ketos 0.12.0

Lisp dialect scripting and extension language
//! Represents any possible value type.

use std::any::Any;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::f64::{INFINITY, NEG_INFINITY};
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::fmt;
use std::mem::replace;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;

use crate::bytes::Bytes;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::exec::{Context, ExecError};
use crate::function::{Function, Lambda};
use crate::integer::{Integer, Ratio};
use crate::name::{Name, NameDebug, NameDisplay, NameStore};
use crate::rc_vec::{RcString, RcVec};
use crate::structs::{Struct, StructDef, StructValueDef};

/// Represents a value.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Value {
    /// `()`
    /// Placeholder for missing optional values;
    /// should not be used to represent any real value.
    /// Boolean -- `true` or `false`
    /// Floating point number
    /// Signed arbitrary precision integer
    /// Arbitrary precision ratio
    /// Struct value
    /// Struct definition
    /// Literal name
    /// Keyword
    /// Character
    /// String
    /// Byte string
    /// Path
    /// Quasiquoted value; quote depth **MUST NEVER be zero.**
    Quasiquote(Box<Value>, u32),
    /// Comma'd value; comma depth **MUST NEVER be zero.**
    Comma(Box<Value>, u32),
    /// Comma-at'd value; quote depth **MUST NEVER be zero**.
    CommaAt(Box<Value>, u32),
    /// Quoted value; quote depth **MUST NEVER be zero**.
    Quote(Box<Value>, u32),
    /// Series of one or more values.
    /// **MUST NEVER be of length zero.** Use `Unit` to represent empty lists.
    /// Function implemented in Rust
    /// Compiled bytecode function
    /// Boxed value of a foreign type
    Foreign(Rc<dyn ForeignValue>),

impl Value {
    /// Returns a value of a foreign type.
    pub fn new_foreign<T: ForeignValue>(t: T) -> Value {

    /// Returns a value containing a foreign function.
    pub fn new_foreign_fn<F>(name: Name, f: F) -> Value
            where F: Any + Fn(&Context, &mut [Value]) -> Result<Value, Error> {
        Value::new_foreign(ForeignFn{ name, f })

    /// Compares two values; returns an error if the values cannot be compared.
    pub fn compare(&self, rhs: &Value) -> Result<Ordering, ExecError> {
        let ord = match (self, rhs) {
            (&Value::Unit, &Value::Unit) => Ordering::Equal,
            (&Value::Bool(a), &Value::Bool(b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Float(b)) =>
            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Name(a), &Value::Name(b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Keyword(a), &Value::Keyword(b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Char(a), &Value::Char(b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::String(ref a), &Value::String(ref b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Bytes(ref a), &Value::Bytes(ref b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Path(ref a), &Value::Path(ref b)) => a.cmp(&b),
            (&Value::Unit, &Value::List(_)) => Ordering::Less,
            (&Value::List(_), &Value::Unit) => Ordering::Greater,
            (&Value::List(ref a), &Value::List(ref b)) =>
                cmp_value_slice(a, b)?,
            (&Value::Struct(ref a), &Value::Struct(ref b)) => {
                if a.def() == b.def() {
                    cmp_value_slice(a.fields(), b.fields())?
                } else {
                    return Err(ExecError::StructMismatch{
                        lhs: a.def().name(),
                        rhs: b.def().name(),

            // Coercible numeric comparisons
            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => {
                coerce_compare_float(a, true,
                    b.to_f64(), b.is_positive())?
            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => {
                coerce_compare_float(a, true,
                    b.to_f64(), b.is_positive())?
            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Float(b)) => {
                coerce_compare_float(b, false,
                    a.to_f64(), a.is_positive())?
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Float(b)) => {
                coerce_compare_float(b, false,
                    a.to_f64(), a.is_positive())?
            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => {
                let a = Ratio::from_integer(a.clone());
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => {
                let b = Ratio::from_integer(b.clone());

            // Non-comparable types
            (&Value::StructDef(_), &Value::StructDef(_)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("struct-def")),
            (&Value::Function(_), &Value::Function(_)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("function")),
            (&Value::Lambda(_), &Value::Lambda(_)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("lambda")),
            (&Value::Quote(_, _), &Value::Quote(_, _)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("quote")),
            (&Value::Quasiquote(_, _), &Value::Quasiquote(_, _)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("quasiquote")),
            (&Value::Comma(_, _), &Value::Comma(_, _)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("comma")),
            (&Value::CommaAt(_, _), &Value::CommaAt(_, _)) =>
                return Err(ExecError::CannotCompare("comma-at")),

