_script(script, 12.into());

        fn function_arg_unpacking_with_capture() {
            let script = "
x = 10
f = |a, (b, c)| a + b + c + x
f 1, (2, 3)
            test_script(script, 16.into());

        fn variadic_function() {
            let script = "
f = |a, b...|
  a + b.fold 0, |x, y| x + y
f 5, 10, 20, 30";
            test_script(script, 65.into());

        fn variadic_function_with_missing_args() {
            let script = "
f = |a, b...| b
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn nested_function() {
            let script = "
add = |a, b|
  add2 = |x, y| x + y
  add2 a, b
add 10, 20";
            test_script(script, 30.into());

        fn nested_calls() {
            let script = "
add = |a, b| a + b
add 10, (add 20, 30)";
            test_script(script, 60.into());

        fn recursive_call() {
            let script = "
f = |n|
  if n == 0
    f n - 1
f 4
            test_script(script, 0.into());

        fn recursive_call_fib() {
            let script = "
fib = |n|
  if n <= 0
  else if n == 1
    (fib n - 1) + (fib n - 2)
fib 4
            test_script(script, 3.into());

        fn recursive_call_via_multi_assign() {
            let script = "
f, g =
  (|n| if n == 0 then 1 else f n - 1),
  (|n| if n == 0 then 2 else g n - 1)
(f 4), (g 4)
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn multiple_return_values() {
            let script = "
f = |x| x - 1, x + 1
a, b = f 0
a, b";
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[-1, 1]));

        fn return_no_value() {
            let script = "
f = |x|
  if x < 0
f -42";
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn return_expression() {
            let script = "
f = |x|
  if x < 0
    return x * -1
f -42";
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn return_map() {
            let script = "
f = ||
    foo: 42
    bar: 99
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn captured_value() {
            let script = "
x = 3
f = || x * x
            test_script(script, 9.into());

        fn capture_via_mutation() {
            let script = "
data = [1, 2, 3]
f = ||
  data[1] = 99
  data = () # shadowed assignment doesn't affect the original copy of data
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn nested_captured_values() {
            let script = "
capture_test = |a, b, c|
  inner = ||
    inner2 = |x|
      x + b + c
    inner2 a
  b, c = (), () # inner and inner2 have captured their own copies of b and c
capture_test 1, 2, 3";
            test_script(script, 6.into());

        fn local_copy_of_captured_value() {
            let script = "
x = 99
f = ||
  x = x + 1
if f() == 100
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn mutation_of_captured_map() {
            let script = "
f = |x|
  inner = ||
    x.foo = 123
f {foo: 42, bar: 99}";
            test_script(script, 123.into());

        fn multi_assignment_to_captured_list() {
            let script = "
f = |x|
  inner = ||
    x[0], x[1] = x[0] + 1, x[1] + 1
f [1, 2]";
            test_script(script, number_list(&[2, 3]));

        fn multi_assignment_of_function_results() {
            let script = "
f = |n| n
a, b = (f 1), (f 2)
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn function_blocks_as_args_dont_break_assignment() {
            // The nested block (as first arg to a call to f) in f2 broke parsing,
            // so that f3 wasn't assigned correctly,
            // and then couldn't be found after assignment.
            let script = "
f = |x| x
f2 = ||
  f |x|
f3 = |x| f2() x
f3 1";
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn function_blocks_as_args_dont_break_assignment_during_lookup() {
            // See comment in test above, the same applies to args in the lookup call to f.g
            let script = "
f = { g: |x| x }
f2 = ||
  f.g |x|
f3 = |x| f2() x
f3 1";
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn iterator_fold_after_function_call_shouldnt_error() {
            // Reported in https://github.com/koto-lang/koto/issues/6
            // iterator.fold() was incorrectly reusing its vm rather than spawning a new one
            let script = "
f = || 1, 2, 3
f().fold 0, |x, n| x += n
            test_script(script, 6.into());

        mod piped_calls {
            use super::*;

            fn chained_piping() {
                let script = "
add = |a, b| a + b
multiply = |a, b| a * b
square = |x| x * x
add 1, 2
  >> square
  >> multiply 10
                test_script(script, 90.into());

            fn from_int_into_map_functions() {
                let script = "
ops =
  add: |a, b| a + b
  multiply: |a, b| a * b
  square: |x| x * x

