kmip-ttlv 0.3.5

KMIP TTLV (de)serialization
//! Information about the (de)serialization failure and the location at which it failed.

use std::{convert::TryFrom, fmt::Debug, fmt::Display};

use crate::types::{self, ByteOffset, FieldType, TtlvTag, TtlvType};

pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

// --- Error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Details of a (de)serialization failure and the location in the data where the problem occured.
/// An error consists of an [ErrorKind] that identifies the kind of error that occured, and an [ErrorLocation] that
/// describes where in the data the problem occurred.
pub struct Error {
    kind: ErrorKind,
    location: ErrorLocation,

impl Error {
    pub(crate) fn new(kind: ErrorKind, location: ErrorLocation) -> Self {
        Self { kind, location }

    pub(crate) fn into_inner(self) -> (ErrorKind, ErrorLocation) {
        (self.kind, self.location)

    /// Get details about the kind of error that occurred.
    pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind {

    /// Get details about where in the data the error occurred.
    pub fn location(&self) -> &ErrorLocation {

impl std::error::Error for Error {}

impl Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match &self.kind {
            ErrorKind::IoError(error) => f.write_fmt(format_args!(
                "IO error {:?}: {} (at {})",
            ErrorKind::ResponseSizeExceedsLimit(size) => {
                f.write_fmt(format_args!("Response size {} exceeds the configured limit", size))
            ErrorKind::MalformedTtlv(error) => {
                f.write_fmt(format_args!("Malformed TTLV: {:?} (at {})", error, self.location))
            ErrorKind::SerdeError(error) => {
                f.write_fmt(format_args!("Serde error : {:?} (at {})", error, self.location))

impl Error {
    pub(crate) fn pinpoint<T, L>(error: T, location: L) -> Self
        ErrorKind: From<T>,
        ErrorLocation: From<L>,
        Self {
            kind: error.into(),
            location: location.into(),

    pub(crate) fn pinpoint_with_tag<T, L>(error: T, location: L, tag: TtlvTag) -> Self
        ErrorKind: From<T>,
        ErrorLocation: From<L>,
        Self {
            kind: error.into(),
            location: ErrorLocation::from(location).with_tag(tag),

    pub(crate) fn pinpoint_with_tag_and_type<T, L>(error: T, location: L, tag: TtlvTag, r#type: TtlvType) -> Self
        ErrorKind: From<T>,
        ErrorLocation: From<L>,
        Self {
            kind: error.into(),
            location: ErrorLocation::from(location).with_tag(tag).with_type(r#type),

// --- ErrorKind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Errors raised by the inner guts of the (de)serialization process may occur in code that has no notion of the context
// of or position within those bytes and so no way to indicate the location of the bytes relevant to the error, either
// as a byte position or in terms of TTLV tag sequence. Hence why we separate out location of error from type of error.

/// Details about the kind of error that occurred.
/// Errors can be roughly split into the following categories:
///   - Errors while reading/writing, i.e. [ErrorKind::IoError] and [ErrorKind::ResponseSizeExceedsLimit].
///   - Errors while parsing/generating TTLV bytes, i.e. [ErrorKind::MalformedTtlv].
///   - Errors while (de)serializing from/to Rust data structures, i.e. [ErrorKind::SerdeError].
pub enum ErrorKind {

impl From<std::io::Error> for ErrorKind {
    fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {

impl From<types::Error> for ErrorKind {
    fn from(err: types::Error) -> Self {
        match err {
            types::Error::IoError(e) => Self::IoError(e),
            types::Error::UnexpectedTtlvField { expected, actual } => {
                Self::MalformedTtlv(MalformedTtlvError::UnexpectedTtlvField { expected, actual })
            types::Error::InvalidTtlvTag(v) => Self::SerdeError(SerdeError::InvalidTag(v)),
            types::Error::UnsupportedTtlvType(v) => Self::MalformedTtlv(MalformedTtlvError::UnsupportedType(v)),
            types::Error::InvalidTtlvType(v) => Self::MalformedTtlv(MalformedTtlvError::InvalidType(v)),
            types::Error::InvalidTtlvValueLength {
            } => Self::MalformedTtlv(MalformedTtlvError::InvalidLength {
            types::Error::InvalidTtlvValue(r#type) => Self::MalformedTtlv(MalformedTtlvError::InvalidValue { r#type }),
            types::Error::InvalidStateMachineOperation => Self::SerdeError(SerdeError::Other(
                "Internal error: invalid state machine operaiton".into(),