            (&Value::Foreign(ref a), ref b) => a.compare_to_value(b)?,
            (ref a, &Value::Foreign(ref b)) =>

            // Type mismatch
            (a, b) => return Err(ExecError::TypeMismatch{
                lhs: a.type_name(),
                rhs: b.type_name(),


    /// Tests two values for equality; returns an error if the values cannot be
    /// compared.
    pub fn is_equal(&self, rhs: &Value) -> Result<bool, ExecError> {
        let eq = match (self, rhs) {
            (&Value::Unit, &Value::Unit) => true,
            (&Value::Bool(a), &Value::Bool(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Float(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => a == b,

            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => {
                coerce_equal_float(a, b.to_f64())
            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => {
                coerce_equal_float(a, b.to_f64())
            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Float(b)) => {
                coerce_equal_float(b, a.to_f64())
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Float(b)) => {
                coerce_equal_float(b, a.to_f64())

            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => a == b,

            (&Value::Name(a), &Value::Name(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Keyword(a), &Value::Keyword(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Char(a), &Value::Char(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::String(ref a), &Value::String(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Bytes(ref a), &Value::Bytes(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Path(ref a), &Value::Path(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Quote(ref a, na), &Value::Quote(ref b, nb)) =>
                na == nb && a.is_equal(&b)?,
            (&Value::Unit, &Value::List(_)) => false,
            (&Value::List(_), &Value::Unit) => false,
            (&Value::List(ref a), &Value::List(ref b)) =>
                eq_value_slice(a, b)?,
            (&Value::Struct(ref a), &Value::Struct(ref b)) => {
                if a.def() == b.def() {
                    eq_value_slice(a.fields(), b.fields())?
                } else {
                    return Err(ExecError::StructMismatch{
                        lhs: a.def().name(),
                        rhs: b.def().name(),
            (&Value::StructDef(ref a), &Value::StructDef(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Function(ref a), &Value::Function(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Lambda(ref a), &Value::Lambda(ref b)) => a == b,

            (&Value::Foreign(ref a), ref b) => a.is_equal_to_value(b)?,
            (ref a, &Value::Foreign(ref b)) => b.is_equal_to_value(a)?,

            (a, b) => return Err(ExecError::TypeMismatch{
                lhs: a.type_name(),
                rhs: b.type_name(),


    /// Returns whether this value is identical to another.
    /// The notable difference between this and `eq` is that float `NaN` values
    /// will compare equal.
    pub fn is_identical(&self, rhs: &Value) -> bool {
        match (self, rhs) {
            (&Value::Unit, &Value::Unit) => true,
            (&Value::Unbound, &Value::Unbound) => true,
            (&Value::Bool(a), &Value::Bool(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Float(a), &Value::Float(b)) => float_is_identical(a, b),
            (&Value::Integer(ref a), &Value::Integer(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Ratio(ref a), &Value::Ratio(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Struct(ref a), &Value::Struct(ref b)) =>
                a.def() == b.def() &&
                        .all(|(a, b)| a.is_identical(b)),
            (&Value::Name(a), &Value::Name(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Keyword(a), &Value::Keyword(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Char(a), &Value::Char(b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::String(ref a), &Value::String(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Bytes(ref a), &Value::Bytes(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Path(ref a), &Value::Path(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Quasiquote(ref a, na), &Value::Quasiquote(ref b, nb)) =>
                na == nb && a.is_identical(b),
            (&Value::Comma(ref a, na), &Value::Comma(ref b, nb)) =>
                na == nb && a.is_identical(b),
            (&Value::Quote(ref a, na), &Value::Quote(ref b, nb)) =>
                na == nb && a.is_identical(b),
            (&Value::List(ref a), &Value::List(ref b)) =>
                list_is_identical(a, b),
            (&Value::Function(ref a), &Value::Function(ref b)) => a == b,
            (&Value::Lambda(ref a), &Value::Lambda(ref b)) => a == b,

            (&Value::Foreign(ref a), &Value::Foreign(ref b)) =>

            _ => false

    /// Replaces the value with `Unit` and returns the old value.
    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Value {
        replace(self, Value::Unit)

    /// Returns the value, quasi-quoted.
    /// # Panics
    /// If `n` would overflow.
    pub fn quasiquote(self, n: u32) -> Value {
        match self {
            Value::Quasiquote(v, i) => Value::Quasiquote(v,
                i.checked_add(n).expect("quasiquote overflow")),
            v => Value::Quasiquote(Box::new(v), n),