  >> ops.add 1
  >> ops.square
  >> ops.multiply 2
                test_script(script, 18.into());

            fn piping_into_array_entries_and_function_calls() {
                let script = "
inc = |x| x + 1
dec = |x| x - 1

ops = [inc, dec]
get_op = |i| ops[i]

  >> ops[0]     # 1
  >> get_op(0)  # 2
  >> (get_op 0) # 3
  >> get_op(1)  # 2
                test_script(script, 2.into());

            fn chained_pipe_call_order() {
                let script = "
calls = []

f = |x|
  calls.push x + 10
  x + 10
g = |x|
  calls.push x

g(1)(100) >> g(2) >> g(3) >> g(4)

                test_script(script, number_list(&[1, 110, 2, 120, 3, 130, 4, 140]));

    mod for_loops {
        use super::*;

        fn for_loop_with_ignored_args() {
            let script = "
count = 32
for _ignored in 0..10
  count += 1
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn for_list() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for a in [10, 20, 30, 40]
  sum += a
            test_script(script, 100.into());

        fn for_break() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in 1..10
  sum += i
  if i == 5
            test_script(script, 15.into());

        fn for_break_with_expression() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in 1..10
  sum += i
  if i == 4
    break sum
            test_script(script, 10.into());

        fn for_break_default_value_is_null() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in 1..10
  sum += i
  if i == 5
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn for_break_nested() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in [1, 2, 3]
  for j in 0..5
    if j == 2
    sum += i
            test_script(script, 12.into());

        fn for_continue() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in 1..10
  if i > 5
  sum += i
            test_script(script, 15.into());

        fn for_continue_nested() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in [2, 4, 6]
  for j in 0..10
    if j > 1
    sum += i
            test_script(script, 24.into());

        fn for_continue_result_is_null() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for i in (1, 2)
  if i == 2
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn return_from_nested_for_loop() {
            let script = "
f = ||
  for i in 0..100
    for j in 0..100
      if i == j == 5
        return i
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn for_arg_unpacking() {
            let script = "
sum = 0
for a, _foo, b in ((1, 99, 2), (3, 99, 4))
  sum += a + b
            test_script(script, 10.into());

        fn for_loop_assignment() {
            let script = "
f = |x| x * x
result = for x in 0..=10
  f x 
            test_script(script, 100.into());

    mod while_loops {
        use super::*;

        fn while_iteration() {
            let script = "
count = 0
while count < 10
  count += 1
            test_script(script, 10.into());

        fn while_break() {
            let script = "
i, sum = 0, 0
while (i += 1) < 1000000
  if i > 5
  sum += i
            test_script(script, 15.into());

        fn while_break_with_expression() {
            let script = "
i, sum = 0, 0
while (i += 1) < 1000000
  if i > 5
    break sum * 10
  sum += i
            test_script(script, 150.into());

        fn while_continue() {
            let script = "
i, sum = 0, 0
while (i += 1) < 10
  if i < 6
  # The result will be the sum of 6..=9
  sum += i
            test_script(script, 30.into());

        fn while_continue_result_is_null() {
            let script = "
i = 0
while (i += 1) < 5 
  if i == 4
            test_script(script, Null);

        fn while_assignment() {
            let script = "
f = |x| x * x
count = 0
result = while count < 10
  count += 1
  f count
            test_script(script, 100.into());

    mod until_loops {
        use super::*;

        fn until_loop() {
            let script = "
count = 10
until count == 20
  count += 1
            test_script(script, 20.into());

        fn until_break() {
            let script = "
count = 0
until count == 100000000
  count += 1
  if count == 5
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn until_break_with_expression() {
            let script = "
count = 0
until count == 100000000
  count += 1
  if count == 5
    break count * 2
            test_script(script, 10.into());

