kodama 0.2.3

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering.
This crate provides a fast implementation of agglomerative
[hierarchical clustering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering).

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This library is released under the MIT license.

The ideas and implementation in this crate are heavily based on the work of
Daniel Müllner, and in particular, his 2011 paper,
[Modern hierarchical, agglomerative clustering algorithms](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.2378.pdf).
Parts of the implementation have also been inspired by his C++
library, [`fastcluster`](http://danifold.net/fastcluster.html).
Müllner's work, in turn, is based on the hierarchical clustering facilities
provided by MATLAB and

The runtime performance of this library is on par with Müllner's `fastcluster`

For a more detailed example of how to use hierarchical clustering, see the
[example in the API documentation](https://docs.rs/kodama/0.1.0/kodama/#example).

### Documentation


### Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

kodama = "0.1"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate kodama;

### C API and Go bindings

This repository includes
which provides a C interface to hierarchical clustering.

This repository also includes
[Go FFI bindings via cgo](https://github.com/diffeo/kodama/tree/master/go-kodama)
to the aforementioned C API. Documentation for the Go library can be found at