    // Estimates the size of memory held by the value.
    // Used in applying restrictions to code execution.
    pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
        match *self {
            Value::Integer(ref i) => 1 + i.bits() / 8,
            Value::Ratio(ref r) => {
                let numer = r.numer().bits();
                let denom = r.denom().bits();
                1 + numer + denom
            Value::Struct(ref s) => 1 + s.fields().iter().map(|f| f.size()).sum::<usize>(),
            Value::StructDef(ref d) => d.def().size(),
            Value::String(ref s) => 1 + s.len(),
            Value::Bytes(ref s) => 1 + s.len(),
            Value::Path(ref p) => 1 + p.as_os_str().len(),
            Value::Comma(ref v, _) |
            Value::CommaAt(ref v, _) |
            Value::Quasiquote(ref v, _) |
            Value::Quote(ref v, _) => 1 + v.size(),
            Value::List(ref li) => 1 + li.iter().map(|v| v.size()).sum::<usize>(),
            Value::Lambda(ref l) =>
                1 + l.values.as_ref().map_or(0, |v| v.iter().map(|v| v.size()).sum()),
            Value::Foreign(ref v) => v.size(),
            _ => 1

    /// Returns the value, comma'd.
    /// # Panics
    /// If `n` would overflow.
    pub fn comma(self, n: u32) -> Value {
        match self {
            Value::Comma(v, i) => Value::Comma(v,
                i.checked_add(n).expect("comma overflow")),
            Value::CommaAt(v, i) => Value::CommaAt(v, i + n),
            v => Value::Comma(Box::new(v), n),

    /// Returns the value, comma-at'd.
    /// # Panics
    /// If `n` would overflow.
    pub fn comma_at(self, n: u32) -> Value {
        match self {
            Value::CommaAt(v, i) => Value::CommaAt(v,
                i.checked_add(n).expect("comma_at overflow")),
            v => Value::CommaAt(Box::new(v), n)

    /// Returns the value, quoted.
    /// # Panics
    /// If `n` would overflow.
    pub fn quote(self, n: u32) -> Value {
        match self {
            Value::Quote(v, i) => Value::Quote(v,
                i.checked_add(n).expect("quote overflow")),
            v => Value::Quote(Box::new(v), n),

    /// Returns a string describing the type of the value.
    pub fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str {
        match *self {
            Value::Unit => "unit",
            Value::Unbound => "<unbound>",
            Value::Bool(_) => "bool",
            Value::Float(_) => "float",
            Value::Integer(_) => "integer",
            Value::Ratio(_) => "ratio",
            Value::Char(_) => "char",
            Value::String(_) => "string",
            Value::Bytes(_) => "bytes",
            Value::Path(_) => "path",
            Value::Name(_) => "name",
            Value::Keyword(_) => "keyword",
            // XXX: Does this make sense?
            Value::Quasiquote(_, _) |
            Value::Comma(_, _) |
            Value::CommaAt(_, _) |
            Value::Quote(_, _) => "object",
            Value::List(_) => "list",
            Value::Struct(_) => "struct",
            Value::StructDef(_) => "struct-def",
            Value::Function(_) => "function",
            Value::Lambda(_) => "lambda",
            Value::Foreign(ref a) => a.type_name(),

/// Represents a type of value defined outside the core interpreter.
pub trait ForeignValue: Any + fmt::Debug {
    /// Performs ordered comparison between two values of a foreign type.
    /// If a true, `Ord`-like comparison cannot be made,
    /// `ExecError::CannotCompare(..)` should be returned.
    /// The default implementation unconditionally returns an error.
    fn compare_to(&self, rhs: &dyn ForeignValue) -> Result<Ordering, ExecError> {

    /// Performs ordered comparison between two values.
    /// This method need only be implemented if a value of the foreign type
    /// may be compared with core value types.
    fn compare_to_value(&self, rhs: &Value) -> Result<Ordering, ExecError> {
        match *rhs {
            Value::Foreign(ref rhs) => self.compare_to(&**rhs),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected(self.type_name(), v))

    /// Returns whether the two values are identical.
    /// This concept is the same as equality, except in the case of floating
    /// point values, where two `NaN` values are considered identical.
    /// A type implementing `ForeignValue` need only implement `is_identical`
    /// if it contains a float-type value or emulates some equality relationship
    /// similar to `NaN`.
    fn is_identical_to(&self, rhs: &dyn ForeignValue) -> bool {