        fn until_continue() {
            let script = "
sum, count = 0, 0
until count == 6
  count += 1
  if count % 2 == 0
  sum += count
            test_script(script, 9.into());

        fn until_assignment() {
            let script = "
f = |x| x * x
count = 0
result = until count == 5
  count += 1
  f count
            test_script(script, 25.into());

    mod loop_expressions {
        use super::*;

        fn loop_break_continue() {
            let script = "
i = 0
  i += 1
  if i < 5
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn loop_break_with_value() {
            let script = "
i = 0
  i += 1
  if i == 5
    break i * 10
            test_script(script, 50.into());

        fn loop_assignment() {
            let script = "
i = 0
result = loop
  i += 1
  if i == 5
    break i + i
            test_script(script, 10.into());

    mod maps {
        use super::*;

        fn empty() {
            test_script("{}", Map(ValueMap::new()));

        fn from_literals() {
            let mut result_data = DataMap::new();
            result_data.add_value("foo", 42.into());
            result_data.add_value("bar", "baz".into());

                "{foo: 42, bar: 'baz'}",

        fn access() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: -1}
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn insert() {
            let script = "
m = {}
m.foo = 42
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn update() {
            let script = "
m = {bar: -1}
m.bar = 99
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn implicit_values() {
            let script = "
foo, baz = 42, -1
m = {foo, bar: 99, baz}
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn string_keys() {
            let script = r#"
foo, bar = 42, -1
m = {foo, bar, 'baz': 99}
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn instance_function_no_args() {
            let script = "
make_o = ||
  {foo: 42, get_foo: |self| self.foo}
o = make_o()
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn instance_function_with_args() {
            let script = "
make_o = ||
  foo: 0
  set_foo: |self, a, b| self.foo = a + b
o = make_o()
o.set_foo 10, 20
            test_script(script, 30.into());

        fn equality() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: 42, bar: 'abc'}
m2 = m.copy()
m == m2";
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn equality_different_key_order() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: 42, bar: 'abc'}
m2 = {bar: 'abc', foo: 42}
m == m2";
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn inequality() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: 42, bar: 'xyz'}
m2 = {foo: 42, bar: 'abc'}
m != m2";
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn shared_data_by_default() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: 42}
m2 = m
m.foo = -1
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn copy() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: 42}
m2 = m.copy()
m.foo = -1
            test_script(script, 42.into());

    mod lookups {
        use super::*;

        fn list_in_map() {
            let script = "
m = {x: [100, 200]}
            test_script(script, 200.into());

        fn map_in_list() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: 99}
l = [m, m, m]
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn assign_to_map_in_list() {
            let script = "
m = {bar: 0}
l = [m, m, m]
l[1].bar = -1
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn assign_to_list_in_map_in_list() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: [1, 2, 3]}
l = [m, m, m]
l[2].foo[0] = 99
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn function_call() {
            let script = "
m = {get_map: || { foo: -1 }}
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn function_call_variadic() {
            let script = "
m =
  foo: |x, xs...|
    xs.fold x, |a, b| a + b
m.foo 1, 2, 3
            test_script(script, 6.into());

        fn instance_function_call_variadic() {
            let script = "
m =
  foo: |self, x, xs...|
    self.offset + xs.fold x, |a, b| a + b
  offset: 10
m.foo 1, 2, 3
            test_script(script, 16.into());

        fn instance_function_call_variadic_generator() {
            let script = "
m =
  foo: |self, first, xs...|
    for x in xs
      yield self.offset + first + x
    self.offset + xs.fold x, |a, b| a + b
  offset: 100
m.foo(10, 1, 2, 3).to_tuple()
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[111, 112, 113]));

        fn deep_copy_list() {
            let script = "
x = [0, [1, {foo: 2}]]
x2 = x.deep_copy()
x[1][1].foo = 42
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn deep_copy_tuple() {
            let script = "
list = [1, [2]]
x = (0, list)
x2 = x.deep_copy()
list[1][0] = 42
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn deep_copy_map() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: {bar: -1}}
m2 = m.deep_copy()
m.foo.bar = 99
            test_script(script, number(-1));