impl From<MalformedTtlvError> for ErrorKind {
    fn from(err: MalformedTtlvError) -> Self {

impl From<SerdeError> for ErrorKind {
    fn from(err: SerdeError) -> Self {

// --- ErrorLocation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Details about where in the data the error occurred.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ErrorLocation {
    offset: Option<ByteOffset>,
    parent_tags: Vec<TtlvTag>,
    tag: Option<TtlvTag>,
    r#type: Option<TtlvType>,

impl From<ByteOffset> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(offset: ByteOffset) -> Self {
        Self {
            offset: Some(offset),

impl From<u8> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(offset: u8) -> Self {

impl From<u16> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(offset: u16) -> Self {

impl From<u32> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(offset: u32) -> Self {

impl From<u64> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(offset: u64) -> Self {

impl From<usize> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(value: usize) -> ErrorLocation {
        match ByteOffset::try_from(value) {
            Ok(offset) => ErrorLocation::from(offset),
            Err(_) => ErrorLocation::unknown(),

impl<T> From<std::io::Cursor<T>> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(cursor: std::io::Cursor<T>) -> Self {
        Self {
            offset: Some(cursor.position().into()),

impl<T> From<&std::io::Cursor<T>> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(cursor: &std::io::Cursor<T>) -> Self {
        Self {
            offset: Some(cursor.position().into()),

impl<T> From<&mut std::io::Cursor<T>> for ErrorLocation {
    fn from(cursor: &mut std::io::Cursor<T>) -> Self {
        Self {
            offset: Some(cursor.position().into()),

impl Display for ErrorLocation {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        if self.is_unknown() {
            return f.write_str("Unknown");

        let mut sep_str = "";

        let mut sep = || { let s = sep_str; sep_str = ", "; s };

        if let Some(offset) = self.offset {
            f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}pos: {} bytes", sep(), *offset))?;
        if !self.parent_tags.is_empty() {
            let mut iter = self.parent_tags.iter();
            f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}parent tags: {}", sep(),;
            for tag in iter {
                f.write_fmt(format_args!(" > {}", tag))?
        if let Some(tag) = self.tag {
            f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}tag: {}", sep(), tag))?;
        if let Some(r#type) = self.r#type {
            f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}type: {}", sep(), r#type))?;


impl ErrorLocation {
    pub(crate) fn at(offset: ByteOffset) -> Self {
        Self {
            offset: Some(offset),

    // Use `at()` instead. Don't use this if you actually have a relevant byte offset and/or TTLV location for the error.
    pub(crate) fn unknown() -> Self {

    pub(crate) fn with_offset(mut self, offset: ByteOffset) -> Self {
        let _ = self.offset.get_or_insert(offset);

    pub(crate) fn with_parent_tags(mut self, parent_tags: &[TtlvTag]) -> Self {
        if self.parent_tags.is_empty() {

    pub(crate) fn with_tag(mut self, tag: TtlvTag) -> Self {
        let _ = self.tag.get_or_insert(tag);

    pub(crate) fn with_type(mut self, r#type: TtlvType) -> Self {
        let _ = self.r#type.get_or_insert(r#type);

    pub(crate) fn merge(mut self, loc: ErrorLocation) -> Self {
        if let Some(offset) = loc.offset {
            self = self.with_offset(offset);
        self = self.with_parent_tags(&loc.parent_tags);
        if let Some(tag) = loc.tag {
            self = self.with_tag(tag);
        if let Some(r#type) = loc.r#type {
            self = self.with_type(r#type);

