[][src]Crate keynesis

Keynesis: key management for signing and e2e communication

Keynesis leverage the curve25519 and ed25519 to provide some keys and APIs to use for different purpose


The identity is the pivot component of the scheme. It is the root keys from which everything can be derived. There is a PrivateIdentity and a PublicId. The PrivateIdentity key needs to be kept private while the PublicId can be safely shared... "Publicly".

Conveniently, the PrivateIdentity exposes the shield method to safely password protect the content of the PrivateIdentity. The scheme uses (HMAC PBKDF2 with 10_000 iteration to derive the password into the key of 32 bytes long and a salt of 16 bytes long; for the encryption we use ChaCha20Poly1305 with a nonce of 12 bytes).

use keynesis::PrivateIdentity;

let private_id = PrivateIdentity::new(&mut secure_rng());
let public_id = private_id.public_id();
println!("Public Identity: {}", public_id);

let shielded_private_id = private_id.shield(&mut secure_rng(), PASSWORD);
println!("Shielded Private Identity: {}", shielded_private_id);

Signing Keys

From the PrivateIdentity it is possible to "derive" the PrivateSigningKey. This key can then be used to sign messages that can be verified with the associated VerifyPublicKey. This key can be retrieved from the PrivateSigningKey or it can be derived from the PublicId.

let signing_key = private_id.signing_key();
let verify_key = public_id.verify_key();

let signature = signing_key.sign(MESSAGE);
assert!(verify_key.verify(&signature, MESSAGE));

Establishing secure stream

Now it is possible to generate a SharedSecret between 2 PrivateIdentity owners so long they have each other's PublicId. To do so we will can generate keys from the identity keys using an arbitrarily defined scheme to generate a derivation path.

Alice's and Bob's generating each other's key

First alice will generate her key and send the PublicId to Bob.

use keynesis::PrivateIdentity;

let alice_private_id = PrivateIdentity::new(&mut secure_rng());
let alice_public_id = alice_private_id.public_id();

// send `alice_public_id` to Bob

Then Bob does the same and send the PublicId to Alice.

use keynesis::PrivateIdentity;

let bob_private_id = PrivateIdentity::new(&mut secure_rng());
let bob_public_id = bob_private_id.public_id();

// send `bob_public_id` to Alice

Generating the keys to establish a shared secret

Now that they both have each other's PublicId they can generate each other's public key. Let say Alice is the initiator of the channel and tells Bob to generate a SharedSecret to establish an encrypted connection with the nonce.

Alice will have generate the secret key as follow:

let alice_path = format!("/keynesis/alice/bob/{}", NONCE);
let bob_path = format!("/keynesis/bob/alice/{}", NONCE);

let alice_private_key = alice_private_id.derive(&alice_path);
let bob_public_key = bob_public_id.derive(&bob_path);

let alice_shared_secret = alice_private_key.exchange(&bob_public_key);

Once the request received by Bob (the nonce), bob can derived the appropriate key on her side:

let alice_path = format!("/keynesis/alice/bob/{}", NONCE);
let bob_path = format!("/keynesis/bob/alice/{}", NONCE);

let bob_private_key = bob_private_id.derive(&bob_path);
let alice_public_key = alice_public_id.derive(&alice_path);

let bob_shared_secret = bob_private_key.exchange(&alice_public_key);

Now these 2 shared secrets (alice's and bob's) are both the same.

assert_eq!(alice_shared_secret, bob_shared_secret);

The SharedSecret can now be used to seed a symmetric cipher, ChaCha20 for example (don't forget an extra random nonce to make the cipher more secure).


pub use self::key::ed25519_extended::Signature;



Keynesis's Keys




private identity, to keep close to you, privately and securely


The Signing Key associated to your PrivateIdentity.


Public identity


Public key to use for key exchange


The Verify Key associated to the PrivateSigningKey.


Secret key to use for key exchange


A Shared Secret that can be used to generate a symmetric key