        fn copy_from_expression() {
            let script = "
m = {foo: {bar: 88}, get_foo: |self| self.foo}
m2 = m.get_foo().copy()
m.get_foo().bar = 99
            test_script(script, 88.into());

        fn capture_in_map_block() {
            let script = "
x = 42
make_map = ||
  foo: x
m = make_map()
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn function_body_in_iterator_chain() {
            // The result.insert() call in a function block, followed by a continued iterator chain
            // at a lower indentation level caused a parser error.
            let script = "
result = {}
  .each |x|
    result.insert(x, x * x)
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn inline_function_body_in_call_args() {
            let script = "
equal = |x, y| x == y
  (0..10).position(|n| n == 5),
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn range_in_call_args() {
            let script = "
foo = |range, x| range.size() + x
min, max = 0, 10
foo min..max, 20
            test_script(script, 30.into());

        fn missing_arg_set_to_null() {
            let script = "
foo = |a, b|
  if b == null
foo 42
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn missing_arg_set_to_null_with_list_as_first_arg() {
            let script = "
foo = |a, b|
  if b == null
foo [42]
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn missing_arg_set_to_null_with_list_as_first_arg_and_capture() {
            let script = "
x = 123
foo = |a, b|
  if b == null
foo [42]
            test_script(script, 123.into());

        fn missing_arg_set_to_null_with_list_as_first_arg_for_generator() {
            let script = "
foo = |a, b|
  if b == null
    yield 123
    yield -1
            test_script(script, 123.into());

    mod placeholders {
        use super::*;

        fn placeholder_in_assignment() {
            let script = "
f = || 1, 2, 3
a, _, c = f()
a, c";
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 3]));

        fn placeholder_argument() {
            let script = "
fold = |xs, f|
  result = 0
  for x in xs
    result = f result, x
fold 0..5, |n, _| n + 1";
            test_script(script, 5.into());

    mod generators {
        use super::*;

        fn generator_two_values() {
            let script = "
gen = ||
  yield 1
  yield 2
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn generator_loop() {
            let script = "
gen = ||
  x = 1
  while x <= 5
    yield x
    x += 1
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

        fn generator_with_arg() {
            let script = "
gen = |xs|
  for x in xs
    yield x
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

        fn generator_with_missing_arg() {
            let script = "
gen = |xs|
  xs = xs or (1, 2, 3)
  for x in xs
    yield x
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2, 3]));

        fn generator_variadic() {
            let script = "
gen = |offset, xs...|
  for x in xs
    yield x + offset
gen(10, 1, 2, 3).to_tuple()";
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[11, 12, 13]));

        fn generator_returning_multiple_values() {
            let script = "
gen = |xs|
  for i, x in xs.enumerate()
    yield i, x
z = gen(1..=5).to_tuple()
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2]));

        fn generator_with_captured_data() {
            let script = "
x = 1, 2, 3
gen = ||
  for y in x
    yield y
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[1, 2, 3]));

        fn generator_with_captured_data_and_missing_args() {
            let script = "
x = 1, 2, 3
gen = |offset, bar...|
  offset = offset or 10
  for y in x
    yield y + offset
            test_script(script, number_tuple(&[11, 12, 13]));

    mod num2 {
        use super::*;

        fn with_1_arg_1() {
            test_script("make_num2 1", num2(1.0, 1.0));

        fn with_1_arg_2() {
            test_script("make_num2 2", num2(2.0, 2.0));

        fn with_2_args() {
            test_script("make_num2 1, 2", num2(1.0, 2.0));

        fn from_list() {
            test_script("make_num2 [-1]", num2(-1.0, 0.0));

        fn from_num2() {
            test_script("make_num2 (make_num2 1, 2)", num2(1.0, 2.0));

        fn add_multiply() {
            test_script("(make_num2 1) + (make_num2 0.5) * 3.0", num2(2.5, 2.5));

