kineasy 0.1.0

Easy and performant crate for handling a kinesys stream


Kineasy is a library that helps you to use AWS Kinesis service. It very opinionated and focused on performance. With this library you can consume a stream with multiple shards without caring about orchestrating them, you will get a stream of records from multiple shards.

You can also enable auto checkpointing so you can safely restart the service in needed, this checkpoint feature writes checkpoints to disk but you can implement your own writting feature.


# extern crate kineasy;
# extern crate dockers;

# use dockers::{Container, Image, containers::{ContainerConfig, HostConfig, PortBinding}};
use kineasy::{Kineasy, Region, shard::ShardIterator, Record};
use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
use futures::future;
# use std::{time, collections::HashMap, thread};
# use kineasy_test_utils::*;
use tokio;
# use utilities;

fn main () {
#     let localstack = "localstack/localstack".to_owned();
#     let img = Image::pull(localstack.clone(), None)
#         .expect("Cannot pull image");
#     let mut published_ports = HashMap::new();
#     published_ports.insert(
#         "4568/tcp".to_owned(),
#         vec![PortBinding {
#             HostPort: "4568".to_owned(),
#             HostIp: "".to_owned()
#         }],
#     );
#     let cont_conf = ContainerConfig {
#         Image: localstack.clone(),
#         HostConfig: HostConfig {
#             PortBindings: Some(published_ports),
#             ..Default::default()
#         },
#         ..Default::default()
#     };
#     let cont = Container::new(None, Some(localstack.clone()))
#         .create(Some("kineasy_test".to_owned()), Some(cont_conf))
#         .expect("Cannot create container");
#     cont.start().unwrap();
#     thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(10000));

let run = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();

#     create_test_stream();
#     thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(3000));

run.block_on(async {

let kns = Kineasy::new(Region::Custom {
name: "custom-region".to_owned(),
endpoint: "http://localhost:4568".to_owned()
}, "kineasy_test_stream".to_owned(), ShardIterator::Latest);

let stream =;

#         send_test_record();

.map(|r: Record| {
let r: TestExample = serde_json::from_str(&String::from_utf8(
.expect("Cannot parse this."))
.expect("Cannot parse json");
}).for_each(|parsed| {
assert_eq!(TestExample {
example: "example".to_owned()
}, parsed);


#     cont.remove();
#     img.remove();