    /// Tests for equality between two values of a foreign type.
    /// The default implementation unconditionally returns an error.
    fn is_equal_to(&self, rhs: &dyn ForeignValue) -> Result<bool, ExecError> {
            lhs: self.type_name(),
            rhs: rhs.type_name(),

    /// Tests for equality between two values.
    /// This method need only be implemented if a value of the foreign type
    /// may be compared with core value types.
    fn is_equal_to_value(&self, rhs: &Value) -> Result<bool, ExecError> {
        match *rhs {
            Value::Foreign(ref rhs) => self.is_equal_to(&**rhs),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected(self.type_name(), v))

    /// Format the value in debugging mode.
    /// The default implementation uses the type's `fmt::Debug` representation.
    fn fmt_debug(&self, names: &NameStore, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)

    /// Format the value in display mode.
    /// The default implementation formats the value in debugging mode.
    fn fmt_display(&self, names: &NameStore, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        self.fmt_debug(names, f)

    /// Return the value's type name.
    fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str;

    /// Returns whether this value is of the named type.
    /// The default implementation checks against the value of `self.type_name()`.
    fn is_type(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
        self.type_name() == name

    /// Calls the value as a function.
    /// The default implementation unconditionally returns an error.
    fn call_value(&self, ctx: &Context, args: &mut [Value])
            -> Result<Value, Error> {
            expected: "function",
            found: self.type_name(),
            value: None,

    /// Returns an estimate of the memory held by this value.
    /// The result will be used in applying memory restrictions to executing code.
    /// The result **MUST NOT** change for the lifetime of the value.
    fn size(&self) -> usize { 2 }

impl_any_cast!{ ForeignValue }

/// Represents a foreign value that contains a callable function or closure
pub struct ForeignFn<F> {
    name: Name,
    f: F,

impl<F> fmt::Debug for ForeignFn<F> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        f.write_str("ForeignFn { ... }")

impl<F> ForeignValue for ForeignFn<F>
        where F: Any + Fn(&Context, &mut [Value]) -> Result<Value, Error> {
    fn compare_to(&self, _rhs: &dyn ForeignValue) -> Result<Ordering, ExecError> {

    fn fmt_debug(&self, names: &NameStore, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "<foreign-fn {}>", names.get(

    fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str { "foreign-fn" }

    fn call_value(&self, ctx: &Context, args: &mut [Value]) -> Result<Value, Error> {
        (self.f)(ctx, args)

/// Creates a foreign function that implicitly converts input arguments
/// into Rust values and converts its result into a `ketos` value.
/// This function is added to the given scope with the given name.
/// ```ignore
/// fn foo(a: &str) -> Result<String, Error> { ... }
/// ketos_fn!{ scope => "my-fn" => fn foo(a: &str) -> String }
/// ```
macro_rules! ketos_fn {
    ( $scope:expr => $name:expr => fn $ident:ident
            ( $( $arg:ident : $arg_ty:ty ),* ) -> $res:ty ) => {
            |name| $crate::value::Value::new_foreign_fn(name, move |_scope, args| {
                let expected = 0 $( + { stringify!($arg); 1 } )*;

                if args.len() != expected {
                    return Err(From::from($crate::exec::ExecError::ArityError{
                        name: Some(name),
                        expected: $crate::function::Arity::Exact(expected as u32),
                        found: args.len() as u32,

                let mut _iter = (&*args).iter();

                let res = $ident(
                    $( {
                        let v =;
                        <$arg_ty as $crate::value::FromValueRef>::from_value_ref(v)?
                    } ),*

                Ok(<$res as Into<$crate::value::Value>>::into(res))

/// Similar to `ketos_fn`, this is a convenience macro fo redefining foreign
/// functions, with automatic conversion between rust and ketos values. The
/// difference is that this takes a closure instead.
/// This function is added to the given scope with the given name.
/// ```ignore
/// ketos_closure!(scope, "my-fn", |a: &str| -> String { ... })
/// ```
macro_rules! ketos_closure {
    ( $scope:expr, $name:expr, || -> $res:ty $code:block ) => {
        ketos_closure!($scope, $name, | | -> $res $code)
    ( $scope:expr, $name:expr, | $( $arg:ident : $arg_ty:ty ),* | -> $res:ty $code:block ) => {
        $scope.add_value_with_name($name, |name| Value::new_foreign_fn(name, move |_, args| {
            let expected = 0 $( + { stringify!($arg); 1 } )*;

            if args.len() != expected {
                return Err(From::from($crate::exec::ExecError::ArityError{
                    name: Some(name),
                    expected: $crate::function::Arity::Exact(expected as u32),
                    found: args.len() as u32,