        fn subtract_divide() {
            test_script("((make_num2 10, 20) - (make_num2 2)) / 2.0", num2(4.0, 9.0));

        fn remainder() {
            test_script("(make_num2 15, 25) % (make_num2 10) % 4", num2(1.0, 1.0));

        fn negation() {
            let script = "
x = make_num2 1, -2
            test_script(script, num2(-1.0, 2.0));

        fn index() {
            let script = "
x = make_num2 4, 5
            test_script(script, 5.into());

        fn iterator_ops() {
            let script = "
make_num2(1, -1).keep(|n| n < 0).count()
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn for_loop() {
            let script = "
x = 0
for n in make_num2 4, 5
  x += n
            test_script(script, 9.into());

    mod num4 {
        use super::*;

        fn with_1_arg_1() {
            test_script("make_num4 1", num4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));

        fn with_1_arg_2() {
            test_script("make_num4 2", num4(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0));

        fn with_2_args() {
            test_script("make_num4 1, 2", num4(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0));

        fn with_3_args() {
            test_script("make_num4 3, 2, 1", num4(3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0));

        fn with_4_args() {
            test_script("make_num4 -1, 1, -2, 2", num4(-1.0, 1.0, -2.0, 2.0));

        fn from_list() {
            test_script("make_num4 [-1, 1]", num4(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));

        fn from_num2() {
            test_script("make_num4 (make_num2 1, 2)", num4(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0));

        fn from_num4() {
            test_script("make_num4 (make_num4 3, 4)", num4(3.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0));

        fn add_multiply() {
                "(make_num4 1) + (make_num4 0.5) * 3.0",
                num4(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5),

        fn subtract_divide() {
                "((make_num4 10, 20, 30, 40) - (make_num4 2)) / 2.0",
                num4(4.0, 9.0, 14.0, 19.0),

        fn remainder() {
                "(make_num4 15, 25, 35, 45) % (make_num4 10) % 4",
                num4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),

        fn negation() {
            let script = "
x = make_num4 1, -2, 3, -4
            test_script(script, num4(-1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.0));

        fn index() {
            let script = "
x = make_num4 9, 8, 7, 6
            test_script(script, 6.into());

        fn iterator_ops() {
            let script = "
make_num4(1, -1, 2, -2).keep(|n| n > 0).count()
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn for_loop() {
            let script = "
x = 0
for n in make_num4 4, 5, 6, 7
  x += n
            test_script(script, 22.into());

    mod strings {
        use super::*;

        fn addition() {
            test_script(r#""Hello, " + "World!""#, string("Hello, World!"));

        fn less() {
            test_script(r#""abc" < "abd""#, true.into());
            test_script(r#""abx" < "abc""#, false.into());

        fn less_or_equal() {
            test_script(r#""abc" <= "abc""#, true.into());
            test_script(r#""xyz" <= "abd""#, false.into());

        fn greater() {
            test_script(r#""hello42" > "hello1""#, true.into());
            test_script(r#""hello1" > "hellø1""#, false.into());

        fn greater_or_equal() {
            test_script(r#""héllö42" >= "héllö11""#, true.into());
            test_script(r#""hello1" >= "hello42""#, false.into());

        fn index_single_index() {
            test_script("'héllö'[1]", string("é"));

        fn index_start_and_end() {
            test_script("'héllö'[1..2]", string("é"));
            test_script("'héllö'[1..3]", string("él"));
            test_script("'héllö'[3..5]", string("lö"));

        fn index_from_start() {
            test_script("'héllö'[2..]", string("llö"));
            test_script("'héllö'[3..]", string("lö"));

        fn index_to_end() {
            test_script("'héllö'[..1]", string("h"));
            test_script("'héllö'[..=2]", string("hél"));

        fn index_from_one_past_the_end() {
            test_script("'x'[0..1]", string("x"));
            test_script("'x'[1..]", string(""));
            test_script("'x'[1..1]", string(""));
            test_script("'héllö'[5..]", string(""));

        fn index_whole_string() {
            test_script("'héllö'[..]", string("héllö"));

