keyframe 1.1.1

A simple library for animation in Rust
# keyframe

A simple library for animation in Rust


## Features

* Several [easing functions], including user-defined Bézier curves (like CSS [cubic-bezier] and keyframable curves
* Animation sequences (like CSS [@keyframes]
* [mint] integration for 2D/3D/4D support (points, rectangles, colors, etc)

## Usage

Tweening between two values is done with `keyframe::ease(function, from, to, time)`. `from` and `to` can be any type that implements `CanTween`, such as `f64` or `mint::Vector2`, while `time` needs to be a floating-point value between zero and one. `function` specifies the transition between `from` and `to` and is any type that implements `EasingFunction`.

`keyframe::AnimationSequence` can be used to create more complex animations that keep track of keyframes, time, etc. You can create animation sequences with the `keyframes![...]` macro, from an iterator or from a vector.

## Examples

An example visualizer is included in `examples/`. Run `cargo run --example visualizer --release` to start it. (ggez is really slow in debug mode!)


use keyframe::{ease, functions::EaseInOut};

fn example() -> f64 {
    let a = 0.0;
    let b = 2.0;
    let time = 0.5;

    ease(EaseInOut, a, b, time)

Animation sequences:

use keyframe::{keyframes, Keyframe, AnimationSequence};

fn example() {
    // (value, time) or (value, time, function)
    let mut sequence = keyframes![
        (0.5, 0.0), // <-- EaseInOut used from 0.0 to 0.3
        (1.5, 0.3, Linear), // <-- Linear used from 0.3 to 1.0
        (2.5, 1.0) // <-- Easing function here is never used, since we're at the end


    assert_eq!(, 2.0);
    assert_eq!(sequence.duration(), 1.0);

Custom structures:

use keyframe::mint::Point2;
// This macro works with any structure as long as it only consists of types that implement "CanTween"
use keyframe_derive::CanTween;

struct MySubStructure {
    a: f32

struct MyStructure {
    a: f64,
    b: Point2<f64>,
    c: f32,
    d: [MySubStructure; N] // Array length matching is guaranteed by the type system

// Also works with unnamed structures
struct UnnamedStructure(MyStructure, f64);