            #[allow(unused_mut, unused_variables)]
            let mut iter = (&*args).iter();

            let f = |$( $arg : $arg_ty ),*| -> Result<$res, Error> { $code };
            let res = f(
                $( {
                    let v =;
                    <$arg_ty as $crate::value::FromValueRef>::from_value_ref(v)?
                } ),*

            Ok(<$res as Into<$crate::value::Value>>::into(res))

impl NameDebug for Value {
    fn fmt(&self, names: &NameStore, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            Value::Unit => write!(f, "()"),
            Value::Unbound => write!(f, "<unbound>"),
            Value::Bool(b) => write!(f, "{:?}", b),
            Value::Float(fl) => display_float(f, fl),
            Value::Integer(ref i) => write!(f, "{}", i),
            Value::Ratio(ref r) => if r.is_integer() {
                write!(f, "{}/1", r)
            } else {
                write!(f, "{}", r)
            Value::Char(ch) => write!(f, "#{:?}", ch),
            Value::String(ref s) => write!(f, "{:?}", s),
            Value::Bytes(ref s) => {

                for &b in s {
                    match b {
                        b'\\' => f.write_str(r"\\")?,
                        b'"' => f.write_str("\\\"")?,
                        b if is_printable(b) => write!(f, "{}", b as char)?,
                        b => write!(f, "\\x{:02x}", b)?

            Value::Path(ref p) => write!(f, "#p{:?}", p),
            Value::Name(name) => write!(f, "{}", names.get(name)),
            Value::Keyword(name) => write!(f, ":{}", names.get(name)),
            Value::Quasiquote(ref v, depth) => {
                for _ in 0..depth { write!(f, "`")?; }
                NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f)
            Value::Comma(ref v, depth) => {
                for _ in 0..depth { write!(f, ",")?; }
                NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f)
            Value::CommaAt(ref v, depth) => {
                for _ in 0..depth { write!(f, ",")?; }
                write!(f, "@")?;
                NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f)
            Value::Quote(ref v, depth) => {
                for _ in 0..depth { write!(f, "'")?; }
                NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f)
            Value::List(ref l) => {
                write!(f, "(")?;

                let mut iter = l.iter();

                if let Some(v) = {
                    NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f)?;

                for v in iter {
                    write!(f, " ")?;
                    NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f)?;

                write!(f, ")")
            // TODO: This output doesn't match the way structs are built.
            // Write out "(new 'name ...)"? Implement a shortcut syntax?
            Value::Struct(ref s) => {
                if s.fields().is_empty() {
                    write!(f, "{} {{}}", names.get(s.def().name()))
                } else {
                    let def = s.def();

                    write!(f, "{} {{ ", names.get(;

                    let mut iter = def.def().field_names().into_iter()

                    if let Some((name, value)) = {
                        write!(f, "{}: ", names.get(name))?;
                        NameDebug::fmt(value, names, f)?;

                    for (name, value) in iter {
                        write!(f, ", {}: ", names.get(name))?;
                        NameDebug::fmt(value, names, f)?;

                    write!(f, " }}")
            Value::StructDef(ref def) => {
                if let Some(vdef) = def.def().downcast_ref::<StructValueDef>() {
                    write!(f, "{} def {{ ", names.get(;

                    let mut iter = vdef.fields().iter();

                    if let Some(&(name, ty)) = {
                        write!(f, "{}: {}", names.get(name), names.get(ty))?;

                    for &(name, ty) in iter {
                        write!(f, ", {}: {}", names.get(name), names.get(ty))?;

                    write!(f, " }}")
                } else {
                    write!(f, "<struct-def {}>", names.get(
            Value::Function(ref fun) =>
                write!(f, "<function {}>", names.get(,
            Value::Lambda(ref c) => match {
                Some(name) => write!(f, "<lambda {}>", names.get(name)),
                None => write!(f, "<lambda>"),
            Value::Foreign(ref v) => v.fmt_debug(names, f),

impl NameDisplay for Value {
    fn fmt(&self, names: &NameStore, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            Value::Float(fl) => display_float(f, fl),
            Value::Char(ch) => write!(f, "{}", ch),
            Value::String(ref s) => write!(f, "{}", s),
            Value::Path(ref p) => write!(f, "{}", p.display()),
            Value::Foreign(ref v) => v.fmt_display(names, f),
            ref v => NameDebug::fmt(v, names, f),

fn coerce_compare_float(f: f64, is_lhs: bool, other: Option<f64>, is_pos: bool)
        -> Result<Ordering, ExecError> {
    let lt = if is_lhs { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Greater };
    let gt = if is_lhs { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Less };

    let ord = match f {
        f if f == INFINITY => gt,
        f if f == NEG_INFINITY => lt,
        f if f.is_nan() => return Err(ExecError::CompareNaN),
        _ => match other {
            Some(other) => {
                let ord = f.partial_cmp(&other).ok_or(ExecError::CompareNaN)?;
                if is_lhs {
                } else {
            None if is_pos => lt,
            None => gt


fn coerce_equal_float(f: f64, other: Option<f64>) -> bool {
    if f.is_infinite() || f.is_nan() {
    } else {
        other.map_or(false, |other| f == other)

fn display_float(f: &mut fmt::Formatter, v: f64) -> fmt::Result {
    if is_normal(v) {
        let s = v.to_string();

        if s.contains('.') {
            write!(f, "{}", s)
        } else {
            write!(f, "{}.0", s)
    } else {
        write!(f, "{}", v)

fn is_normal(f: f64) -> bool {
    !f.is_nan() && f.is_finite()

fn is_printable(b: u8) -> bool {
    b >= 0x20 && b <= 0x7e

fn flip_ordering(ord: Ordering) -> Ordering {
    match ord {
        Ordering::Equal => Ordering::Equal,
        Ordering::Greater => Ordering::Less,
        Ordering::Less => Ordering::Greater,

fn cmp_value_slice(a: &[Value], b: &[Value]) -> Result<Ordering, ExecError> {
    for (a, b) in a.iter().zip(b) {
        match {
            Ordering::Equal => (),
            ord => return Ok(ord),


fn eq_value_slice(a: &[Value], b: &[Value]) -> Result<bool, ExecError> {
    if a.len() != b.len() {
        return Ok(false);

    for (a, b) in a.iter().zip(b.iter()) {
        if !a.is_equal(b)? {
            return Ok(false);


fn float_is_identical(a: f64, b: f64) -> bool {
    a.to_bits() == b.to_bits()

fn list_is_identical(a: &[Value], b: &[Value]) -> bool {
    a.len() == b.len() &&
        a.iter().zip(b.iter()).all(|(a, b)| a.is_identical(b))

/// Borrows a Rust value from a `Value`
pub trait FromValueRef<'a>: Sized {
    /// Returns the borrowed value
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<Self, ExecError>;

macro_rules! simple_from_ref {
    ( $ty:ty ; $pat:pat => $expr:expr ; $ty_name:expr ) => {
        impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for $ty {
            fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<$ty, ExecError> {
                match *v {
                    $pat => Ok($expr),
                    ref v => Err(ExecError::expected($ty_name, v))

macro_rules! integer_from_ref {
    ( $ty:ident $meth:ident ) => {
        impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for $ty {
            fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<$ty, ExecError> {
                match *v {
                    Value::Integer(ref i) => i.$meth().ok_or(ExecError::Overflow),
                    ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("integer", v))

simple_from_ref!{ (); Value::Unit => (); "unit" }
simple_from_ref!{ bool; Value::Bool(b) => b; "bool" }
simple_from_ref!{ char; Value::Char(ch) => ch; "char" }
simple_from_ref!{ f32; Value::Float(f) => f as f32; "float" }
simple_from_ref!{ f64; Value::Float(f) => f; "float" }

integer_from_ref!{ i8 to_i8 }
integer_from_ref!{ i16 to_i16 }
integer_from_ref!{ i32 to_i32 }
integer_from_ref!{ i64 to_i64 }
integer_from_ref!{ isize to_isize }
integer_from_ref!{ u8 to_u8 }
integer_from_ref!{ u16 to_u16 }
integer_from_ref!{ u32 to_u32 }
integer_from_ref!{ u64 to_u64 }
integer_from_ref!{ usize to_usize }

impl<'a, T> FromValueRef<'a> for Option<T> where T: FromValueRef<'a> {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<Option<T>, ExecError> {
        if let Value::Unit = *v {
        } else {
            let v = T::from_value_ref(v)?;