        fn index_sub_string() {
            test_script("'héllö'[3..][..]", string("lö"));
            test_script("'héllö'[3..][1]", string("ö"));

        fn escaped_backslash() {
            test_script(r#""\\""#, string("\\"));

        fn interpolated_id() {
            let script = "
x = 1
'$x + $x'
            test_script(script, string("1 + 1"));

        fn interpolated_id_from_capture() {
            let script = "
x = 1
f = || '$x.$x'
            test_script(script, string("1.1"));

        fn interpolated_expression() {
            let script = "
x = 100
'sqrt(x): ${x.sqrt()}'
            test_script(script, string("sqrt(x): 10.0"));

        fn interpolated_expression_nested() {
            let script = "
'foo${': ${42}'}'
            test_script(script, string("foo: 42"));

        fn interpolated_expression_inline_map() {
            let script = "
foo = |m| m.size()
'${foo {bar: 42, baz: 99}}!'
            test_script(script, string("2!"));

        fn interpolated_expression_using_capture() {
            let script = "
x = 10
f = || 'x * 2 == ${x * 2}'
            test_script(script, string("x * 2 == 20"));

        fn interpolated_string_as_map_key() {
            let script = "
x = 99
m =
  'key$x': 'foo'
            test_script(script, string("foo"));

        fn interpolated_string_in_lookup() {
            let script = "
x = 99
m =
  'key$x': 'foo'
            test_script(script, string("foo"));

        fn interpolated_string_in_lookup_assignment() {
            let script = "
x = 99
m =
  'key$x': 'foo'
m.'key$x' = 123
            test_script(script, 123.into());

        fn interpolated_string_with_value_with_overloaded_display() {
            let script = "
foo = {@display: |self| 'Foo'}
            test_script(script, string("Foo"));

        fn interpolated_string_with_multiple_expressions_in_curly_braces() {
            let script = "
'${1, 2, 3}'
            test_script(script, string("(1, 2, 3)"));

    mod iterators {
        use super::*;

        fn iterator_copy() {
            let script = "
x = (1..10).iter()
z = x.copy()
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn iterators_in_a_deep_copy() {
            let script = "
r = 1..10
x = [r.iter()]
z = x.deep_copy()
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn copy_of_a_generator() {
            let script = "
generator = ||
  for x in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    yield x
x = generator()
x.next() # 1
y = x.copy()
x.next() # 2
x.next() # 3
            test_script(script, 2.into());

    mod error_recovery {
        use super::*;

        fn try_catch() {
            let script = "
x = 1
  x += 1
  x += y
catch _
  x + 1
            test_script(script, 3.into());

        fn try_catch_with_throw_string() {
            let script = r#"
x = 1
  x += 1
  throw "{}".format x
catch error
            test_script(script, "2".into());

        fn try_catch_with_throw_map() {
            let script = r#"
x = 1
  x += 1
    data: x
    @display: |self| "error!"
catch error
            test_script(script, 2.into());

        fn try_catch_finally() {
            let script = "
catch _e
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn try_catch_nested() {
            let script = "
x = 0
  x += 1
    x += 1
    x += y
  catch _ignored
    x += 1
  x += y
catch _
  x += 1
            test_script(script, 4.into());

    mod operator_overloading {
        use super::*;

        fn arithmetic() {
            let script = "
locals = {}
foo = |x| {x}.with_meta_map locals.foo_meta
locals.foo_meta =
  @+: |self, other| foo self.x + other.x
  @-: |self, other| foo self.x - other.x
  @*: |self, other| foo self.x * other.x
  @/: |self, other| foo self.x / other.x
  @%: |self, other| foo self.x % other.x

z = ((foo 2) * (foo 10) / (foo 4) + (foo 1) - (foo 2)) % foo 3
            test_script(script, 1.into());

        fn less() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @<: |self, other| self.x < other.x

(foo 10) < (foo 20) and not (foo 30) < (foo 30)
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn less_or_equal() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @<=: |self, other| self.x <= other.x