    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
            (self.offset, self.parent_tags.is_empty(), self.tag, self.r#type),
            (None, true, None, None)

    pub fn offset(&self) -> Option<ByteOffset> {

    pub fn parent_tags(&self) -> &[TtlvTag] {

    pub fn tag(&self) -> Option<TtlvTag> {

    pub fn r#type(&self) -> Option<TtlvType> {

// --- MalformedTtlvError ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// (De)serialization failure due to writing/reading byte values that do not conform to the TTLV specification.
pub enum MalformedTtlvError {
    /// The value in the TTLV type byte is not one of the known valid values.

    /// The value in the TTLV length bytes are invalid for the type being read/written.
    InvalidLength {
        expected: u32,
        actual: u32,
        r#type: TtlvType,

    /// The value in the TTLV value bytes is not valid for the type being read/written.
    InvalidValue { r#type: TtlvType },

    /// A TTLV value being read/written is too large for the TTLV Structure that contains it.
    Overflow { field_end: ByteOffset },

    /// The TTLV field being read/written is out of sequence (e.g. TLVV, VLTL, etc.).
    UnexpectedTtlvField { expected: FieldType, actual: FieldType },

    /// The TTLV type being read/written is not correct at this location.
    /// For example, all TTLV sequences must start with a TTLV Structure.
    UnexpectedType { expected: TtlvType, actual: TtlvType },

    /// The TTLV type byte value being read/written is valid but not supported.

    /// The length of the TTLV Structure being read/written could not be determined.
    /// For example this can occur when TTLV serialization failed for some reason to return and rewrite the length
    /// bytes of a TTLV structure once its length was known and this was detected during serialization or later during
    /// deserialization.

impl MalformedTtlvError {
    pub fn overflow<T>(field_end: T) -> Self
        ByteOffset: From<T>,
        Self::Overflow {
            field_end: field_end.into(),

// --- SerdeError -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Errors while (de)serializing from/to Rust data structures.
pub enum SerdeError {
    /// An enum variant name is neither a hexadecimal string value nor valid matcher syntax.
    /// Valid enum variant names must be set using `#[serde(rename = "...")]` and must either be a hexadecimal string
    /// value such as `"0x01ABEF"` or must be valid variant matcher syntax such as `"if 0xABCDEF==0x123456"`. See the
    /// [crate] level documentation for more details.
    InvalidVariant(&'static str),

    /// An enum variant name is not valid matcher syntax. See the [crate] level documentation for more details.

    /// The `#[serde(rename = "...")]` name assigned to a Rust data type is not a valid TTLV six character hexadecimal
    /// value such as `0x12ABEF`.

    /// None of the `#[serde(rename = "...")]` named fields in the Rust struct being deserialized into matches the TTLV
    /// tag value being deserialized.

    /// A problem occurred during (de)serialization that is not described by one of the other [SerdeError] enum
    /// variants. This primarily occurs when Serde Derive generated code or Serde library code fails internally and
    /// does not provide a more specific dedicated error type for the situation at hand.

    /// The TTLV tag value being deserialized does not match the `#[serde(rename = "...")]` name assigned to any of the
    /// candidate Rust struct members currently being deserialized into. This can happen when the field is not always
    /// present in the data stream and so should be wrapped in `Option<...>` in the Rust data structure, or when the
    /// order of the fields in the Rust structure does not match the order of the fields in the TTLV Structure.
    UnexpectedTag { expected: TtlvTag, actual: TtlvTag },

    /// The TTLV type of the value being deserialized does not match the type of the Rust data structure field being
    /// deserialized into.
    UnexpectedType { expected: TtlvType, actual: TtlvType },

    /// The TTLV type of the value being deserialized is not supported yet by the deserializer.
    UnsupportedRustType(&'static str),