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a str {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a str, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::String(ref s) => Ok(s),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("string", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a Path {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a Path, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::String(ref s) => Ok(s.as_ref()),
            Value::Path(ref p) => Ok(p),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("path", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a OsStr {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a OsStr, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::String(ref s) => Ok(s.as_ref()),
            Value::Path(ref p) => Ok(p.as_ref()),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("path", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a Integer {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a Integer, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Integer(ref i) => Ok(i),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("integer", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a Ratio {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a Ratio, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Ratio(ref r) => Ok(r),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("ratio", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a [Value] {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a [Value], ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Unit => Ok(&[]),
            Value::List(ref li) => Ok(li),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("list", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a Bytes {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a Bytes, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Bytes(ref b) => Ok(b),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("bytes", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a [u8] {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a [u8], ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Bytes(ref b) => Ok(b.as_ref()),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("bytes", v))

impl<'a, T: FromValueRef<'a>> FromValueRef<'a> for Vec<T> {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<Vec<T>, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Unit => Ok(Vec::new()),
            Value::List(ref li) => li.iter()
                .map(|v| T::from_value_ref(v)).collect(),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("list", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a Lambda {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a Lambda, ExecError> {
        match *v {
            Value::Lambda(ref l) => Ok(l),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("lambda", v))

impl<'a> FromValueRef<'a> for &'a Value {
    fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<&'a Value, ExecError> {

/// Consumes a `Value` and returns a Rust value
pub trait FromValue: Sized {
    /// Consumes the `Value` and returns a Rust value
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, ExecError>;

macro_rules! simple_from_value {
    ( $ty:ty ; $ty_name:expr ; $pat:pat => $expr:expr ) => {
        impl FromValue for $ty {
            fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<$ty, ExecError> {
                match v {
                    $pat => Ok($expr),
                    ref v => Err(ExecError::expected($ty_name, v))

macro_rules! integer_from_value {
    ( $ty:ident $meth:ident ) => {
        impl FromValue for $ty {
            fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<$ty, ExecError> {
                match v {
                    Value::Integer(ref i) => i.$meth().ok_or(ExecError::Overflow),
                    ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("integer", v))

simple_from_value!{ (); "unit"; Value::Unit => () }
simple_from_value!{ bool; "bool"; Value::Bool(b) => b }
simple_from_value!{ char; "char"; Value::Char(ch) => ch }
simple_from_value!{ f32; "float"; Value::Float(f) => f as f32 }
simple_from_value!{ f64; "float"; Value::Float(f) => f }
simple_from_value!{ String; "string"; Value::String(s) => s.into_string() }
simple_from_value!{ Bytes; "bytes"; Value::Bytes(s) => s }
simple_from_value!{ Integer; "integer"; Value::Integer(i) => i }
simple_from_value!{ Ratio; "ratio"; Value::Ratio(r) => r }

integer_from_value!{ i8 to_i8 }
integer_from_value!{ i16 to_i16 }
integer_from_value!{ i32 to_i32 }
integer_from_value!{ i64 to_i64 }
integer_from_value!{ isize to_isize }
integer_from_value!{ u8 to_u8 }
integer_from_value!{ u16 to_u16 }
integer_from_value!{ u32 to_u32 }
integer_from_value!{ u64 to_u64 }
integer_from_value!{ usize to_usize }

impl FromValue for PathBuf {
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<PathBuf, ExecError> {
        match v {
            Value::String(s) => Ok(PathBuf::from(s.into_string())),
            Value::Path(p) => Ok(p),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("path", v))

impl FromValue for OsString {
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<OsString, ExecError> {
        PathBuf::from_value(v).map(|p| p.into_os_string())

impl FromValue for Value {
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {

impl FromValue for Lambda {
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Lambda, ExecError> {
        match v {
            Value::Lambda(l) => Ok(l),
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("lambda", v))

impl<T: FromValue> FromValue for Vec<T> {
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Vec<T>, ExecError> {
        match v {
            Value::Unit => Ok(Vec::new()),
            Value::List(li) => li.into_vec().into_iter()
            ref v => Err(ExecError::expected("list", v))

impl<T: FromValue> FromValue for Option<T> {
    fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Option<T>, ExecError> {
        match v {
            Value::Unit => Ok(None),
            v => Ok(Some(T::from_value(v)?)),

macro_rules! value_from {
    ( $ty:ty ; $pat:pat => $expr:expr ) => {
        impl From<$ty> for Value {
            fn from($pat: $ty) -> Value {

value_from!{ (); _ => Value::Unit }
value_from!{ bool; b => Value::Bool(b) }
value_from!{ char; c => Value::Char(c) }
value_from!{ Integer; i => Value::Integer(i) }
value_from!{ Ratio; r => Value::Ratio(r) }
value_from!{ String; s => Value::String(RcString::new(s)) }
value_from!{ Bytes; s => Value::Bytes(s) }
value_from!{ PathBuf; p => Value::Path(p) }
value_from!{ OsString; s => Value::Path(PathBuf::from(s)) }
value_from!{ f32; f => Value::Float(f64::from(f)) }
value_from!{ f64; f => Value::Float(f) }

impl<T: Into<Value>> From<Option<T>> for Value {
    fn from(v: Option<T>) -> Value {
        if let Some(v) = v {
        } else {

impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Value {
    fn from(s: &str) -> Value {

impl<'a> From<&'a Path> for Value {
    fn from(s: &Path) -> Value {

impl<'a> From<&'a OsStr> for Value {
    fn from(s: &OsStr) -> Value {

impl From<RcString> for Value {
    fn from(s: RcString) -> Value {

impl<T: Into<Value>> From<Vec<T>> for Value {
    fn from(v: Vec<T>) -> Value {
        if v.is_empty() {
        } else {
            Value::List(RcVec::new(v.into_iter().map(|v| v.into()).collect()))

impl<'a, T: Clone + Into<Value>> From<&'a [T]> for Value {
    fn from(v: &[T]) -> Value {
        if v.is_empty() {
        } else {
            Value::List(RcVec::new(v.iter().map(|v| v.clone().into()).collect()))

impl<'a, T: Clone + Into<Value>> From<&'a mut [T]> for Value {
    fn from(v: &mut [T]) -> Value {

impl From<RcVec<Value>> for Value {
    fn from(v: RcVec<Value>) -> Value {
        if v.is_empty() {
        } else {

macro_rules! from_integer {
    ( $ty:ident $meth:ident ) => {
        impl From<$ty> for Value {
            fn from(i: $ty) -> Value {

from_integer!{ i8 from_i8 }
from_integer!{ i16 from_i16 }
from_integer!{ i32 from_i32 }
from_integer!{ i64 from_i64 }
from_integer!{ isize from_isize }
from_integer!{ u8 from_u8 }
from_integer!{ u16 from_u16 }
from_integer!{ u32 from_u32 }
from_integer!{ u64 from_u64 }
from_integer!{ usize from_usize }

macro_rules! conv_tuple {
    ( $n:expr => $( $name:ident )+ ) => {
        impl<$( $name: Into<Value> ),+> From<( $( $name ),+ ,)> for Value {
            fn from(v: ( $( $name , )+ )) -> Value {
                let ( $( $name , )+ ) = v;

                vec![$( $name.into() ),+].into()

        impl<$( $name: FromValue ),+> FromValue for ( $( $name , )+ ) {
            fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<( $( $name , )+ ), ExecError> {
                match v {
                    Value::List(ref li) if li.len() == $n => (),
                    ref v => return Err(ExecError::expected(
                        concat!("list of ", stringify!($n), " elements"), v))

                let mut iter = match v {
                    Value::List(li) => li.into_vec().into_iter(),
                    _ => unreachable!()

                    $( $name::from_value( , )+

        impl<'a, $( $name: FromValueRef<'a> ),+> FromValueRef<'a> for ( $( $name , )+ ) {
            fn from_value_ref(v: &'a Value) -> Result<( $( $name , )+ ), ExecError> {
                let mut iter = match *v {
                    Value::List(ref li) if li.len() == $n => li.iter(),
                    _ => return Err(ExecError::expected(
                        concat!("list of ", stringify!($n), " elements"), v))

                    $( $name::from_value_ref( , )+

conv_tuple!{  1 => A }
conv_tuple!{  2 => A B }
conv_tuple!{  3 => A B C }
conv_tuple!{  4 => A B C D }
conv_tuple!{  5 => A B C D E }
conv_tuple!{  6 => A B C D E F }
conv_tuple!{  7 => A B C D E F G }
conv_tuple!{  8 => A B C D E F G H }
conv_tuple!{  9 => A B C D E F G H I }
conv_tuple!{ 10 => A B C D E F G H I J }
conv_tuple!{ 11 => A B C D E F G H I J K }
conv_tuple!{ 12 => A B C D E F G H I J K L }