(foo 10) <= (foo 20) and (foo 30) <= (foo 30)
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn greater() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @>: |self, other| self.x > other.x

(foo 0) > (foo -1) and not (foo 0) > (foo 0)
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn greater_or_equal() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @>=: |self, other| self.x >= other.x

(foo 50) >= (foo 40) and (foo 50) >= (foo 50)
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn equal() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map equality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

(foo 41) == (foo 42) and not (foo 42) == (foo 42)
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn not_equal() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @!=: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map inequality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x == other.x

(foo 99) != (foo 99) and not (foo 99) != (foo 100)
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn equality_of_list_containing_overloaded_value() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map inequality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

a = [foo(0), foo(1)]
b = [foo(1), foo(2)]
a == b # Should evaluate to true due to the inverted equality operator
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn equality_of_map_containing_overloaded_value() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map inequality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

a = { foo: foo(42) }
b = { foo: foo(99) }
a == b # Should evaluate to true due to the inverted equality operator
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn equality_of_tuple_containing_overloaded_value() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map inequality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

a = (foo(0), foo(1))
b = (foo(1), foo(2))
a == b # Should evaluate to true due to the inverted equality operator
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn inequality_of_list_containing_overloaded_value() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map equality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

a = [foo(0), foo(0)]
b = [foo(0), foo(0)]
a != b # Should evaluate to true due to the inverted equality operator
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn inequality_of_map_containing_overloaded_value() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map equality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

a = { foo: foo(42) }
b = { foo: foo(42) }
a != b # Should evaluate to true due to the inverted equality operator
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn inequality_of_tuple_containing_overloaded_value() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @==: |self, other|
    # Invert the default map equality behaviour to show its effect
    self.x != other.x

a = (foo(1), foo(2))
b = (foo(1), foo(2))
a != b # Should evaluate to true due to the inverted equality operator
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn deep_copy_includes_meta_map() {
            let script = "
foo = |x|
  x: x
  @>=: |self, other| self.x >= other.x

a = foo 42
b = a.deep_copy()
b >= a
            test_script(script, true.into());

        fn equality_of_functions_with_overloaded_captures() {
            let script = "
# Make two functions which capture a different foo
foos = (0, 1)
  .each |n|
    foo =
      x: n
      @==: |self, other| self.x != other.x # inverting the usual behaviour to show its effect
    || foo # The function returns its captured foo

foos[0] == foos[1]
            test_script(script, true.into());

    mod named_meta_entries {
        use super::*;

        fn basic_access() {
            let script = "
locals = {}
foo = |x| {x}.with_meta_map locals.foo_meta
locals.foo_meta =
  @meta get_x: |self| self.x
a = foo 10
a.x + a.get_x()
            test_script(script, 20.into());

        fn lookup_order() {
            let script = "
locals = {}
foo = |x| {x, y: 100}.with_meta_map locals.foo_meta
locals.foo_meta =
  @meta y: 0
a = foo 10
a.x + a.y # The meta map's y entry is hidden by the data entry
            test_script(script, 110.into());

    mod import {
        use super::*;

        fn import_after_local_assignment() {
            let script = "
x = 123
y = import test.assert
            test_script(script, 123.into());

        fn import_with_same_local_name() {
            let script = "
x = 0
pi = number.pi
pi != x and pi == pi";
            test_script(script, true.into());

    mod export {
        use super::*;

        fn export_in_function() {
            let script = "
f = || export x = 42
            test_script(script, 42.into());

        fn accessing_value_exported_after_function_creation() {
            let script = "
f = || x
export x = 99
            test_script(script, 99.into());

        fn capture_of_value_exported_before_function_creation() {
            let script = "
export x = 123
f = || x
# Re-exporting x doesn't affect the value captured when f was created
export x = 99
            test_script(script, 123.into());

        fn assignment_of_export() {
            let script = "
x = export y = 10
x + y";
            test_script(script, 20.into());

    mod meta_export {
        use super::*;

        fn assignment_of_meta_export() {
            let script = "
f = @main = || 42
            test_script(script, 42.into());