khaiii-rs 0.1.3

Bindings to Kakao Hangul Analyzer III (khaiii) for parsing and analyzing Korean text. failed to build khaiii-rs-0.1.3
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.



khaiii bindings for Rust.

khaiii-rs = "0.1"


The following software is required to use khaiii-rs:

  • CMake 3.10 or up
  • Python3
  • Stable Rust. (khaiii-rs was developed with Rust 1.65.0 but should work with most stable Rust versions)

Version of khaiii

Currently this library requires khaiii 0.4. The source for khaiii is included within the khaiii-sys crate. If khaiii is not already pre-installed on your system you can use the vendored-khaiii feature flag so that the build script will compile, link and generate the khaiii resources for you instead.

Building khaiii-rs

Systems with khaiii pre-installed:

$ git clone
$ cd khaiii-rs
$ cargo build

Build with vendored source:

$ git clone
$ cd khaiii-rs
$ cargo build -F vendored-khaiii


Simple tests for the khaiii-rs wrapper are included and can be run through the following command. Similarly to the build command with khaiii pre-installed you can simply run:

$ cargo test

Testing with vendored source:

$ cargo test -F vendored-khaiii


Using khaiii-rs is easiest with khaiii pre-installed on the system.

In the examples/ folder are two Rust files demonstrating how to initialize the khaiii API and how to analyze Korean text.

Critically, before the API can analyze text it has to load a couple of resources. On a pre-installed system these can be found under the default /usr/local/share/khaiii directory. On systems without a global installation, the resource files can be found in the khaiii-rs/share/khaiii folder after performing a cargo build with the vendored-khaiii feature enabled as previously shown in the building section of this README.

Operating systems

As of right now khaiii-sys, (and therefore khaiii-rs), is only developed for and tested on Linux. While, like khaiii itself, it might work on MacOS (non-ARM) I am unfortunately unable to test and support it.


This project is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE or