kokai 0.3.1

Create changelog for your releases and full changelog for your projects using Conventional Commits.
kokai-0.3.1 is not a library.


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公開: kokai => Release/publish

Kokai allows you to create changelog for your releases and full changelog for your projects. It is based on Conventional Commits (for now) to have a pleasant reading of the changelog.

All kokai commands

kokai 0.3.1

    kokai <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    changelog     Create a full changelog of your project
    completion    Generate autocompletion file for your shell
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    release       Create a release changelog for a specified tag


kokai-release 0.3.1
Jones Magloire @Joxit
Create a release changelog for a specified tag

    kokai release [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --ref <ref> [repository]

    -h, --help            Prints help information
        --no-emoji        Remove emojis from headers
        --tag-from-ref    Get the tag of the ref commit and use it as a release name. This is like `git describe --tags
    -V, --version         Prints version information

        --add-links <add-links>    Add links to commits/issues/pr with specified url format (github/gitlab...). For
                                   commits only using github url format, use github:commits. For gitlab with commits and
                                   issues use gitlab:commits,issues
        --git-url <git-url>        The git url of the project. Should be a url using http protocol for links
        --name <name>              Explicit name for the release. Useful when tag is a commit or HEAD
        --ref <ref>                Create a release changelog from previous tag until this ref. Can be a tag, commit
                                   hash or branch

    <repository>    Path to the git repository [default: .]


kokai-changelog 0.3.1
Jones Magloire @Joxit
Create a full changelog of your project

    kokai changelog [OPTIONS] [repository]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --ref <tag>    Create a full changelog from the first commit until this ref. Can be a tag, commit hash or branch

    <repository>    Path to the git repository [default: .]